《Fairy Tail One-Shots》NaLi ~ I'm Here For You
Natsu's P.O.V.
"I know the word for you! Gramps calls me that! Nuvejile!"
"Juvenile? Geez, you're one to talk."
"RAAGGH! No fair! Why you gotta be smarter than me?!" Just as I yelled that, light started to come into the straw house she made for the dragon's egg. The rain stopped too, and the light is really pretty.
We both walk outside, stepping into the wet grass and a few steps in front of the house. It's a sunrise! And it looks so pretty from here. I wonder if I'll be able to eat the sun some day, it looks really yummy! A ball of fire just floating in the sky; it would be an awesome dinner!
"Wooooow!" Lisanna says beside me, "It's so pretty!" I nod to say yes. She's right, it's really pretty. Just like she is. "It'd be nice if we could stay like this forever." she says softly. It really would be nice. But, I don't think the sun'll stay there that long. Maybe if I yell at it, it'll listen to me! I could try! That sounds like a really cool idea, and I'm the one that came up with it! Hah! Take that, streaker!
I take in a deep breath, but before I can yell, there's loud cracking sounds in back of me. I turn around along with Lisanna to see what's going on. We run inside excited and kneel down beside the giant white egg with blue claw markings. It's shaking back and forth, no carcks though. But maybe it'll crack soon!
"Look! It's moving again!" I tell her. She nods happily as I look up at her. Her short white hair really suits her, and they go really well with her blue eyes that are shining. Why do eyes shine anyways? I mean, it's not like she's crying or anything, so they should just be normal.
We keep watch over the egg for a long time before we both fall asleep.
Five years later
"Don't tell me you too are fighting again." Giggles a high voice. I look up to see a white haired girl with blue eyes standing in front of me. I'm sitting beside a pissed off Happy here. Talk about ironic.
"Oh, hey Lisanna," I respond calmer than usual, "Glad you're back."
She smiles that nice smile she has that really warms me up inside. Which is immediately tensed by a certain blue cat complaining that I ate his whole fish without asking him first.
"Whenever I eat any fish, you say it's yours," I complain back.
Lisanna sighed slightly, tilting her head to the side. "Geez, Natsu; you're the dad." she scorns playfully, "So you've gotta take good care of your wife and son." she adds.
"That was like a million years ago!" I exclaim.
Happy suddenly chimes in with a hand to his ear asking, "Hey, what are you guys talking about?" making me jump and turn to him, my face heating up, yelling that it was nothing.
"It's normal for families to have fights every once in a while," she continues in her soothing voice, "What's important is that you make up." She turns tp face me more, smiling one of her warmest smiles, "No matter what happens, Happy is still our son!"
"I think Lisanna's gone psyco on us!" Happy whines, making me a bit angry. Lisanna is not psyco and will never be for as long as she lives.
"Hey don't talk like that man!" I scorn. He then smirks and looks at me with way too much pride.
"Ooooh, thein shoold I tawlk liyke thïs?" he asks in a southern accent.
Even more annoyed, I yell even louder, "You know that's not what I meant!"
"Juvenile as ever, I see." Lisanna says in turn.
"STOP PICKING ON MEEEE!!!" I cry, making the other two laugh at me.
Suddenly, footseps start to grow louder and louder as I look in the direction in which they're coming from. Mirajane and Elfman, Lisanna's older siblings, walk this way, almost bored-looking.
"C'mon Lisanna," Elfman calls, sounding as bored as he looks, "Let's go, we gotta get to work."
Lisanna turns around with a confused look on her face. "What? We just finished a job, can't we take a break?"
"Hyeah, but it's an S-Class quest," he answers more lively, "Mirajane wants us to go along and help her out with it."
"NO WAY!" I shriek, adrenaline suddenly sprinting through my veins, I jump up in total anger at the siblings, "Totally unfair!"
"What kind of job is it?" Happy asks.
"An emergency request, it just came in." the she-devil answers, "They want us to kill off this monster called 'The Beast'. Hey! You wanna come with us Natsu?" she asks while winking at me, "You might learn a thing or two." That caught Elfman's attention, turning to her with a look of protest on his face.
"Do wha-? I don't want him taggin' along! I'm the man of this family and I can protect you on my own!" He barks. That jerk-face!!!
"AAAAAWWW!! Why you gotta hog all the fun?! Take me with you!" I scream, stomping my feet on the ground so he can get the point.
