《A Stupid Hot Head-Natsu Dragneel fanfiction》3 Months


Today, it has been three moths since I have came back home. Three months I've been clean of cutting. Three months of counseling that has helped me a lot. Three months I haven't seen the one who broke my heart. And three months since I have seen the pink haired boy. These months have been crazy. Some days, I was happy I was here. Other days, I was angered and yelled that I was fine and that I wanted to leave. Some days, I broke down into a deep state of depression. Though, through all of this I got better. I made friends with some people in my group, but never really got close to anyone. I didn't really chat with anyone from Magnolia, only Levy.

I sat on my bed on a Saturday, listening to music and scrolling through my laptop. My mind had drifted to thoughts of Natsu, and I tried to shake them out of my head. According to Levy, he stopped going to school and he didn't talk to anyone anymore. He had tried to get Levy to give him contact information the first month I was here, but now she hasn't talked to him for two months. One part of me is glad he has given up. The other part of me is sad and wants to hear his voice and see him. Over these few months, I don't feel as bad about Natsu anymore. I mean, I still have some feeling for him, but I don't care for him as much as I used to.

I was very confused because usually Levy Skype's me by this time, but I haven't heard anything from her all day. As I checked my phone for texts that never came, I heard a knock at my door. I assumed it was my dad and lazily made my way to the door. When I opened it, I saw a familiar bluenette with a big smile on her face. I screamed and hugged her tiny body tightly. She hugged me back just as tight.

"Levy! What are you doing here?!" I exclaimed.

"Well, your father thought it would be good for you. I mean, you have been here without any friends for three months! So, he invited me down for a couple days," Levy explained excitedly.

"I'm so glad you are here! I have been dying of boredom," I admitted.

"Well, we are skyping Erza and Juvia tonight," Levy said.

"W-what?" I asked startled. I haven't talked to them since the accident.

"They've been worried Lucy, they care for you. Just do it," Levy told me with sympethy in her voice.

"Okay," I sighed quietly and fell back onto my bed.


"Yay!" she squealed.

"Natsu doesn't know about you coming right?" I asked even though I was already expecting a no. I mean, he hasn't even talked to her in a long time.

"He talked to me last night," Levy blurted out.

"What?!" I didn't expect that at all.

"He looked horrible, his eyes had bags under them and his hair was flat and he looked beat. He wanted to know how you were doing," Levy said sadly.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"I told him you were good and were as cheerful as always," Levy responded.

"And he said?"

"He got a big sad smile on his face that made my heart choke up,"Levy stated," So, I told him I was going to see you. He perked up at that, asking where and when. I told him I couldn't tell him because he isn't allowed to know. He nodded knowingly and started to walk away but then he said,'Tell her I still love her. That I'll always wait for her.' and then left."

I stared at Levy with my mouth wide open. My heart was twisted in my chest and my breath hitched. Why did he still have this effect over me? Stupid Natsu Dragneel. I wish I could go back and change it. I wish I had never made that bet..... we never did go along with that, but technically I win. But, that doesn't matter.

"Levy!" I whined.

"What? He still doesn't know where you are! But, how do you feel about Natsu? Because with that look, I know you care," she said seriously.

"I don't know Levy. I don't know how I feel. I don't want to love him, but I still have the feeling I do," I sighed.

"Do you think you'll ever forgive him?" she asked and sat on the bed next to me.

"I don't know if I can or not," I admitted.

"Let's get this off our minds. Erza and Juvia are at Gray's with Gajeel and Jellal, let's skype them!" Levy exclaimed optimistically and walked to the laptop on my desk.

"You didn't tell me the guys are going to skype too!" I exclaimed nervously.

"It'll be fine! Now get your butt over here!" Levy demanded. I walked over to her and pulled a chair up beside the one she was seated in. She went on skype and called them. As we waited for the group to answer, my heart pounded. What if they hate me because I haven't talked to them in so long?

They answered and a group of faces appeared on the screen. They saw me and all yelled at once, "Lucy!"


