《A Stupid Hot Head-Natsu Dragneel fanfiction》The Only Way Is To Lie


I was walking through the park on my way to town. I was looking up at the trees and sky and noticed it was such a beautiful day. I loved that I could spend a nice day like this in town, enjoying myself. It's been a while since I've gone to town to shop for anything, so I made today that day.

Somebody rushed passed me and all I saw was a flash of pink. I whipped around to see what it was. I noticed they stopped too and looked at me. I smiled, it was Natsu. Of course, that pink could only mean one person.

"Yo Lucy!" he called out, walking towards me.

"Hey Natsu," I walked towards him too. We finally were close to each other.

"What are you doing here?"he asked tugging at his scarf. That scarf, he was always wearing it...I don't remember a time he wasn't.

"I'm going to town to shop," I told him. I heard my phone buzz and grabbed it. It was Levy.

"Who is it?" he asked. I hate when people do that.

"Not like it's any of your business, but it's Levy asking if we could all hang out today," I said the first part a little rudely.

"Ouch, sorry for 'intruding', so do you wanna?" he asked me.

"Not really, I really wanted to just go shop in town without everybody around," I sighed.

"Oh," he nodded.

"Well, I got to get to town," I said and started walking. Natsu ran up and grabbed my hand.

"I'll go with," he declared and I eyed him amusingly.

"Who said I wanted you to come," I asked him.

"No one said you didn't,"he said in a matter-of-factly tone.

"FIne, but don't be annoying," I joked.

"Annoying it is!" he sarcastically said. I laughed and we continued walking rocking our hands back and fourth. I looked at him while he looked forward. I couldn't help but stare. He was gorgeous. His salmon hair blew in the wind and the sun lite up his skin. His eyes sparkled and his smile was just to adorable.


"You know it is really creepy to stare at people,"he continued to look ahead but snapped me out of my gaze. His smile widened.

"I-I wasn't s-s-staring!" I exclaimed bashfully and looked away. My face was like a tomato and as hot as the sun. He laughed in a teasing tone.

"Awww, then why are you blushing?" he leaned over to look at my face. I pushed my face into my hands to hide my embarrassment from him.

"I-I'm not blushing!"I lied. He moved in front of me and moved my hands away from my face. I looked up trying to calm my heated face down.

"Don't hide your face, it's cute when you blush," he whispered and pecked my lips. I smiled and started walking. "Hey!" he called out.

"I have to get my shopping done, no flirting until then," I called back teasing him. I started to giggle when he groaned.

We got to town a few minutes later. It was still pretty early in the morning so not many people around. I started walking looking at the shops. I went from store to store, half the time not even buying anything. Natsu just lagged around looking bored out of his mind. Then, I had a devious idea that I see in movies.

"Natsuuuuu,"I dragged the u in his name looking at him innocently.

"What is it Lucy?" he looked at me knowing I want something.

"Can you carry my bags?" I gave him puppy dog eyes.

"Why can't you carry them?" he asked giving me a tired look.

"I'm tired from carrying them, and you are stronger,"I explained in a tired tone.

"Fine,"he rolled his eyes and grabbed the bags from my arms. I smiled and gave out a little squeal and skipped into the next shop and heard him laugh behind me.

We stopped in the middle of town to get some lunch. Natsu was tired as he was carrying a huge load of bags.

"This is the last time I will ever agree to carrying your stuff,"he complained.


"At least I'm not as bad as Erza,"I told him. Erza may look more tomboyish but she loves to buy stuff! Her room is jam packed wiht random stuff.

We sat at a table with our food and Natsu let out a big sigh as he dropped all the bags and sat down. I laughed at his relieved face. It was funny he was so tired from carrying bags.

"So Lucy, I have something for you,"Natsu said grinning his winner grin.

"What is it?" I asked curiously. He reached into his pocket and felt around for something and found it. When he held it up I gased with happiness. It was a necklace with a pink Fairy Tail symbol hanging off of it.

"It's amazing Natsu!"I exclamied examining it.

"Well, I had to get my girl something and I saw you looking at them when we were at Fairy Tail so I decided to get it for you,"he winked at me. I jumped up and went and hugged Natsu.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Thank You!"I repeated over and over. He just laughed and kissed my cheek. When I was done thanking him for the millionth time, I sat back down.

"So, what is your family like?"I asked twirling my straw in my cup. I saw an odd look in his eyes and he coughed.

"Well, I never had a mom or siblings. I had an amazing dad, Igneel, and he was the best dad in the world, but he disappered when I was younger..."he trailed off.

"Oh, I'm sorry,"I said with a sad expression. Poor Natsu, how does he smile like he does with that kind of pain?

"It's okay, now I live in a small cabin near the woods with my cat, Happy,"he told me smiling wide trying to hide the pain of talking about his dad.

"Oh, I'll have to meet Happy sometime,"I said.

"Yeah, Happy is amazing, Gajeel has an awesome cat too, it's an actual Black Panter named PantherLilly," he told me. I laughed, of coure Gajeel had to have a "manly" cat. As I was laughing, Natsu said,"What about you and your family? Why do you live alone?" I grimanced. I didn't want to tell him.

I had a sad family life. It was good at first, my dad was a rich buisness man and I had a wonderful mom who loved me and spent as much time as I wanted her to spend with me. But then, she fell ill. She tried her hardest to keep living and we had a ton of doctors and specialists at our house, but she just kept getting worse. Eventually, she died. After that, our big house seemed to big and to empty. It was dark and gloomy. My dad drowned himself in work, never paying attention to me. All he did was yell at me when I wanted to see him. So, a year ago I ran away from it and now live here. My dad didn't seem to care much about it, if he did he would've found me by now. None of that mattered, I couldn't tell Natsu, he would flip.

"Well, my mom died when I was little. I miss her a lot. I wanted to move here for school so my dad allowed me to after a lot of convincing," I said quietly. I hated lying to Natsu but I couldn't admit the truth.

"Oh sorry about your mom," Natsu looked at me with supportive eyes.

"It's fine,"I said quietly. I looked down and felt tears wanting to break free. I wanted my mom so my dad would be a dad again, but that wouldn't happen. I sucked up my tears and looked at Natsu with a big smile.

"Ready to do more shopping?" I asked cheerfully.

"Yup, let's go,"he said sliding his chair back.

'I had to lie,'I told myself,'It was the only way.'

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