《My Precious Flower》Chapter 14: Broken House



"What is going on?!" An angry voice yelled out. It was Abuela.

Isaiah and (Y/n) broke apart and all three of them sat up.

"Abuela? It's okay! Everything's...We're gonna save the miracle. The magic..." Mirabel tried to explain to her.

"What are you talking about? Look at our home! Look at your brother!" She yelled.

"Please just...Isaiah wasn't happy."

"Of course he isn't happy. You ruined his proposal!"

"No, no, no. He needed me to ruin his proposal. And then we did all this!" Mirabel gestured to all the wild plants. "And the candle burned brighter and the cracks..."


"That's why I'm in the vision! I'm saving the miracle!"

"You have to stop, Mirabel!" Abuela bellowed.

Mirabel froze and frowned.

"The cracks started with you. Bruno left because of you. Luisa's losing her powers. Isaiah's out of control. Because of you!" Abuela yelled.

"I don't know why you weren't given a Gift, but it is not an excuse for you to hurt this family!"

Mirabel gasped softly, and hung her head, as the cracks started to reappear all around them.

"I will never be good enough for you. Will I?"

Mirabel's parents and the rest of her family suddenly appeared to witness what was happening.

"No matter how hard I try. No matter how hard any of us tries."

She gestured to her siblings.

"Luisa will never be strong enough. Isaiah won't be perfect enough. Bruno left our family, because you only saw the worst in him."

"Bruno didn't care about this family." Abuela snapped.

"He loves this family. I love this family. We all love this family. You're the one that doesn't care." Mirabel snapped.

The cracks spread out to the village.


"You're the one breaking out home." She accused.

"Don't you ever..."

"The miracle is dying because of you!"

Abuela looked shocked, as did Mirabel, when a crack appeared in between them and the house started shaking.

"No, no, no!" Pepa exclaimed.

"The candle!"

The cracks spread up to the window where the candle was and the window cracked and the candle fell over.

Mirabel looked up at the candle and started running forward.

"Casita! Get me up there!" She commanded.

Part of the railing fell down to create a ladder for Mirabel to climb.

(Y/n) ran towards the ladder to follow her, but Isaiah pulled her back.

"No! It's too dangerous! I don't want you getting hurt. I'll go."

On the upper level of the house Camilo was racing towards the candle, shifting into different people to dodge the falling debris.

Isaiah created a vine and used it to swing towards the candle. Unfortunately, the cracks reached his door and it faded, along with his Gift.

The vine disappeared and he started to fall. "No!" He exclaimed.

"Isaiah!" (Y/n) cried in fear.

Casita extended some wooden planks to catch him and lower him to the floor. (Y/n) ran forward and knelt beside him and held his face.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

He nodded. "I'm okay, mi pétala."

Camilo shifted into an adult male and jumped to try and reach the roofing, but he shifted back into himself and fell short.

Casita lowered the railing and he grabbed it before falling onto the floor beside Isaiah.


Abuela looked around in fear while Mirabel reached the top of the makeshift ladder. She looked over and noticed that a mountain in the distance had cracked in half.

Antonio's room burst open and all the animals rushed out as a tree fell in the doorway.


"Careful, Antonio!" Félix scooped Antonio out of the way of his falling door. "We gotta get out of here!" He cried, running out with Antonio.

"Mirabel! Mirabel!" Julieta shouted, as Casita maneuvered the floor to push them all out.

"Mirabel, we have to get out!" Agustín called, as he and the rest of the family were shoved out the door.

Inside the walls, Bruno was running down a corridor, and stopped to pick up a rat and put it in his shirt, before putting a bucket on his head and using it as a battering ram to break through the wall.

Mirabel stopped for a moment to see Bruno safely make it out.

"Mirabel! Mirabel, leave it!" Julieta begged.

Mirabel grunted as she reached for the candle.

"Mirabel! The house is going to fall!" Agustín yelled.

"Mirabel, get out!"


Mirabel ignored the cries of her parents and managed to grab the candle. She looked up and gasped as the tower started falling towards her.

Casita maneuvered the roof tiles and pushed Mirabel off the roof and created a staircase slide to catch her as she fell.

Casita then pushed furniture over to shield her from the falling debris as the house collapsed.

Mirabel was covered in dust from the destruction and looked down at the candle in her hands as it went out.

"No." She whispered.

Casita waved her window one last time in goodbye before the furniture collapsed to the ground.

Mirabel looked around in shock and disbelief at her destroyed home.

"Mirabel! Mirabel, are you hurt?" Julieta came over and cupped her face in her hands to check for injuries.

She numbly shook her head no.

"Julieta come quick! Julieta!" Pepa called in the distance.

"Don't move. I'll be right back." She told her.

Mirabel looked around and saw Camilo and Félix looking at the broken remains of their house.

Behind them, Dolores was helping Abuela sit down. "Here, let me help you, let me help you."

"Everyone okay?"

"Antonio, don't cry, papito!"

"How is this possible? The Encanto's broken."

"What do we do now?"

"My powers, they're gone."

"What about Antonio? What is he gonna do?"

Mirabel looked down in guilt as she heard everything.

(Y/n) came rushing forward looking around for Mirabel, holding Isaiah's hand as he looked for her too.

"Mirabel? Mirabel!" She called. She turned around and looked at the spot where she was kneeling on the ground only to see that she was gone.


"Mirabel! Where's Mirabel?" Julieta asked, a she came up next to (Y/n) and Isaiah.

"Where is she? Mirabel!"


Up in the mountains, Mirabel made her way up to the mountain that had spilt in two. She walked through the mountain, away from the Encanto...and away from her family.


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