《Muddy Green Waters || Draco Malfoy》61 - The Beach


Narcissa Malfoy was worried about her son.

It had been almost nine months since they had left England and he was still moping over that Mudblood.

He barely left his room. Barely ate. Barely spoke. It was as if he'd given up on life.

She wondered sometimes if she had been wrong in what she had done. But then, letting him think she was dead was the only way. He would never have left the country, never have left her, otherwise.

She wrapped her fur coat around her tightly and shivered. It was always so damned cold here. They had relocated somewhere deep in the snowy mountains, residing in a roomy, open spaced glass house. It was beautiful, but cold. And lonely. There was no one else around for miles.

She glanced at her husband who was sat in his armchair, staring at the fire as usual. He wasn't much better. Lucius had never been the same since Azkaban. He barely said two words these days. She knew he wouldn't cope with going back there. They were doing this for him. It was imperative that they keep their family together. No matter what the cost.

A knocking at the front door made Narcissa jump out of her skin. She looked to Lucius, who carried on staring blankly into the fireplace, as if he hadn't heard anything.

There was another knock, this time firmer. Narcissa cautiously made her way to the door, the only part of the building that wasn't made of glass.

"Who's there?" She called out sharply. No answer.

Curiosity getting the better of her, she tentatively opened the door.

A red haired man was standing on the doorstep, shivering in furs. He gave her a bright smile which Narcissa found somewhat alarming.

"Finally!" He said, pushing past her, letting himself in. "Do you know how difficult you guys were to find? I've been searching for weeks. Lovely place, mind!"


Narcissa just stared open mouthed as the man rubbed his hands together, looking around as if she'd just invited him in for a cup of tea.

"Who- who are you?" She spluttered.

"Fred. Fred Weasley." He flashed her a smile and her blood turned cold.

"Get out." She spoke coldly. "Get out now."

"Not until I've spoken to your son." He stood firmly, crossing his arms.

Panic tore at Narcissa. Draco could never know what she'd done. Never.

"DRACO!" He was yelling. "GET YOUR BUTT OUT HERE NOW!"

She tried urgently to shush him, silently cursing herself for leaving her wand in her bedroom. She looked desperately over to Lucius, who just continued to uselessly stare into the fire.

A door opened from somewhere upstairs and footsteps pounded the landing.


Narcissa leant her back against the wall in horror as Draco appeared at the top of the stairs.

"What's going on? Who's here?"

His gaunt and pale face scowled down at them.

"Draco, mate! Long time no see!" Fred grinned up at him.

Narcissa watched Draco look back down at him in confusion, studying their visitor.


"He's just leaving!" Narcissa spoke up, going to grab Fred and try with all her might to throw him out. But her tiny frame was no match against his stocky build.

"She's alive." Fred said, looking at Draco as Narcissa attempted to push him towards the door.

"What? What are you talking about?" Narcissa sensed his tone change as he started down the stairs.

"Harry lied to you, mate," Fred said, looking directly at Draco. "Rosie never died."

Draco blanched.

"LIES! THEY ARE LIES!" Narcissa screamed. She turned to her son, desperately. "Draco, it's a trick to get you to go back so they can arrest you!"


Draco stopped, looking conflicted. His eyes darted from his mother to Fred.

"She needs you." Fred continued. "Draco, Rosie needs you."


Draco looked at her, his eyes full of confusion. She couldn't bear to see the pain in them. She closed her eyes as a tear fell from them.

"It's true, son."

These words came not from Narcissa's mouth, but from her husbands. Her eyes flew open as she watched Lucius slowly stand from his armchair and turn to Draco.

"You were lied to. Your mother wanted you to believe she was dead so that you would come here - to this." He sneered in disgust as his arm swept the room.

Draco started shaking. His clutched at his chest as he began gasping for air.

"She- she's alive?" He choked out.

Fred took a step towards him, placing his hand on his shoulder.

"Yes mate. And I'm here to bring you back to her."


I stepped out on to the beach, breathing in the sea air as the cold February wind whipped my hair across my face.

Six weeks had passed now since I had said goodbye to my little girl. I thought about her every minute of every day. My heart hurt so very much; thinking about the life that could have been. I thought about Draco, too. I often wondered where he was, and it saddened me to think he would never know of the daughter he once had.

It was Molly's idea for me to join Bill and Fleur at Shell Cottage. It was a welcome relief when I arrived. I found the sea to be calming and peaceful after the chaos of living in the Burrow. I wasn't being ungrateful, I just found it too difficult being with much company these days.

I wrapped my coat tightly around me, protecting myself from the chill. I closed my eyes, listening to the sounds of the waves crashing gently over the shore. Tears started spilling from my eyes as I thought of everything that I had lost. It never seemed to get easier. I wondered if I would ever feel happy again, if my heart would ever heal.

When I opened my eyes again, I thought for sure that my grief had finally sent me mad.

For in the distance a figure stood. A dark suited man, with white blonde hair. And as he walked towards me, there was no mistaking those silver grey eyes, twinkling against the sunlight.


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