《Fairy Tail One-Shots》GajEvy ~ Where's Black Steel?


"Gajeel! Gajeel!" Now where'd he run off to this time? "Gajeel! Gajeel!" I've been looking for him for hours, he just disappeared from the guild completely. "Gajeel!" Maybe he took Pantherlily with him, I wonder if he'll here me, "Lily! Lily! Pantherlily!" Nothing, still nothing! "Gajeel please! Answer me!" Where is he? Why can't I find him? "Gajeel! Lily!" Where are earth are they?! "GAJEEL!" I can't find him! And this forest is too dense, I can't see anything past all the trees.

My feet are aching from walking around, and my knees are failing me. But I can't stop now, I have to find him, I need to find him. I can't just leave him alone, what if he doesn't find his way ba-

"AAAAHH!!!" I feel a sharp pain in my back as I fall over, sliding over the ground a bit, which is scraping my arm. What happened?

"Such a pretty girl," Someone's here?!

"Yeah, well, it's too bad she's short, she would've been a real treat to play with." says another man. No! There's more than one.

"Hahaha! And her fronts not very filled either is it? Putt-putt!" says a third more dumb-sounding one, but nonetheless, he did make me blush in embarassment. It's not my fault I'm flat!

"Get up little girl. We promise we won't hurt you as long as you listen," He says. I'm so scared who are they. I get up slowly and carefully, my knees refusing to go straight, but I force them to go as straight as they can. My feet are in so much pain, but I have to ignore it. I steady myself against a tree with my hand, but my arm is protesting against doing so, but I'm telling it to anyway.

"Now, turn around and face us. I wanna see your face, little bluenette," I turn around slowly and look up. There's one man who's really tall and skinny with jet-black hair, the other is equally tall, but he has blond hair instead. And then there's a third shorter one, more plump and with brown hair. Each of them have a symbol on their necks. I reckognize it.

"You guys... are wizards?" I mutter, barely audible, but I'm trying to resist the pain in my back.

"That's right, little bluenette. We're from the Titan Nose wizard guild." Titan Nose, that's the marks, I thought it was them. But I didn't want to believe it, Titan Nose is an official guild, why would they do something like this?

"What do you want from me?" I ask, through my clenched teeth. I can't take this pain anymore! The man seeming to be in charge points his weapon directly at me. My heart's racing and I can feel the blood traveling through my body more quickly. I'm so scared.

"You're a Fairy Tail wizard, right?" he asks with a really creepy grin. A bit nervous, I take a step back. But almost making myself fall, I catch myself with one of the branches, "We saw the mark on the back of your shoulder."


"What... do... you... want?" I repeat, through heavy breaths this time.

The man with blond hair steps up, the other one still pointing his weapon at me. He looks down a me with a smirk and says, "Where is Black Steel?" Getting more scared by the second, I start breathing quicker and more shakily.


"You heard me," he scoffs, "Where... is... he?" I stare up at him, completely confused. Why do they want Gajeel? What are they looking for. "We payed a visit at your guild a little while ago. I gasp and stare up at him, my breathing going even faster than before, "For the most popular guild in Fiore, your guild hall was pretty empty. So it was easy to wipe everyone out. And our Masters are at conference meetings, so no, we didn't defeat him." No... It couldn't be, how is it possible? Was Mira there? Or did she go on a mission? How strong are these guys anyway? How could they defeat our guild?

"Hahaha! Yep! All weaklings! Putt-putt!" the brown haired one states. I can't believe it! It can't be true! There's no way these guys could've taken down Fairy Tail!

"Tell us where Black Steel Gajeel is," The Black haired one says in a threatening tone.

"But I don't know where he is," I say, tears starting to flow down my cheeks. I start coughing a bit, staring up at them. I'm so scared.

"Wrong answer, little bluenette," he says before shooting a magic bullet at me. I scream in pain, the burn digging into my skin as I fall over on my back, more pain from the previous wound errupting from it. It hurts! It hurts! "I'm only going to ask one more time. Where... is he?"

"I SAID I DON'T KNOW!" I scream, but he doesn't seem to care, because this time, the blond takes out two magic stars and flings them at me, pinning the palms of my hands and forcing me to the ground. I scream more, feeling the blood slowly pool in my hands.

I'm getting dizzy. My head hurts and so does the rest of my body. My visions going blurry. I'm so terrified. Someone help me. Please... "GAJEEEEEL!"

All of a sudden, there's a huge crash sound from where the guys were standing and they all go flying to the side, crashing into trees. "Ga-jeel," I whiper, before starting to cry even more, "you found me... again."