The three of them start walking away as if they completely ignored me. COME ON!!! It's an S-Class quest and I wanna go too!!! Lisanna suddenly stops and turns around, her smile on her face once again. Her blue eyes so reassuring.
"Aww, come on. I'm sure it won't be long before you're going on 'em too." She says.
"Oh yeah, when?!"
"I don't know when exactly, but when it happens, I'll be there to support you." She says so nicely, turning around to walk with her older brother and sister. But before she does though, she turns her head in my direction, "Right now, we need you to keep things safe back at Fairy Tail." She turns her head back and walks behind her kin calling her to hurry up.
Happy waves goodbye while telling them to bring back a souvenir while I just watch them in disapointement. Why couldn't I go along too?!?
"Natsu!" Lisanna calls one last time before completely leaving. She turns around once again, reading her hand in the air, only her index and her thumb sticking out, winking at me. "I'll be home real soon!"
I smile and signal the same back at her. Lisanna is coming home soon enough. And the moment I take an S-Class quest, I'm taking her with me.
I really thought that she was gonna come back. I believed it from the bottom of my heart. But little did I know... That that would be the last thing she'd ever say to me.
A few days later
Standing in front of the tombstone Happy and I made for her, I stood there watching it for hours. How could you leave me like that? You promised you'd be home soon, didn't you?
2 years later
"Now, on a unrelated note, I happen to come across a suspicious person." the little black cat says while tugging on the rope he's holding.
"What an over-achiever! You're definitely my cat all right!" Gajeel cheers.
"Come here," the cat orders, pulling on the string even harder, making the person at the end of it grunt slightly. It's a high pitched voice, I swear I've heard it before. And this smell is too familiar.
"Hold on!" she cries, "It's not what you think! Please let me explain!" she yells as she falls to her knees in our view away from the bushes. It's... Now way, it can't be! That white hair, those blue eyes, that voice and that smell! It's her...
I widen my eyes in shock seeing my childhood friend is back from the dead. But how? Lisanna?
"I'm not suspicious! I'm a member of Fairy Tail too!"
I gasp slightly, staring at her in disbelief, "It's Lisanna!"
"Don't be so rough with me cat!" she barks, "Wait? Are you an Exceed?"
"The name is Patherlily." he answers.
"If you got a problem with my cat, you'll have to take it up with me, lady!" Gajeel scoffs.
"Woah!" Gray cries, "She looks just like-"
"Lisanna!" Erza intervines.
"No way..." he mutters.
"It can't be," Carla says, "Perhaps she's the one from Edolas?"
Lucy and Wendy stare at her in shock. But I'm the one who's most surprised. Lisanna...
"How in the world did she end up here?" Lucy asks.
"What should we do?" Wendy panicks.
Lisanna looks up at me unsurely as I just stare back at her like a big jerk in shock. Suddenly, she jumps up while yelling my name, attacking me by the neck and making me fall over. We both fall to the muddy ground, her tied hands around my neck. She lifts her head up and looks at me with those beautiful blue eyes. I haven't seen them in so long. And tears are falling from them as she smiles at me ever so sweetly.
"Natsu," she mumbles, "It's you. I thought I'd never see you again." More tears roll down her face and fall onto mine. She suddenly gets off of me and grabs Happy, squeezing him tightly to her. "Happy! You're here too! I missed you so much!" She then looks up at Gray and Erza, saying that it's been so long since she'd seen everyone. Then she looks at Lucy and Wendy, analyzing how they're the two new members of the guild, saying that she met their Edolas versions.
"Wait a sec." Gray says in shock, pointing at her, "You're... Are you?" he stutters, "Our Lisanna?"
Everyone's quiet for a while, water still pouring down her face from both the rain and her eyes. She nods her head slightly, her bangs swaying against her forehead. From that, Happy and I jump up in joy, so happy to see her again.
"SHE CAME BACK TO LIFE!!!!" I cheer in so much happiness.
"HOORRAAAAYY!!!" Happy follows.
Suddenly, someone grabs the both of us by the collar. Finding out it was Erza, we just sat put.
"You can't be our Lisanna!" She cries, "She died two years ago." Lisanna looked at her blankly, her eyes staring out as if at nothing. "And she couldn't possibly have been ressucitated!"
