《The Kissing Game》Chapter 34


A week had passed and school was awkward. Axel and I both ignored each other and everyone was talking about it. Everyone was specifically talking about how stupid I was to trust Axel and honestly, it bothered me. Even though once I couldn't care about their words, they hurt and I didn't know why.

I opened the door to my house and stepped in. Sighing, I dragged myself upstairs and flopped down onto my bed. My parents weren't home yet and I was sure I was home alone, which meant I would be drowning in regrets and sadness, as I had been lately.

Why did it have to be him, I thought. If it had been anyone else, someone like Xavier, I wouldn't be in this position. I would be happy and in a loving relationship.

Closing my eyes, I told myself to forget. There was no point in worrying now. School would be over in two weeks and even though Axel and I would be - sadly - going to the same university, I doubt we would see each other much. Being sad about this was just a waste of time.

"Zoey," Luke said, surprising me.

I opened my eyes and sat up, looking to where Luke stood by the door. He was staring at me, looking solemn, and I frowned. Luke was always grinning, so seeing him like this was odd.

"Can I talk to you?" he asked.

"Sure," I said, confused.

Luke walked over to me and sat next to me. He wasn't looking at me anymore, but around my room. As he did that, he looked wistful.

"You were always so stubborn," he said suddenly. "I admire your confidence, but sometimes it led to you being unreasonably stubborn."

I blinked. I wondered where he was going.


"Don't you think you're being stubborn now?" he asked. "After everything Axel has said and done for you, you're not going to say you're sorry. That you messed up?"

My jaw dropped. "You're on his side?"

"Yes, because I know who's right. And for once, it isn't you."

I would be lying if I said I wasn't offended. Luke was my brother and yet, he was on the side of the guy who broke my heart. I couldn't believe it.

"I think you should leave," I said, trying to remain calm. "Now."

"No, I won't until you go to Axel and apologize," he said defiantly. "Now listen to me."

I was surprised by this side of Luke. Usually he was always uncaring and not serious about everything. Right now, he was the exact opposite.

"Axel really likes you," he told me. "He would never, ever hurt you. I have no idea why you would think otherwise."

"He only started talking to me when I got the kiss," I shot back. "He didn't talk to me at all for an entire day when he got the kiss."

"You know why he did. He's insecure and he was trying to get attention off of you guys. Everything he does is for you, Zoey. It's because he likes you that much."

"How do you know it's not all a lie? How do you know he's not acting?"

Luke inhaled sharply, seeming frustrated. I rolled my eyes and thought of how my brother didn't understand. He only dated girls briefly and then broke up with them, saying he wasn't interested. He had never been in a serious relationship.

"Look, I'm going to tell you this, even though Axel told me not to," Luke said, growing dead serious. "Okay?"



"I went to this party in the beginning of the year and Axel was also there," he said. "We were both drunk and somehow we ended up outside, sitting beneath the stars. Yes, I beat you at that cute moment with your guy.

"Anyways, we were just talking about school and girls and suddenly, he brought up you. He hadn't known we were siblings and he told me that he has liked you since the start of freshman year. He told me that there's just something about your confidence and intelligence, and it helped that you were beautiful, that draws him. He told me he had tried so hard in the past to get over you, but it never worked."

I stared at Luke, unable to believe that this conversation had existed. Thinking of what Axel told me, a realization was beginning to dawn on me.

"But, he thought you were too good for him," Luke continued. "He thought you would never look his way and that was why he never made a move. He told me he's going to wait for the perfect opportunity and somehow win your heart. He told me it would be a dream come true to be yours. When he told me this, he was smiling."

I didn't know what to say. Luke wouldn't lie to me, so I knew this was true. I knew that this actually happened. Apparently, Axel always liked me. I was an idiot.

"Oh my god," I said, stunned. "I'm an idiot. I don't know why I ever listened to my stupid classmates."

"Love makes you vulnerable." Luke gave me a small smile. "It opens your heart up and that leads to insecurities as you think that someone will harm that open, loving heart. I know you think that Axel is too good for you, even though you won't admit it, and that was why you easily believed everyone's words. Honestly, I don't blame you."

"Luke, you're actually really wise." My eyes softened. "Are you in love?"

He looked away, blushing. "Yes, I am. And I have a feeling I'm going to end up like Axel. I'm in love with a girl I won't make a move on."

"Axel did end up making a move." I smiled. "You'll end up like him, I hope."

"With his girl at his side?"

"Yes." I slid off of the bed. "I think I need to tell him I'm sorry for being an idiot."

"Good." Luke grinned, returning to his old self. "So you know you messed up?"

"Yes." I rolled my eyes, but then suddenly threw my arms around Luke. "Thank you."

He hugged me back. "You're welcome."

I let go and ran off, grabbing keys, and rushing to the car no one in my family used. Before I knew it I was pulling out of the driveway and heading to Axel's house. My heart was racing, but I knew this would end well. Because for the first time, I would be the one apologizing.

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