"'Course I did shrimp. I said a puny girl like you needs protecting, so why think I'd leave you alone now?" He grunts, only staring at one of the guys who hit a tree. I smile at him before realizing that the black haired guy was getting up.

"Why you," he grunts before shooting some bullets at Gajeel, all of which he blocks with his arm . The man the charges at him instead, trying to land a punch in his cheek, but the Dragon Slayer grabs his hand and throws him off.


"Black Steel!" calls the blond haired wizard, "You're gonna pay for what you've done to our guild!" What he did? What are they talking about? He takes out more of his magic stars and throws them at Gajeel. All five of them pierce his skin, blood trickling down, and then the wizard snaps his fingers. The stars explode on themselves and Gajeel yells out in pain while falling over. "Not so tough now, aye Black Steel?" Gajeel jumps up and punches the man full on as he coughs out blood and crashes into a tree, falling unconscious. The black haired man jumps up himself, but with ease, Gajeel punches him right in the face, making his nose bleed and breaking some of his teeth when he falls unconscious also. I'm so releaved. He came to save me again. And he's more powerful than ever.

"Where's that fat one gone off to?" He asks, looking around carefully. Then, I see the man jumping out from behind him with a dagger in his hand.

"Gajeel! Look OUT!!!" He looks back, but it's to late, the man stabs his dagger right in his chest, the blade actually going through!

"Hahaha! My blade is strong, it can slice through the strongest metals! Putt-putt!" he says, and the he drags the dagger down, creating a longer gash in his skin. Gajeel cries out in agony, all the birds flying away at the volume of his voice, his body completely in pain.

"I'm so sorry," I mutter in between chokes as more tears flow down my face. He looks down at me, blood spilling from the gash and his mouth. He whispers something to me, that only I can hear, making my eyes widen and my cheeks blush before he smiles and turns his own arm into a sword and stabs it in the man, making him yell out and fall over into an unconscious state. The stars pinning me to the ground disappear, only leaving the cuts. "Gajeel," I murmur. He keeps smiling, before he falls on his back next to me.

"Gajeel!" I cry rolling over and going over him, being careful not to touch his wound. I keep crying when he opens his eyes and smiles, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close. The blood from his gash goes through my clothes, but I'm more worried about what he might be feeling, but he doesn't seem to mind. I grab his shirt with one hand and grab and balance myself on the ground before crashing my lips to his, still tears flowing down my cheeks. I feel him kiss me back, making me so happy. Slowly, I feel more and more drowsy until my vision goes dark. Then it goes... black.

√ ∂ ∆ *_..._* ∆ ß √

I open my eyes a bit, but there's a lot of light, so it's hard to see. "Levy," a voice says from far away, "Levy," it repeats. Who's that? I open my eyes slightly more, my sight still a bit blurry, "Levy!" the voice says a bit louder, and now my eyes are completely adjusted to the light. "Levy!" Lucy cries, standing over me.

"Lucy?" I breathe.

"You're okay!" she cheers while hugging me. I hiss a bit, feeling the pain in my back in shoulder. She apologizes, immediatly getting up.

"Where... am... I?" I ask weakly.

"In the guild's infirmary," she says happily, "Gray and Juvia found you in the forest with three wizards from the Titan Nose guild knocked out around you two. They brought you and Gajeel along and tied up the other three as a 'gift' for the army." The Titan Nose guild.




"That's right, little bluenette. We're from the Titan Nose wizard guild."


He whispers something to me, that only I can hear,


That's right, I was attacked by wizards and Gajeel saved me... again. The thought makes me cry just a little, but smiling.

"Levy? Are you okay," I nod my head and smile up at Lucy, still crying.

"Hey, Lucy," Mira calls from the door, "You should probably come, she needs a little time to rest."

Lucy nods and looks back at me, and I nod still smiling, "Feel better soon, kay?" She says before running off. Once she's completely out, I sit up slowly, taking in the pain and letting it pass. Then I stand up on my still blistered feet and walk slowly to the next bed and then sit on the chair next to it. They really did cover my wounds good, but it still kinda hurts. I look down at the man on the bed, smiling at him. Slowly, he wakes up, grunting a bit as he does so, but when he wakes up, he smiles right away.

"Hey," I greet quietly.

"Hey shrimp," he says, "You all right?"

"I should be asking you that," I reply.

"Yuh didn't answer my question," I giggle at that and nod, "Good he says.

We continued talking for a long time after that until I went back to my bed so we could both rest. And I fell asleep, thinking of what he whispered to me during the fight.

"No, I'm sorry.But I promise, I will always protect you."

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