She looked down and smiled only slightly. She started telling us what really happened. Apperently, she didn't actually die. She was badly hurt, but she was suddenly sucked by an anima, taking her to Edolas. But at the moment, the Edolas Lisanna had died, and they swaped places, bringing the late Edo-Lisanna to earth. Our Lisanna was confused when she got to Edolas, but she eventually she got used to it. To years later, we made it there, saving Edolas and everyone in it, but we extinguished it's magic, so everyone from Earthland were forced back, including Lisanna.
7 years later (a few weeks after the Grand Magic Games)
It's still here. The house that Lisanna and I made for Happy when we were little. It's still here. I don't know how, it should've brokend down years ago, heck, it should've toppled over a week after we finished using it. But it's still here. I'm glad. There are a lot of happy memories that I have here. I remember Lisanna turning into that giant ugly bunny to make it. She may not have looked so great in my general opinion, but she was still adorable in my eyes. I can't believe that I was able to live two years without her.
I walk inside the small whole, crawling slowly under so that it doens't topple over. I used to be able to go in with no problem, that's a long time ago now. The inside is dark, not as lively and natural as it once was. But it doesn't matter, it's still our home. Happy, Lisanna and mine that is. My son, my wife and me. I really cared about Lisanna, and I know she cared about me too.
I wonder if she still does, it would make me really happy if she did. I don't really understand this marriage thing, but maybe someday, she really could be my real wife. It's what she wanted when we were little. But that was silly, I'm pretty sure she was just kidding though. I sit down on the now cold straw that used to be very comfortable and smooth. I can still kind of see the imprint of where Happy's egg was sitting. It was so big, I actually thought it was a dragon's egg. Even after he hatched as a cat, I thought, just for a little while, that he was a dragon. But then I was corrected by the rest of the guild later on. Especially Erza and Mirajane who wouldn't leave me alone about it.
"Hey Natsu?" says a familiar voice from behind me. I turn my head slightly to the left to see a certain blond knelt in front of the entrance. "You all right? You've been here for a while. And you're really quiet."
I look at her a bit more sadly than I intended to, "Yeah, I'm fine." I answer.
She comes in, crawling like I did, and comes to sit beside me. She looks at me concerned. She's a really good friend. I guess she was the reason why I was able to move on from Lisanna's "death". She's a lot like her. She reminded me of her. Now Lisanna's back though, so I don't need the illusion that there's another one that joined. I never thought Lucy was Lisanna's replacement, she's a really good friend though, always there for me. She always supports me with any decision. Well... almost.
"You know, Mira told me that you and Lisanna made this house for Happy when you were little. It doesn't seem to homey now, but I'm sure it was really nice back then." she says.
I nod in agreement.
"Are you sure you're all right?" she asks again.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need some time alone." I answer. She looks at me sadly, but then gets up and leaves the house slowly, crouching to get through the entrance, and leaving out of sight.
Lucy's P.O.V.
Natsu's really off all of a sudden. I think I might know why though. I'm sure he really missed Lisanna for the two years that she was "dead". I guess he never really took it into account just how much until now. I hate to see him like that, I have to help him out somehow. As his friend and a fellow member of his guild, I have to help him out.
I walk through the prairie, the light breeze brushing the grass, making it sway gently. It's really peaceful, I understand why they would pick a place like this to build a home for Happy. But they obviously don't use it anymore. Natsu and Lisanna don't actually talk all that much either, for some reason. Natsu's alsways hanging out with me, and sure I'm his partner, but it doesn't mean that he can't spend any time with someone he cares about. He doesn't have to be worried about me, there are tonnes of people at the guild that I can talk to.
Walking through the streets pf Magnolia, I finally make it to the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. I open the doors slitghtly and enter quietly, closing the giant double doors behind me as gently as possible, but all the members are talking amongths themsleves, so I don't think anyone noticed anyway. At the far end of the hall, there's a certain white haired girl, talking to her older sister at the bar. I walk up to her, gently patting her on the shoulder. She turns around with a big smile on her face. No wonder Natsu missed her so much.
"Hi Lucy! How are you?" she asks cheerfully. I giggle a bit and return the smile.
"I'm great, thanks. Hi Mira!" I say, turning to Mirajane so that I'm not being completely rude and ignoring her.
"Hey Lucy! Is there anything I can get for you?" she inquires politely.
"No thanks," I answer kindly, "I just need to tell Lisanna about something."
"Really? About what?" Lisanna asks while Mira picks up a wet plate and starts wiping it down. I clear my throat a bit to start what I have to say.
