《Natsu x Lucy (smut included)》Happy!


~Lucy's POV~

It's raining heavily on the guild hall's roof. It feels like the ocean is falling from the sky. I'm sitting alone, thinking about life and being bored. Suddenly I hear a loud noise coming from the front door. Someone swung it open loudly. Probably Natsu coming back from his job with Happy. 'Course...I was right. He's completely soaked, droplets dropping from his hair while walking towards me. He proposed me to go with him but I was lazy 'cuz of the rain. So I just stayed, waiting for him to come back. He sits down next to me, Happy lands on the table leaving a huge water puddle on the wood beneath him.

Mah boy. The droplets dropping around him make me feel different. He looks so sexy like that. Come on Lucy! We're in the guild hall...There are a lot of people around...But he's so...hot.

~Natsu's POV~

Damn...That was annoying. So much water. Lucy stares at me, her cute smile embellishing her *already* beautiful face. I'd like to kiss her right at the moment. But Gray is not far and I know he'd say something inappropriate. Embarrassing. Huh...I mean...Annoying. ( hum, yeah yeah )

'Hey Lucy!'


'Dontcha wanna go somewhere else? Too much people in here...'

'Yeah but..It's raining so much. I'm gonna be all wet.'

'Well so you won't need to take a shower...'

'God Natsu! Okay then. Let's go to my house.'

I didn't think she'd read my mind so easily...Perfect I guess hehe.

~Lucy's POV~

Oh my. I didn't expect him to ask that. I doesn't bother me. Not at all. It's normal for my boyfriend to come to my house. We have been together for a few weeks now so I'm quite used to it. We're just a bit uncomfortable in public. Natsu whispers something to Happy. I couldn't hear what but seeing his reaction I think I have an idea. Happy looks at Natsu, then at me. His face says "sHiP".


Then he says, with an expression full of innuendo.

'Of course. But don't do too many smut over there...'

'Happy! we both shout embarrassed.'

Yeah...It's not like we're gonna do anything? Are we? I mean...I don't mind it's just...Fuck...You think too much Lucy.

Our shoulder brush against each other while we start walking towards the door. No one asks anything. I suppose they didn't see us go. Or maybe they're just being too busy. Natsu pushes the door, gently this time, and designate the heavy rain with a hand movement. He smiles devilishly and takes my hand without hesitation. We go out in the rain.

TBC ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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