"Hey guys, sorry I haven't been in contact. Lot of stuff I had to deal with," I said quietly.

"It's fine Lucy! Juvia and everyone were just worried about you. We want you to be happy," Juvia assured and smiled at me. I smiled back and everyone started talking. It was really nice to see these guys again.

'When are you coming back Lucy?" Erza asked.

"I have no clue," I replied.

"Do you have any new friends?" Gray asked.

"No, I mean I've gotten along well with some of the people in my group counseling but haven't made friends with anyone," I said.

We chatted like this for about an hour. After all the questions about me, they filled me in on everything that had happened while I was gone. Then, we chatted like I had never left. It felt great to have these guys back again. I missed them. Though it was a light mood, everyone avoided mentioning Natsu, which was probably for the better.

Gray whispered something to Gajeel and Gajeel looked at him alarmed. He nervously glanced at the door and then back at the screen. He then punched Gray and whispered something back. Gray shrugged and Gajeel shook his head. It was very strange, but I pretended not to notice. All of the sudden, Gray's door opened and a familiar figure walked in and greeted Gray. The figure looked over to the screen and his eyes widened. Everyone had shot up defensively and tried to cover the screen to hide the figure. But, I knew who it was. I knew that hair and voice. It was Natsu.

"Lucy!" his voice called out.

"Gray!" Erza called out angered.

"I didn't know he was coming this early!" he yelled back.

"Let me see her!" Natsu demanded.

I stared at the screen in shock. Why was he there? I thought they didn't talk to him anymore. I touched my cheek and felt a slight wetness, signaling that I was crying. I wanted nothing more but to turn away, but I couldn't. I just stared at the screen. Levy had the same reaction, but she called things out to Gajeel.

"Natsu! Get out for a minute!" Gray exclaimed.

"No! Please let me just see her for five seconds! Just let me say something!" Natsu pleaded. Though everyone guarded the screen, I could still see Natsu slightly. I noticed tears rolling down his cheeks and my heart fell. I need to stop feeling this way!

"Natsu! Leave now!" Erza demanded. He paused and stared directly at the screen. Then, he turned and walked away. Everyone looked at him confused as he left the room.

"What the hell was that Gray?!" Jellal exclaimed.

"He wanted to talk and he was my best friend, okay? I don't know why he was here so early!" Gray admitted.

Everyone looked at me as I sat there with glistening eyes and a shocked face. They all then calmed down and sat down around the screen. "Listen Lucy, we are going to deal with this and skype you tomorrow okay?" Erza said calmly. I nodded and faintly waved. They ended the call and Levy looked to me.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said. "Let's go eat."

"Okay," Levy said unsure and eyed me. We walked out of my room and I realized I had forgotten my phone. I wanted to bring it with me just in case one of the guys messaged me. I made Levy go ahead and went back to my room. My laptop screen was still opened so I went to close it when a call popped up. I didn't recognize the name, but thought it might be one of them checking on me. I accepted it and my face fell when it revealed the person.

"Lucy, look I'm sorry. I love you so so so so much. Please come back, I'll make it up to you! Please, I can't live with out you. What you saw with Lisanna wasn't what it was," Natsu said rapidly with a broken voice. Tears streamed from his eyes and he had to gasp for a minute. I didn't have to strength to hit the end button. But, Levy appeared. She looked at the screen and glared at it. She shut the laptop and pulled me away.

"Lucy!" she exclaimed.

"I don't know how he got it," I told her. She sighed and shook her head.

"Let's forget about that, okay?" she said. I nodded and she hugged me. We then went down and got a ton of ice cream and went into the theater room to watch movies together. The whole time, Natsu lingered in my mind.

I know I'm horrible. I haven't updated in forever. I'ved been way busy. I have cheer, advanced classes, science fair, orchestra, and a reading contest this quarter in school. I have been WAY busy. I will try to get these updated faster. I hope you liked this chapter though. I might have a little more than 25 now :) Make sure to comment., vote, follow me, and share! Love ya! -AdyLuv

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