《The Kissing Game》Chapter 24


"So, where are we going hang out?" I asked as I got into his black car.

"A hill," he answered nonchalantly as he settled into the drivers seat.

I blinked. "A hill?"

"Yup." He smiled at me. "Knowing you, you don't like big, dazzled up events. You prefer nature and you like talking about life. That's what we're going to do."

I stared at him, my jaw hanging a bit, shocked by the fact that he knew me well. Without me even telling him that I was into those things, he had known. It was oddly touching and I had to force myself to look away, knowing I was staring at him for too long.

"What do you think?" Axel asked, pulling out of the schools parking lot.

"It sound great," I answered honestly.

From my peripheral vision, I could see Axel grinning. My heart skipped a beat at the sight.


We were at the top of a grassy hill. The wind was blowing and my hair was flying. So was his and as usual, I had this urge to run my fingers through his hair. I wanted to place his lovely, chocolate strands back in place, but obviously I couldn't do that. Not without embarrassing myself.

"Do you mind lying on the grass?" Axel asked, looking at me.

"Not at all," I answered, dropping to the ground.

I lay down and looked up at the sky. It was clear and blue and beautiful. The blue of it was a lovely shade and I knew it resembled Axel's eyes.

Axel went to my side and he dropped down. He was soon lying next to me, staring up at the sky as well. He lay near me and I had to fight the urge to look at him, knowing I'd start getting lost in his eyes. It was a bad habit I had gotten.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked then, wanting to start a conversation to forget about my worrisome thoughts.

"Anything," Axel answered. "Everything."

"I don't think we have time for everything."

"I wish we did."

Axel's voice was soft and I couldn't help but glance at him. His eyes looked sad to my surprise, and I wondered if something was bugging him. I wanted to ask, but felt odd doing so.

"Do you hate our school?" Axel asked.


"Kind of," I replied. "I mean, I hate the people in it. The school isn't so bad."

"I get why you hate them now, but why before. What makes you hate them?"

I thought about it for a second, slightly unsure. Ever since freshman year I did, but I hadn't really thought of the reason. There were many, so I tried to come up with the biggest one.

"They're all followers," I answered eventually. "They agree with the shittiest opinions and try too hard to fit in. No offence, but The Kissing Game is a prime example of that."

Axel tensed up next to me and I looked at him. He hadn't looked at me once and I was slightly offended. But seeing the pained look he wore, worry bloomed within me.

"Why don't you try to fit in?" Axel asked. "I'm not saying you should, but why doesn't it matter to you?"

"Because I like who I am." I was staring at him at this point. "I believe in things that most don't and I don't agree with what most do. Naturally, I don't fit in and I don't care."

"How do you not care?"

"I just don't." I shrugged. "I'm happy with who I am and I make my parents proud. I couldn't care less about what others think."

Axel didn't say anything for a bit and I stared at him, unable to help it. His eyes were glued to the sky and I studied his features, realizing how close we were. Usually up close people would be less attractive due to their flaws, but I had to admit Axel wasn't. He was somehow beautiful with his sharp but delicate features.

Suddenly, he looked at me. His eyes were soft, but he looked solemn. The sight made my heart drop and I slid closer, wondering if he needed comfort.

"I'm jealous of you," Axel said out of nowhere.

"What?" I said immediately, surprised.

My eyes went wide and I stared at Axel, unable to comprehend his words. Not in a billion years had I expected to hear them.

"I've always been jealous of you," Axel repeated, giving me a small smile. "Ever since I saw you in freshman year, I've been jealous. I see how confident you are and how you don't care about what others think, and I get jealous. Confidence is such an attractive thing."


My heartbeat accelerated at his words. None of them were believable, but he sounded so sincere that I knew he meant them. Somehow, Axel was jealous of me.

"You're everything anyone could ever want to be," Axel continued. "Smart, beautiful, kind, funny. You have everything, but what stands out is your confidence. It radiates off of you and I don't think you notice this, but you turn heads with it. People are naturally drawn to it."

"That's a lie," I couldn't help but say. "Everyone hates me."

"Envy is an ugly thing." His eyes darkened slightly. "Those who want to be you, pretend to hate you."

His words hit me hard and if I were to be honest, they were incredibly touching. I had never really thought about myself like that. I had always thought I was too opinionated and stubborn. Confident to this point was flattering and seeing Axel look so genuine made me flush.

"I don't know why you're jealous," I said, staring at his blue eyes. "You're confident too. You turn heads too and if I weren't so stubborn I would name some of your decent traits."

"No, Zoey." Axel sighed. "It's all an act. I'm not the confident guy you think I am."

I didn't know what to say. But because it was getting late and we were talking about such deep things, I decided to push on. This was my time to learn more about Axel.

"Then who are you?" I whispered.

"I'm Axel West," he answered. "I'm the guy who got hit by puberty right before high school hard, but will always think of himself as the fat, ugly guy he used to be. I'm the talentless guy who has nothing to be proud of. My parents could care less about me since I'm the middle child and they think I'm useless anyways. I-"

"Stop," I cut in, unable to take it. "Stop putting yourself down. You're none of those things."

"I am Zoey," Axel said exasperatedly. "That's why I can't be confident."

My heart hurt. I hated hearing Axel talk like that because he was so much more than what he thought he was. He was none of those things and I wondered how in the world this guy who everyone thought was arrogant thought he was nothing. It was frustrating and heartbreaking all at once.

"I just want to be someone others can like," Axel said quietly. "That's why I try to be the cocky Axel you see at school. People like that Axel. They won't realize what a waste of space he is."

Unable to take it, I sat up. I moved in front of Axel and grabbed onto his jacket, forcing him to sit up as well. I pulled him close to me so that our faces were near and I made him look at me. Hoping he'd realize I was serious, I forced his attention on me.

"I like this Axel," I said, serious. "The Axel I've grown to know is someone who is really likeable. You are so much more than what you think. You're funny, smart, sweet, and caring. You're gorgeous and god Axel, I don't know what to say. I just think you're incredible and I don't understand how you don't know that you are. It's unbelievable to think that someone who is so clearly special doesn't realize it."

"How am I special?" he asked bitterly, staring at me.

"You're special to me!" I exclaimed.

The moment those words were out, I blushed. I let go of Axel and looked away, shocked by my words. Embarrassment hit me and I wondered why I said that. Where did that come from?

"I... Sorry," I said. "But do you understand?"

Axel didn't say anything, which left me worried. Despite my embarrassment, I forced myself to look at him. And when I did, I was surprised to see that he was wearing an affectionate look.

"Thank you," he said, grabbing my arms.

Axel pulled me towards him and he wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back and snuggled my face into his chest. I wasn't sure if he realized the truth about himself, but I hoped he did. Axel needed to realize he was incredible.

My cheeks went red at those words and in his arms, I knew what was going on. I did not just care about Axel, but I liked him. It was obvious from the way I had been acting around him and with my outburst, I knew he was special in that way to me. Knowing this would be a problem, I decided to dwell on it later. Right then, I just wanted to enjoy being in his arms.

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