"Natsu is really upset for some reason, he won't tell me why. Heck, he won't even admit it to me." I half fake chuckle. "Well, I can't really be surprised, Natsu'll be Natsu, right? ... Well, the reason why I think he's so upset is because of you." she looks shocked for a moment, but then goes to a more concerned expression.
"Why? did I do somtheing to upset him?" she asks.
I shake my head, "No, it's the opposite actually. I think he misses you." I answer. She looks at me in a confused manner. "I know you're alive, that's not what I mean. It's just, he's always hanging out with me, and whenever we come back to the guild, you're already gone on another mission. I think he wants to be around you more. You are childhood friends, and you've been gone and, well, dead for two years. That was really hard on him. And I know it was hard on you when you were in Edolas. You even told us how confused you were when you saw your Natsu, and not the Edolas one. You understand that right?" She keeps staring at me blankly. "He's in the hut you and he made for Happy when you were little." I walk a bit closer to her, placing my hands on both of her shoulders, staring straight into her eyes. "He needs you." And with that, she left. Running out the guild doors and forgetting to close them. Eventually, they creek and heavely close on their own.
"So Natsu needs Lisanna now?" a gentle voice asks from the bar. I look up at Mirajane who is now wiping a glass. That's interesting, I thought they all shattered in the last brawl. I nod once, somewhat sadly. I'm worried about Natsu. I hope he'll be happy with her. "I always thought he'd need her someday." she giggles. Lisanna is someone he needs; an essential to his life; someone dear and important to him. And most likely, his true love. He's lucky to have the special person who he can trust. But, who knows... Maybe I'll find a true love of my own too. As I finish that thought, I glance towards a certain raven-haired boy chatting with a bluenette.
Lisanna's P.O.V.
Natsu. I'm coming for you. Just wait a little longer. I keep running, panting hard as I run through the familiar prairie, but I don't care. No matter how tired I am, I have to get to Natsu for his sake. I've been gone for too long, and all I did to make up for it was tackle him with a hug on the first day I came back. Why didn't I talk to him more? I could've been there for him, I could've supported him. But I forgot. I forgot all about how hard he works for a living, how much he does to protect his friends. That's why I'm going to him now, although it may take an eternity, I have to repay him for the time I've lost. Besides, I've blinded myself. How could I be so stupid?! How could I just forget everything he's done for me, how?! After all... I love him.
I finally stop running as I catch my breath in front of the straw house that's now rotten-ish, but still standing. I duck under the opening to look in and see a blossom haired boy sitting on what used to be warm, comfortable padding for the floor, staring down at a concave circle where Happy's egg used to sit. He looks up at me, his eyes sad and dark.
"Oh, hey Lisanna," he says, completely lifeless. "What are you doing here?" As if by instinct, I drop myself down, wrapping my arms around his neck and crashing my lips against his, kissing him full on. Not long after, I can feel his lips kissing me back, one strong hand gently placed on the back of my head. We break apart from the kiss as I gaze upon his now beautifully enlightened black orbs. I place my right hand softly on his cheek, my left hand brushing his spiky pink hair. My eyes slightly begin to blur as a clear salty liquid starts taking it's place.
"I'm here for you now," I murmur, "You don't have to wait anymore." This time, Natsu kisses me first as I kiss him back. We seperate once again, his smile more genuine than I've ever seen it before. He cups my cheeks in his hands and places his forehead against mine.
"I love you, Lisanna." he murmurs, "I missed you so much."
"I love you too."
The two of them started to stay with each other more often, going on more missions together, and eventually, Lisanna popped the question, Natsu saying yes. Almost passing out before that though. It would seem that he caught some of Alzack's habits. So ends the story of Lisanna's "Reunion" with Natsu.
NaLi one-shot
Author's note
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Beta Test
I'm sure I'm in for some colorful criticism, But if even a few people enjoy this, I'd be happy. As of right now the story is set in Delaware around 2005'ish'. A young man from the streets, aquires a beta test invitation in an unorthodox way. The plan is to have a comical adventure in an experimental virtual reality game. I can easily transition it to a full story if its well received. If not I hope atleast one person kinda likes it. P.s. This is a work of fiction, with made up characters. Any likeness is coincidence.
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⌜ • ° + ° • ¡ spam book ! ° • + • ° ⌟*・゜゚・ hehe the title is a randomizedkeyboard autocorrect suggestion lmao anyway get to know me as i spam this book when i remember it exists :) ・゜゚・*~ pg. 13 : includes explicit language
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