《The Kissing Game》Chapter 13


I walked into the cafeteria and my eyes immediately went to my table, hoping to find Hannah. To my delight I spotted her at our table, sitting alone. She seemed to notice someone was staring at her because she suddenly looked at me and grinned. I grinned back.

I began to make my way towards her, but suddenly I felt someone tap my shoulder. Confused, I turned around and suddenly, I was facing Chris. Hatred suddenly flared up within me at the sight of him, knowing this was all his fault.

"What do you want?" I spat.

"The kiss," he answered bluntly. "That's all I want."

"Sucks to be you." I cocked my head and gave a fake smile. "I have to like you to give it to you and believe me when I say that I would never fall for you."

Chris's eyes darkened and knowing he wasn't afraid to force his lips on me, I stepped back. I stood my ground however and stood proudly, glaring back at him. Thinking of everything I'd been through, my hands curled into fists and I glowered at him.

"Don't be so sure," Chris said, stepping forward. "I'm known to be irresistible."

I rolled my eyes, but found myself staring at Chris, who was considerably attractive. Too bad he was an asshole.

"Come on, Zoey," Chris said, sighing irritably. "We know you're heartless. You're not going to fall for anyone, so might as well just pass the kiss and be rid of it."

"No," I said through gritted teeth. "Shut up and leave me alone."

I tried to turn around to leave, but Chris grabbed my arm, forcing me to look at him. Irritated, I scowled at him and hoped my hatred for him would seep through me and scare him. But sadly, it didn't.

"Come on, Zoey," Chris said, leaning forward. "Just kiss me."

I pulled my hand up, ready to slap him because he was the one person I wasn't afraid to hurt. If I thought Axel was arrogant, I didn't know what to call Chris. Chris who was so vain and rude and forceful.

Suddenly, Chris was yanked away from me before I could do anything. He was thrown back and suddenly, Axel stood in front of me, his body tense as he loomed over Chris. With his back to me, I noticed it seemed like he was trying to block Chris from me.


"Chris," Axel said venomously. "What are you doing with my girl?"

"Your girl?" Chris scoffed. "Since when?"

"Since you've forced the kiss on her." Axel stepped forward and I knew he was scowling at Chris, even though I couldn't see his face. "Whoever has the kiss is mine."

There it was again. Axel was making me his property, and only because I had the kiss. The stupid freaking kiss that I was becoming sick of. My hands curled into fists again.

"Sure man." Chris grinned cockily. "That's why I've received the kiss more than you. Since all 'your girls' would rather kiss me than you."

Axel's body tensed and I felt disgusted by the guys in front of me. They seemed be having a who can be more arrogant contest and it was messed up.

"Well, we all know who Zoey would rather kiss, don't we?" Axel said.

"Do we now?" Chris raised an eyebrow. "Let's ask."

Both boys turned to face me and I stared at them, unable to believe they were serious. Chris looked so sure of himself and Axel looked so hopeful, but I was equally mad at the both of them. That was why I glared at them both.

"You guys seriously want an answer? Here it is," I said, voice sharp. "I would never, ever kiss either of you. I would rather kiss a pig than you two, even though I'm pretty sure pigs are your relatives."

I turned around, barely noticing the look of hurt on Axel's face. Storming off, I found my heart tightening as I realized guys were truly stupid. I doubt I could ever fall in love.


"Zoey, come down and eat!" my dad shouted.

"I'm okay!" I shouted back. "I'm not hungry!"

My stomach growled and I told it to shut up. Bringing out my laptop, I began to scroll through Facebook, hoping to forget the events of today. But no matter what I did, nothing changed. I kept thinking of Axel and feeling a small stab of hurt, which left me annoyed with myself.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. Looking at my door, I sighed, thinking it was one of my parents. For once I wished I didn't have such loving parents.

"I'm not hungry!" I shouted, hoping I sounded honest. "I'm fine Mom or Dad!"


"It's Luke, actually," Luke said, to my surprise. "So apparently I knock like them."

I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?"

"To see my wonderful sibling."

"Shut up Luke. I'm serious."

"Can I come in?"

Reluctantly, I said fine and Luke opened the door. Wearing his usual gray sweats and white v-neck, his eyes softened at the sight of me, surprising me. Luke never admitted to caring about anyone or anything, so it was odd seeing him look at me like this.

He went over to my bed and sat down, sitting on the edge. I sat in the centre with my back pressed against the headboard, staring at my laptop as I scrolled through my newsfeed. Although I loved my brother, we didn't communicate often. Our rooms were off limits to each other, so I found this bizarre.

"So, what do you want?" I asked, hoping to be left alone to brood.

"I want to know what's up with you," Luke answered. "Seriously. When aren't you hungry?"

I pressed my lips together, not wanting to respond. Luke was my younger brother and I wasn't the type of person to confide in someone with my problems. That was why I tried to stay focused on my laptop.

"Fine. Okay," Luke said, feigning hurt. "I see how it is. I try to be a good brother. Someone who cares about his sassy sister, and this is what I get. I'm totally not offended."

I sighed, giving in. Luke was the typical younger brother and I constantly questioned whether I wanted to smother him with care or kick his ass.

"Why are guys idiots?" I asked.

"Um, sorry?" Luke said, staring at me with confusion written across his face.

"They're so annoyingly complicated," I continued ranting. "And bipolar. One second they're so sweet and caring and the next second they're arrogant and rude. How do you know which persona is the real deal?"

"If this is your subtle way of lashing out at me, I hope you know I'm so sorry for whatever I did," Luke said, looking worried.

"Not you, idiot." I sighed. "Boys in general. I hate them."

His eyebrows rose. "You hate guys?"

I nodded, believing I did. They caused me so much stress and especially after receiving the kiss, none would leave me alone. Not a single one of them would give me my space and let me breathe, and I hated them. I hated their cocky, selfish personalities.

"Guys are jerks," I said. "Too self absorbed and cocky. I wish I went to an all girls school."

"Not all guys are bad," Luke interjected. "I mean you have your typical assholes out there, but the same goes for girls. You can't just generalize guys as a whole."

"You don't understand," I groaned. "They've been ruining my life lately."

"If you're talking about Axel, then let me tell you he's not one of the assholes."

I froze at the mention of Axel and my cheeks reddened. I was completely caught off guard.

"You know Axel?" I asked, hoping to sound casual.

"Yup," he answered. "And he's a pretty decent guy. Misunderstood I would say. I know you have the kiss and he's probably trying to get it from you, but honestly he's not bad. I like him."

I couldn't believe what he was saying. Luke seemed to know Axel on a personal level and it left me curious. So many questions popped into my mind.

"What's makes you think he's a decent guy?" I asked.

To my surprise, Luke suddenly stood up and said, "That's for you to find out by yourself. See you sister."

"What?" My jaw dropped as Luke began to walk away. "You... You just can't leave like that."

"Zoey, be patient," Luke said, glancing at me as he reached the door. "Just know that there are some good guys out there and Axel is one of them."

Luke then left, leaving me sitting where I was, staring after him. I was wondering about a lot and thinking of what Luke said, I sighed. It definitely seemed like I would need to be patient, but still I let my mind ponder over Axel. If my brother who rarely complimented others thought Axel was decent, then was he?

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