《The Kissing Game》Chapter 21


The Monday following the dance was an odd one. As I walked through the hallways I heard murmurs about me, reminding me of the time my peers had hated me for keeping the kiss. My gut twisted with uneasiness and I glanced around, wondering what everyone was talking about.

I went to my locker and busied myself there, hoping to eavesdrop on the conversations of my peers. They were all whispering quietly, but I caught the words of a boy nearby.

"I can't believe she's with Axel," the boy said. "Of all people why him?"

"Girls are into the whole bad boy thing," a girl whispered back. "I told you so."

"Shut up." He groaned. "I'm upset enough about Axel becoming The Holy Kisser."

I zoned out of the conversation then, frowning. All this time I had thought I'd been pretty secretive about Axel, but it seemed like my peers knew. Somehow they knew I had softened up to him. That wasn't a good sign.

Shutting my locker, I decided to just ignore their words. In all honestly, Axel wouldn't receive the kiss, so their words were just rumours. Rumours were best left alone, so that was what I would do.


"So, tell me about Axel," Hannah said next to me in English.

I blushed, unable to help it. Giving her a dark look, I hoped she'd realize this was a topic I didn't want to talk about.

She didn't.

"You danced with him at the dance." Hannah grinned in a suggestive way. "You never told me just how close you guys are."

"We're not," I said a little too quickly, causing me to blush harder. "He... I just don't hate him, okay. He doesn't mean anything to me."


"I never said he did."

I huffed at that, feeling annoyed. Although I admitted I didn't hate him, I didn't want to say anything else. Not yet, at least.

"How's Archer?" I asked, changing the topic.

"Great," she said, sighing in defeat lightly. "I think I like him."

"That's good." I smiled. "He's sweet."

She smiled as well. "He sure is."

Hannah's eyes moved to where Archer was and to my surprise, he looked at her in that exact moment. The both of them smiled at each other, seeming to convey their feelings in a simple look, and something in my heart twisted. I wasn't sure of what it was, but a sudden question popped into my mind.

"How did you realize you like him?" I asked.

"I don't know," she said, looking at me. "One day I just felt something in my heart telling me I want to be with him. He's always on my mind and I just want him to be happy. It's... Complicated."

"Seems like it," I said thoughtfully, knowing I had never felt that feeling.

"Why are you asking?"

"I don't know." I shrugged. "I don't like surprises, so I guess I want to be prepared."

Hannah gave me a smile that left me blushing. She knew me well and it was embarrassing. Shaking my head, I looked at the empty desk that I wished was filled and sighed. Things were complicated as it was and I wondered how worse they'd become.


I was at my locker with Hannah and the whispers were around me again. They were louder and I could hear the words about Axel and I. They were of how I was stupid and weak for choosing Axel. Of how Axel was a lucky guy for getting someone as stubborn as me. Hearing Axel being praised and me being dissed left me tensing as I put my books away.


"Just ignore them Zoey," Hannah said, seeming to notice my unease. "They're stupid."

I nodded, but couldn't help but continue to eavesdrop. Now everyone was muttering about how Axel won. He would become The Holy Kisser and that would be it. For some reason, that made me madder. I didn't know why but I hated how my peers thought I'd let someone win the stupid game so easily.

I whirled around, ready to burst, but I was suddenly facing a guy. He was looking annoyed as he stared at me and my eyebrows rose as I wondered what he wanted. Already annoyed, I scowled at him.

"You're an idiot," he said bluntly.

"Excuse me?" I said, eyes narrowing.

"You're going to choose Axel!" the guy exclaimed. "Of all people, why him! Why the biggest asshole in our school? Are girls really that stupid to fall for the assholes?"

I was taken aback by his words. Insulted, anger rushed into me and my defences rose. Without thinking, words began to fly out of my mouth.

"Why in the world does everyone think I chose Axel!" I suddenly shouted, making sure everyone nearby heard me. "Why would you ever think that?"

"We saw you at the dance," he said, remaining calm. "You were with Axel. You're always with Axel."

"Doesn't mean I like him!" I exclaimed, frustrated. "I would never, ever like a guy like him! Are you guys crazy? I have standards and he does not reach them. None of you guys do. So don't go thinking that I'm going to pass the kiss anytime soon. You don't know me."

The guy was taken aback from my words and from the silence suddenly surrounding us, I knew everyone was surprised. He suddenly shook his head, looking defeated, and walked off. Everyone else just looked at me and I groaned, knowing I had reacted. I didn't know why but when it came to Axel and my feelings, I was incredibly defensive.

My eyes wandered around the hallway we were in and noticing everyone was staring at me, I shot them glares. They quickly went back to what they were doing and I sighed, ready to go back to my own ordinary life. But before I did, my eyes spotted something that made my eyes go wide. Horrified, my eyes met Axel's eyes from across the hallway and my heart stopped.

Axel looked heartbroken. He looked hurt and I knew it was because of what I said. He must've heard all of it and suddenly, I felt guilty. Horribly guilty and I stepped towards him, wanting to say something.

But Axel shook his head and walked off, leaving me staring after him, hating myself for reacting. I hadn't meant my words. I had just tried to get everyone to leave me alone because I hated this sort of attention. Axel was never supposed to hear this and now that he did, I hated myself. For once, I wished I didn't have such a big mouth.

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