《My Precious Flower》Chapter 15: Dos Oruguitas





Everyone was looking for Mirabel, but so far, none of them had any luck.

A shadow of a figure approached a path and saw a single piece of yarn hanging from a branch.


Mirabel was down by a river, her knees pulled up to her chest and her head buried in her arms as she cried.

She kept crying to herself until she heard footsteps next to her.

"Mirabel?" It was Abuela.

Mirabel wiped her tears away. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt us. I just wanted to be something I'm not." She sniffled.

Abuela sat down next to her. "I've never been able to come back here. This river is where we were given our miracle."

Mirabel looked up at her. "Where...Abuelo Pedro..."

"I thought we would have a different life. I though I would be a different woman."


A young Alma approached the town square and grabbed a candle. She looked around the crowd trying to see, and hopped up onto a lamp post. A butterfly flew past her and she followed it and saw a man named Pedro standing on another lamp post.

Pedro looked over and waved at her. She waved back and nearly slipped off the lamp post, and the two laughed.


The two were now sitting by a fountain, eating and laughing with one another.


Pedro and Alma were now standing at an alter on their wedding day.

They looked at each other and kissed, putting their foreheads together after they pulled away.


Alma held up a paper cut out of a baby and held it in front of Pedro, who had his eyes closed.

Pedro opened his eyes and gasped. Then Alma pulled the cut out open, showing three babies. Pedro's jaw fell open and he fainted on the bed.


Alma laughed as he pulled her down on the bed with him.


Pedro and Alma were looking at their babies lovingly.

A flash outside their window caught their attention. They looked outside and saw people lighting houses on fire as others screamed and ran.


Alma and Pedro looked into the triplets bedroom before closing the door.


Alma, Pedro and many other villagers were walking away from their village to find shelter.


They were all wading through a river, when they noticed the people that destroyed their village were following them.

Pedro yelled at everyone to run and they did.

Pedro grabbed Alma's shoulder to stop her.

Pedro kissed each of his children's foreheads.

Pedro looked up at Alma and kissed her deeply

He turned away and went to face the people chasing them.

Pedro held his hands out to stop the men on horses.

One of the men pointed a sword at him.

Alma cried out in agony and fell to her knees, sobbing.

She bent down towards the candle and held her children close, still crying out in pain.

Suddenly, the candle started to glow and light spread out through the woods.

The light blasted the men away and created the mountains that blocked off the river. Alma stood up with the candle and faced the other villagers.


Alma sat on the floor in her room and looked down at her children.

Alma grabbed her shawl and wrapped it around herself.


She exited her room, carrying the candle.

"I was given a miracle."


Alma was know an old woman, and she passed by Bruno holding the candle.

"A second chance."


She then passed by Isaiah who straightened up as she walked by. Then passed Luisa who also straightened up.

"And I was so afraid to lose it, that I lost sight of who out miracle was for. And I am so sorry."



"You never hurt our family, Mirabel. We are broken...because of me."

Mirabel looked up and saw a butterfly flying past her. She straightens up and watched as it landed on a piece of grass in the river.

"Abuela. I can finally see." Mirabel stood in the river and held her hands out for her.

She took her hands and she led her into the river.

"You lost your home. Lost everything. You suffered so much, all alone, so it would never happen again. We were saved because of you. We were given a miracle, because of you. We are a family because of you. And nothing could ever be broken that we can't fix...together."

Abuela smiled at her. "I asked my Pedro for help. Mirabel..." she cupped Mirabel's face in her hands. "He sent me you."

Abuela and Mirabel hugged each other tightly, and a swarm of butterflies flew around them.

The two broke away from their embrace and watched in awe as the swarm of butterflies flew around them.

Mirabel was helping Abuela out of the river when they heard someone shouting.

"She didn't do this!"

Suddenly, a horse burst through the trees, and (Y/n) was sitting on top of it with Bruno behind her.

"Whoa! She didn't do this!" Bruno was the one who was shouting.

Abuela looked shocked to see Bruno there.

"I gave her a vision!"

Bruno climbed down from the horse, but one of his feet was still on it. The horse moved and he fell down. (Y/n) jumped off the horse as Bruno stood back up.

"It was me! I was like, 'Go!' And she was like...whoosh!"

Everyone was staring at him now.

"She only wanted to help. I don't care what you think of me, but if you're too stubborn to..." Bruno was cut off by Abuela embracing him.


"I feel like I missed something important."

Mirabel smiled at the two which quickly turned to shock when she was pulled into an embrace by (Y/n).

"Are you okay?" She asked in concern.

"Yeah, I'm okay." She replied.

"Good!" She said before punching her friend in the arm.


"Don't ever scare me like that again!" She scolded.

"Okay, okay, jeez." Mirabel muttered, rubbing her arm.

"Come on." (Y/n) said to Abuela and Bruno still pulling Mirabel along with her.

Abuela kissed Bruno's cheek and grabbed his hand. They all climbed onto the horse, with (Y/n) sitting up front, and Mirabel behind her, and then Abuela and Bruno.

"What...what's happening? Where are we going?" Bruno asked.

"Home." Mirabel said, as (Y/n) snapped the reins, and they sped off.


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