《Fairy Tail One-Shots》StingLu ~ She Didn't Come


Author's P.O.V.

That morning, Rogue watched as Sting twiddled with his fork over his untouched dish, that had now gone cold. He watched it, as if annoyed. Extremely annoyed. He hadn't even noticed that Rogue - accompanied by Frosch and Lector - were staring at him. They watched the silver being spun around in his hand, and back up at their friend.

They were extremely concerned, and they wanted to ask what was wrong, but the last time they tried, he vanquished the butter knife he held previously, which now laid shattered on the ground. They - mostly the Exceeds - were scared they would be next. The blonde started muttering incoherent words under his breath, still glaring at the fork.

"Sting," Lector went up tentatively to his friend, "are you all right?"

He stopped twiddling the fork. He gripped the handle tight and looked up. Lector twitched, seeing the death glare being sent in his direction. "Sting-kun?" And the next thing he knew, he was swinging upside down, head spinning and he could see Frosch and Rogue staring in shock as he yelped. He looked up as best he could. Sting was walking out the guild, holding him by the end of his tail. The poor thing's bottom ached like crazy and he cried for his friend, but he wasn't listening. He was deadset on something - but no one knew what.

They finally arrived at a park and Sting set him down on a bench and he started pacing while muttering to himself again. The red cat watched his friend walk back and forth numerous times, he even started to feel dizzy again. What was wrong with him? That was the $64 question he couldn't quite understand. "Um... S-Sting-...kun," he hesitated, but he still didn't hear him. This got him annoyed as anger flushed through him and reddened his fur even more. "STING! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG?!?"


The dragon slayer flinched. He whipped his head to stared at his fuming friend in shock. Lector started tremoring with anger. Sting was never like this, and if he was going to ignore his friends because of it, he would do whatever he could to knock him out of it.

Sting looked at him sadly and turned away. Lector growled. This was the last straw. He conjured his wings and flew right into his friends face and squeezed his cheeks with his paws so he would look at him. "Sting, if you don't answer me now, then-" he couldn't continue... he didn't know what then, "then-..."

Sting pulled him off and held him in his hands lower down. Lector's wings disappeared and he looked up at his sad friend who was looking away. He whispered something. "Eh?" Lector pronounced so he could repeat.

"She didn't come," he said a little louder.

He was confused and finally asked: "Who didn't come?"

Sting's cheeks turned a hint of pink before he muttered, "Lucy."

Lector flinched at the name. Like, he was talking about the blonde Celestial wizard from Fairy Tail? Natsu's best friend? What would he want with her?

"Sting, do you... like her?" he asked quietly.

He put his furry friend down and walked a couple of steps the other way. He looked up. "I asked her to meet me here yesterday. I had been meaning to for a while. And then I finally brought up the courage. I got here at 6:45, fifteen minutes earlier than I told her to meet me. But I waited until 8:00, and she never came."

The Exceed looked up at his friend sorrowfully. To think that the first girl he asked out would ditch him on the first date. He didn't know this Lucy girl very well, so he couldn't judge her based on his knowledge, but he sure damn could off the events of last night. They stood there for a while. Sting looked up at the sky sadly while Lector just stared at his feet. He wanted to support his friend, he really did. But he didn't know what to say- he didn't know what to do. It was useless-


"Sting!" They both turned their gaze to the new voice, "STING!"

Charging at them at full speed was a certain Fairy Tail member with a desperate look on their face.

"N-Natsu!" Sting staggered. The pink haired Salamander stopped in front of them, panting. He ran all this way to see him? And he looked really upset.

"Do you know... pant... where Lucy is?" Both widened there eyes in surprise.

"N-no, I haven't seen her..."

Natsu grunted and ran a hand through his hair, "Dammit, I looked everywhere for her! Do you mind if I check at your guild hall?"

"Go right ahead." Natsu ran towards the guild hall. It took him a moment to realize... Lucy was actually missing. Is that why she never came? How long had she been missing? When did she go missing? He was getting worried. But he couldn't stand there doing nothing. So he ran. Lector followed, flying next to him.

They ran until they made it to the river. They knew that was the way to Lucy's house. They followed it...


They stopped abruptly and looked down. There were her sparkling gold and silver keys lying on the edge of the river. But where was their wielder? He picked them up and looked around. No Lucy in sight.

He followed the river. He doubted she would be there, but it was the only lead he had. He ran and ran, following the river, but no where could she be seen.

He made it out of town where the road stopped and there was only grass. There she was. Lying on the ground, unconscious. He ran to her.

"Lucy! Hey Lucy! Come on! Wake up!" He shook her a bit and she started coughing. He helped her sit up and he hugged her. "What happened?" He asked softly.

He felt her shake her head against his chest. "I don't know," she said in a slightly hoarse voice. "I was walking out of the house, and suddenly I was pushed into the river. I didn't see who did it and-" she choked up. He rubbed her back and shushed her.

"It's okay. It's okay now. You're safe."

She put her arms around him weakly. "Thank you... Sting."

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