《As You Wish : Loki Fanfic》Captain's Enemy


Steve and I stared at each other until an explosion a little ways behind me snapped him out of it.

He threw the shield as a distraction as he closed the distance between us. I still didn't want to have the 'why the fuck are you working for HYDRA' discussion right now, so instead of teleporting out of the shields trajectory path, I did a backbend under it.

When I straightened up, Steve was already on me. I dodged his punch by grabbing his wrist and dropping low. I elbowed him in the stomach before moving behind him and twisting his arm behind his back. He tore his wrist from my grip and twisted his upper body to try and hit me again. I blocked, but the force of his punched sent me into the side of a parked van. I grunted and shook the pain off as Steve grabbed his shield.

Another explosion went off and I looked down the street. I couldn't see Natasha, or the Winter Soldier. They must have turned down another street. Steve turned and looked too and I used that opportunity to teleport behind him. I gripped my blades tightly as I slashed out and prayed that he noticed in time. Thankfully, he did and my blade connected with his shield. I knew I couldn't keep him here for much longer. He needed to save Nat from the Soldier.

Steve moved the shield and aimed a punch for my head. I dodged and used the opportunity to swing my body over his and jump off of his shield. I landed with a roll a few yards behind Steve and ran to where the Winter Soldier was. He was off of the main road and, when I saw him, he was already aiming for Natasha, who he'd already shot once through the shoulder.

Luckily, Steve was fast and caused the perfect distraction.

"Incoming!" I yelled into the comms. The Winter Soldier immediately forgot Natasha and turned to shoot at Steve who was right on my heals. The Soldier took aim and shot at Steve as Steve raised his shield and continued his pursuit of me. I knew he was dedicated, but this was insane.

Steve threw his shield at the Soldier who caught it and threw it back, problem was that I was now in front of Steve. I dropped to my knees and slid under the shield as it flew past my head. Steve dodged the flying metal death trap and it ended up embedded in the side of a truck.


"Really?" I grumbled in annoyance as I got back to my feet.

"Teleport." The Soldier responded back through the comms.

"No!" I grunted before feeling a large hand pull me backwards. I adjusted my footing so Steve wouldn't pull me down and twisted my upper body until I was facing him. I blocked Steve's next strike and jabbed out with my blades to get him away from me. Steve dodged my knives and grabbed one of my arms, twisting it away from my body until I dropped the blade.

I groaned against the pain until the Winter Soldier body checked Steve away from me. I shook my arm out and turned back to the fight.

The Soldier pulled his own knife and was doing his best to land a hit on Steve. Steve dodged every attack until he saw an opening. He punched the Winter Soldier back before kicking him. The Soldier flew into the side of a truck, leaving a nice dent. Before Steve could go after him again, I intervened.

Steve dodged my blade the same way he dodged the Soldiers. On one of my drawbacks I wasn't fast enough. Steve grabbed my arm and threw me over his shoulder. I hit the ground hard but had no time to take a breath. I rolled to my feet and saw the Winter Soldier make his way over to me from the corner of my eye. I twisted my arm from Steve's grip and took a step back as the Soldier kicked him across the street.

"You need to teleport." The Soldier told me as we walked over to our target. Steve had turned and pulled his shield from the side of the van and was getting in a defensive position.

"Not yet." I grumbled at the Soldier before we both attacked. Steve blocked the Soldier with his shield while dodging me with his other hand. I grimaced when I felt a particularly strong punch to my ribs. I knew at least one was cracked. I hesitated before attacking again and it gave Steve just enough time to kick the Soldier back before rounding on me again.

I was trying to dodge and attack through the pain, but Steve saw that I was favoring my left side. He blocked my knife with his shield and guided my arm up. He then punched my left side again. The force knocked me to the ground. I was too busy gasping for air to get up right away. Steve crouched over the top of me and was about to hit me again when I finally gave in and teleported.


I teleported to where the Winter Soldier had just gotten back to his feet. I was still trying to suck in air and was holding my left side while on the ground next to his feet. He looked down at me for a second before offering his hand. I took it and let him pull me to my feet.

I looked to where Steve was still kneeling on the ground where I teleported from. We were maybe thirty feet away from him. He slowly turned and got back to his feet.

"Sammee?" He asked in confusion and anger.

"Shit, covers blown." I sighed and reached up to unhook my mask and goggles. I pulled them from my face and let them drop to the ground. "Hiya, Rogers." I smiled while still nursing my left side. "Been a while."

Soon the confusion was gone and all that was left was anger. He charged at us and this time the Soldier pushed me out of the way. He knew I was hurt. I fell to the ground and watched as he went after Steve.

They slammed into each other, causing Steve to drop the shield. Every time one of them landed a hit, the other would shake it off and land one of their own. It wasn't until Steve kicked the Winter Soldier away that the Soldier pulled another knife. He charged Steve and cornered him against a van. The knife aimed for Steve's head and Steve moved just in time as the blade cut into the side of the van.

Steve moved along the side of the van to stay away from the knife as the Winter Soldier followed causing a large slice through the middle of the vehicle. Steve redirected the blade and twisted. He grabbed the Soldier by his waist and threw him over his shoulder. As the Winter Soldier got up, Steve kicked up his shield from the ground. They both turned towards each other and advanced again.

Steve blocked the Soldier's attacks and spun around him. He blocked the Soldier's metal arm with the shield and I could hear the sound of metal on metal crunching. Steve turned and wrapped his hand around the Winter Soldier's head before flipping him over his shoulder. The Soldier flipped through the air and landed on his feet, but his mask came off during the struggle.

I stood from my place on the ground as the Winter Soldier stood and turned to face Steve. As soon as Steve saw him, he froze.

"Bucky?" Steve asked. That was the moment. The last crack I needed. I could see the recognition in his eyes as he stopped being the Winter Soldier.

"What did you call me?" Bucky asked and turned to face Steve entirely. "Do I know you?" He asked and took a step towards Steve. When he did, there was a sound that made me look up. Sam Wilson had his Falcon wings on and yelled as he kicked Bucky down.

I quickly teleported over to Bucky as he got to his feet.

"Listen to me." I said in a hushed and desperate yell as I pulled him to me. "Listen to me. You can't say one word to anybody at base about remembering, do you hear me? They'll make you forget again. You can't forget again." I stressed as Bucky looked between me and Steve. "You still need to act like everything is normal until I can get us out of this." I could hear sirens in the distance and I knew it was time to go. "Go, I'm right behind you." I told Bucky. He still looked confused.

"I'm not leaving without-"

"Go!" I yelled and took out my gun. I pointed it at Steve and shot as he raised his shield. As soon as I did, a grenade was shot from behind him and hit the car behind me. The force of the explosion sent me flying forward and to the ground.

I groaned and rolled to my back as Steve knelt on top of me.

"What did you do?" He demanded angrily. I looked up at the angry look on my friends face and almost choked on my words.

"I'll get him back." I promised Steve before teleporting away. I sat behind one of the buildings and held my side as I cried. I hated the way Steve looked at me. I'd been seen as the enemy for a long time, but the look he gave me was the same one Tony did when he kicked me out. It hurt. Especially coming from a friend.

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