《A Stupid Hot Head-Natsu Dragneel fanfiction》Books


It was another average Wednesday at school, well sorta average. Prom was in two and a half weeks and everyone was excited. The whole school was filled with posters and busy planning. Everyone, even Levy and I, could not stop talking about it. Though, it was hard to talk face to face alone with Levy this week. Ever since Natsu had found out about my.... scars, he is more protective than usual. He is by my side everywhere I go. It is cute, but it can get really annoying.

"Natsu, I have to go to the library," I told him as he held me back by my hand.

"C'mon Lucy, the library is boring," he complained.

"You don't have to go Natsu," I stated.

"Fine, I'll go. Why do you need to go anyway?" he asked as we started to walk.

"Because I need new books to read Natsu," I sighed.

"I'll help you find a book!" he exclaimed enthusiastically. I laughed at that. Natsu couldn't find me a good book if he tried. It was ad, but true.

We walked into the library and a familiar joy took over. I loved all the books. I walked towards an isle of books and started to walk down it. I saw Natsu walk off, determined to find a book for me. I shook my head and began to search the titles. This was going to be hard.

"Lucy!" I heard Natsu call out after about ten minutes. I shot him a glare and put my finger over my lips, signaling for him to be quite. He gave me an apologetic look but it soon faded.

"What do you want Natsu?" I asked him.

"I found an amazing book for you!" he held a book up proudly. I grabbed it from his hands and skimmed through it.

"Natsu! This is a children's book about dragons!" I whispered.

"But look how cool the dragons are! It's awesome!" he whispered back. I shook my head and told him to find a new one. He gave me a sad frown and walked off. I sighed and returned to my search. I already had one book but I wanted to get a second one along with it.


"Lucy!" I heard Natsu exclaim from behind me. I pulled the book from the shelf and looked at him. He had another book in his hands.

"What book is it this time Natsu?" I asked. He handed it to me and I looked at it and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Natsu! How could you be so stupid?! This is a dictionary!" I scolded.

"Well, I didn't read the title. It just caught my attention because it was sparkly," he admitted sheepishly. I pushed the book back into his hands and he walked off again. That boy is such an air head.

When I finally found the book I was looking for, I reached up for it excitedly. It was way up high so I had to stand on my tip toes. I was stretching as far as I could go. I almost had my fingers on it when I heard, "Lucy!" I fell down and landed in my back. I cussed in pain and looked up at an eager Natsu.

"What now Natsu?"

"I found an amazing book! It has a ton of delicious food's in it! It even has their recipes!" he exclaimed.

"It's a cookbook Natsu," I told him with a tired voice.

"I know! Can you make the foods for me?" he begged.

"No," I said plainly.

"Please?" he tried again.


"Pretty please Luce?" he kept begging.

"No Natsu!" I exclaimed.

"They look so good though!" he pouted. I sighed and snatched the book from him. I opened the pages and quickly flipped through them. They did look kinda good....

"Fine," I said, "But first you have to get that book." I pointed at the book I was reaching for. Natsu nodded happily and grabbed the book easily and handed it to me. Why did I have to be so short?

We walked to the check out counter to check out the three books. The librarian smiled at me and gave Natsu an odd look. She knows me well but doesn't recognize Natsu. I gave her a look that said, I forced him to come and she nodded and handed me my books. We walked out and went to my house.


When we arrived home, Natsu went in excitedly. He was talking about food the whole way to my house. It was getting very annoying. I walked into the kitchen and put on my apron. I am glad I just went grocery shopping because I had all the ingredients to make the recipes I wanted. I pulled out all of them and got to work.

After a long while, the food was ready. It wasn't a great amount, but it was enough for me and Natsu to have a little bit of everything. I set all the food on the table and went to take a quick shower. Before I left, I warned Natsu to save some of the food for me.

As I stood in the shower, I let a new calm take over me. I closed my eyes and hummed words to my favorite songs. The water was really hot, but I really liked it that way. Though to most people, it burns. I made sure the shower was quick, so I could eat the new food I had made.

I walked into the kitchen to see Natsu had eaten all of the food that I had made! Not one little bit was left and Natsu sat there looking relaxed. My face went red with anger as I saw the plates stacked onto each other.

"Natsu! You ate all of the food!" I yelled. He open his eyes startled and looked at the table.

"I'm sorry Lucy, it all was just so good!" he apologized.

"What am I going to do with you?" I hissed and shook my head. I closed my eyes, trying to calm my angry temper. Then, I felt arm wrap around my waist and a chin sit on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Luce," I heard Natsu whisper in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. I kept my eyes closed and didn't say a word.

"I know! I'll make some food for you!" he exclaimed, causing to open my eyes wide.

"Natsu, I don't think that is a very good idea...." I told him.

"Sure it is! Don't worry, all I have to do is follow the instructions," he said confidently and put on my apron. I giggled at how silly he looked.

"Okay, if you say so," I decided to give in.

"You go in the living room while I cook! I want it to be a surprise," he said. I walked into the living room and turned on the TV. This was going to be interesting!

"Lucy I'm almost done!" Natsu exclaimed after a while. I walked into the kitchen to see a huge mess of flour and other ingredients. Then, a beep went off and Natsu pulled out something that looked like a burnt casserole. He held it up proudly and I gave a slight nod. He scooped some up for me and put it a plate for me to eat. I sat down and looked at it. I took a small bite and spit it out seconds after it entered my mouth. It tasted horrible!

"Natsu, I love you, but cooking isn't really your thing," I told him.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make you dinner," he frowned.

"It's okay," I assured, not even caring about him eating the food anymore. I walked over to him and stood on my toes so I could kiss him on the cheek. We went over to the couch and watched TV together. I was wrapped in his arms and I felt his breath tickle my neck. Before I knew it, sleep was slowly taking over.

Hey guys! This chapter was just a short fluff chapter! More exciting stuff will happen in the next one! Me and my friend Lexi were just texting back and forth and made the bases of this chapter! It was really funny! I didn't even mean for it to be in here until my friends told me to so yeah! I hope you enjoyed it! Make sure to comment, vote, follow me and share with your NaLu loving friends! Love ya!-AdyLuv

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