《A Stupid Hot Head-Natsu Dragneel fanfiction》Bye


"You ready to go Lucy?" Levy asked me as I slipped on my shoes.

"Yup," I replied and stood up. I was leaving the hospital today and was leaving Magnolia and going back to my father's. I had only told the girls and they swore to keep it a secret from all of the guys. They would end up telling Natsu and he could chase after me. I just want to leave and forget about all of this.

"Let's go," Levy said and we walked out the door. Levy was kind enough to pack all my stuff at my house and get it ready for me. So, all my stuff was in the car and I won't have to go back to my apartment.

As we walked in the hallway, someone tugged at my arm, bring me to a stop. I turned and saw a tired Natsu standing there with tears brimming in his eyes. I swallowed a lump that had formed in my throat. I don't want to see him like this. I wanted to see his warm smile that made my heart melt. Except, that heart that beated for him, was broken by him.

"What do you want Natsu?" I asked him quietly.

"Are y-you going home?" his voice shook.

"No Natsu, I'm going somewhere far away from here. They thought it would be good for me to, clear my head," I spoke with a solid tone.

"Will you come back?" his voice shook even more now.

"I don't know Natsu," I sighed, my voice on the verge of cracking. No, I will not cry. Not in front of him. Not anymore, I need to be strong.

"Then listen to me," his tone hardened. I looked at him as he stood there, looking determined.

"Sorry Natsu, but we have to leave right now. Lucy will be late if we don't," Levy stepped in, glaring at Natsu.

"But," his voice cracked as tears fell down his face.

"Bye Natsu," I whispered and we walked away. I told myself I shouldn't but I looked back as we walked out the door. There, I saw Natsu's sobbing figure on the ground, his fists pounding on the ground. I looked away and put a had to my cheek, I felt a familiar wetness and I knew tears were falling. I blinked them back, it was time to forget about him.


"Lu-chan, are you okay?" Levy asked, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah," I'm fine," I told her, my voice as hard as a rock. We got into the car and drove off to the train station.

When we arrived at the train station, the sadness kicked in. I didn't want to go back. I don't want to leave Erza and Juvia and Levy. I don't want to miss Natsu. I don't want to have this sadness in my heart. I just want to go back to being the shy quiet girl that no one knew about. The girl with her four friends and loved them to death. Who didn't care for Natsu or any boy for that matter.

"Levy I'm going to miss you so much," I choked out as tears fell from my face. Our arms wrapped around each other, pulling ourselves into a tight hug. I heard Levy let out a sob. That made me cry even more.

""I'm going to miss you too Lucy," Levy said through tears. We embraced for a little longer, just letting tears fall. Once we had calmed down a little, we looked at each other.

"I will skype you everyday," I promised, smiling as tears continued to fall.

"You better, I'll be waiting," Levy said stubbornly. I let out a light chuckle and hugged her again.

"Bye Levy," I said.

"Bye Lucy," Levy whispered. We pulled away, and I grabbed my bags. I walked towards the train and was about to get lost in a crowd of people. I waved to Levy and she waved back, then I merged with the big crowd, my life was gone. Now, time to go back home.

When I arrived at the Estate, I felt a different mood. No one greeted me at the door, so I wondered in by myself and into my father's study. My father sat in his large chair behind his desk, staring out of the big window. He must've seen me arrive then.

"Hello father," I spoke quietly. I was ashamed he found out my secret. No one was supposed to know. No one.

"Lucy," he said my name in a hurt tone. He spun around to face me and what I saw shocked me. Tears rolled down my father's face as he looked at me. It alarmed me to see him like this. He was always emotionless and never ever showed weakness.


"F-father?" I questioned.

"I'm so sorry Lucy! I've been such an awful father to you! After Layla died, I was so hurt I neglected you. I never payed attention to what was happening to you! I didn't notice the hurt you held every day, the pain you endured! If I had been a better father, this wouldn't have happened. You wouldn't have tried to kill yourself! Lucy, your all I have left! Please don't leave me like your mother did," my father burst out as tears spilled down his face. I rushed to him and wrapped him in my arms. Why was I doing this? I hate him... No, I could never hate him. He was my father, the only family I had left.

"It's okay dad," I said in a hushed tone as I cried for the third time today.

After we stopped crying, my father and I had a heart to heart. We told each other everything and it was nice. Something I got angry, telling him how much I hated him for neglecting me and how alone I felt. While I yelled and burst out, he sat there calmly. It was nice to get everything out to each other. It was nice to have my father again.

That night my father and I ate dinner together for the first time since my mother had died. The dining hall had become a lonely empty room, but was still clean and beautiful as always. We told each other stories and laughed. Then, he brought up a topic that stabbed me in the heart. The one thing I didn't tell him.

"So, that boyfriend of yours, Natsu. He seems like he cares, i could see it in his eyes," he said, looking up at me.

"Oh.... him. He isn't my boyfriend anymore," I mumbled sadly.

"Why not?" my father asked.

"He.... just found someone else," my voice was barely audible as I spoke.

"What?! How dare he hurt my daughter, I will hunt him-" my father burst out.

"No dad! It's okay, I'm over it," I told him sternly.

"Whatever you say," he said and continued to eat his dinner.

After dinner, I went to my room and took a long bath. I soaked all my worries away in the hot water, I kept my arm out, since the water burned my cuts badly. Once I was done, I pulled out my phone and dialed Levy's number.

"You get home?"Levy asked once she picked up.

"Yup, everything's going great!" I exclaimed.

"That's good! Try to get better or what ever you have to do so you can come back asap!" Levy said.

"I will," I laughed out.

"Good," Levy said.

"Has....Natsu said anything?" I asked cautiously.

"Once I came home, he was at my house and tried to ask for contact information, but I sent him off. I hadn't talked to him after that but I did get a call from Gajeel saying that Natsu got drunk and was a hot mess," Levy said quietly. I didn't say anything for a long moment. I just stood there and imagined Natsu in my head. The familiar pain in my heart came and I shook my head.

"Oh," was the only thing I managed to say.

"Yeah, well anyway, you better get some sleep, bye Lucy!" Levy said uncomfortably, noticing my distant mood.

"Bye," I mumbled and hung up. I crawled into bed and closed my eyes. I tired my best to fall asleep but I just couldn't. I couldn't stop picturing Natsu, him hurt, sad, happy, Natsu filled my mind. Why? He hurt me, so why did he still linger in my mind? I need to get over him, or else I will always be filled with this sadness.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! After this, only three more chapter's to go!! :,( On the bright side, I just started a new NaLu fanfiction called "I'll Wait For You" so, you should check it out! Make sure you vote, comment, follow me, and share with your friends! Love ya!-AdyLuv

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