《The Kissing Game》Chapter 35


I rang the doorbell and waited anxiously for Axel to open the door. To be honest, I was nervous. I had no idea if Axel hated me and never wanted to see me again, which would mean I had ruined one of the best things that had happen to me. So taking a deep breath in, I prayed he'd be forgiving.

Suddenly the door opened and Axel appeared. Upon seeing me, he looked genuinely surprised. But then, he quickly concealed that expression with a neutral look. I gulped, knowing I had never seen Axel without his famous smile.

"I'm an idiot," I blurted out without thinking. "I messed up."

I never apologized, so this was a big deal. Axel didn't seem to know this because his expression didn't change.

"Why are you here?" he asked flatly.

"To apologize," I said, voice growing gentle. "I am so sorry for everything."

He stared at me, his expression unchanging. But I noticed the hardness in his eyes faltered, which gave me confidence.

"Why the change of heart?" he asked.

"From the moment I was born, my mom told me that guys are no good. That they'll only use you and honestly, I think that's what made me so turned off by them," I told him. "I unconsciously believed her words, but then I met you and suddenly, everything changed. I wanted you and I trusted you, but my mom kept telling me you were no good and that you only wanted me for something. And even though I didn't believe her, unconsciously, I became insecure.

"Because honestly, I think you're too good for me. I have no idea why you would be interested in me. You're attractive, popular, and you can get any girl. Why me?" I looked away, embarrassed by my weakness. "Anyways, I guess that's why I believed our classmate's words. Mom was telling me you were using me and I thought you were too good for me, so their words seemed true. Now I know I'm an idiot and that I messed up because I know you would never hurt me. I know you really like me. I trust you and for the moment I didn't, I really messed up."


I looked up at Axel, wondering what he was thinking. My cheeks were flushed and I prayed he'd understand. I hoped he didn't hate me. And when I looked at him, my prayers were answered.

Axel's eyes were soft and affectionate on me. They were forgiving and he stepped forward, throwing his arms open. I flung myself into them and hugged him, thanking my lucky stars that he had a kind soul.

"Yeah, you messed up idiot," Axel said as I hugged him tightly. "But I understand. I really do."

I didn't say anything as I continue to hug him. This was too good to be true, but I told myself to believe it. Axel was mine and we were going to stay strong. From now on, I wouldn't let anyone interfere with our relationship.


We were laying Axel's bed, cuddling, and I sighed happily as I snuggled my face into his chest. I was happy and I wondered why I had risked everything. Even for a moment, I wondered why I thought I didn't mind losing him.

"Do you want to know why I was so desperate to win The Kissing Game?" Axel suddenly asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah," I said, growing curious. "Why do you want to be The Holy Kisser so badly?"

"Remember how I told you that I feel like I'm... A waste of space?" he asked, causing me to tense. "That I have no talent? That I'm nothing special?"

"Yeah, and I told you that you're wrong."

"Yeah." Axel gave me a small smile. "Well, I guess I want to be special somehow, so that's why I want to be The Holy Kisser. It would be nice to achieve something, so that's why I wanted to win The Kissing Game so badly. I want to be something in this world and even though it's not much, The Holy Kisser is something."

I stared at him, amazed. Once I had thought Axel was just an idiot, but now I knew there was so much more to him. So much depth and even though it saddened me to know how he truly felt, I was glad he was opening up to me.


"Why do you feel like a waste of space?" I asked. "Who made you feel this way?"

"I guess my parents." He shrugged. "They always tell me that I'm... Good for nothing. I guess I just really took their words in and it doesn't help that they never paid attention to me."

My heart ached and I found myself growing sad. Even though lately my parents and I hadn't been on great terms, they were always supportive. Always loving and motivating, which made me realize how lucky I was. Growing sad, I knew I would make amends with them.

"Zoey, don't get sad. There's a happy ending to this," Axel said, tilting my face up. "I did feel like I was nothing and a waste of space, but honestly, you make me feel like I'm something. You make me feel like I have a spot here in this world, which is at your side."

I teared up, touched by his sweet words. Leaning in, I kissed him and he kissed me back immediately, giving me the pleasant feelings I loved when we had last kissed. Smiling, I once again told myself that I would never let this go.

Axel pulled back, grinned, and said, "Whoops. Now you have the kiss."

"Oh yeah." My eyes widened. "Here."

I leaned forward again, but he stopped me. He was grinning and I furrowed my eyebrows, confused.

"I don't need the kiss," he said. "I don't need the title anymore. Keep it, Zoey. After everything you've gone through this year, you deserve to finish school with the kiss."

Although I didn't agree with what he said, I smiled, happy that he didn't care about the kiss he had thought would make him happy. It seemed like the both of us were happy and that was all that mattered. Well that, and my parents. I needed to make amends with them too.


I walked into the kitchen, feeling nervous as my parents looked at me from where they sat at the dining table. I stood, holding my hands together, and hoped things would heal between us. Things had gotten better when Axel was out of my life, but now that he was back in it, I knew they wouldn't be happy.

"You got back together with Axel, right?" Mom suddenly asked, surprising me.

"What?" My jaw dropped. "How did you know?"

"You look so much happier right now then you've been for the past week." Her eyes softened. "And I'm happy for you."

I stared at Mom, unable to believe her words. She had been so against Axel and I and suddenly, she looked genuinely happy for us.

"He makes you happy and I know he's a good guy," she said softly. "Luke has talked to me and seeing the affect he has on you, I know he's good for you. I'm proud of you Zoey. Never let him go."

I teared up with happiness and Mom and Dad ran up to me. They hugged me and I cried tears of joy, happy they were finally back on my side. I was more than happy that they were proud of me, because that was all I ever wanted. I just wanted them to be proud of me and with Axel also at my side, I was at my happiest.

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