《Muddy Green Waters || Draco Malfoy》60 - Pearl


I rubbed my ever growing stomach as I lay on Draco's old bed in Malfoy Manor.

I still came back here. Not everyday anymore, but every now and then when I needed some peace and quiet away from the chaos of the Burrow. And I liked to talk to the baby about Draco here. I would often wander around the rooms and try to picture Draco as a little boy there. I wondered what it must have been like for him, growing up in such a big place, with no other siblings to play with.

I was still sad, so very sad. But the baby took away some of the pain. I still never gave up hope of Draco returning to me, to us.

A soft popping noise made me jump, and I quickly covered my robes around my bump. I still couldn't bring myself to tell anyone - it was almost like I couldn't until I could tell Draco first.

"I thought I'd find you here." It was Fred.

He plonked down heavily on the bottom of the bed. I reluctantly sat up to face him. As I did so, I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen which made me cry out involuntary.

"Are you OK?" Fred asked, frowning in concern. He reached over to touch me and I instantly flinched away before a great tidal wave of pain ripped through my stomach.

I clenched over howling as I grabbed at my bump. Something was very wrong.

Fred jumped up in a panic, reaching out for me again.

"Rosie? What's happening?" He crouched down besides me a look of horror on his face.

"It's too early," was all I could cry through clenched teeth as another rip of pain tore through me. I was filled with utter panic.


"What's too early? What are you talking about?" Fred's voice was trembling now and I could tell he was as scared as I was. Except he had no idea I was pregnant.

And then he looked at my stomach. My robes had dropped from around my bump. His eyes widened in understanding.


"Help me Fred," I cried, as the pain intensified. "It's not time yet. I need more time!"

I need Draco.

Fred stood up, lifting me in his arms as I screamed into his shoulder.

"We need to get you to hospital, Rosie."

I understood what he was saying, but I wanted to stay here. I didn't want to leave Draco's room.

Tears fell down my cheek as Fred Disapparated us away.

As soon as we arrived in St Mungo's, Healers took me from Fred and wheeled me away.

"We can't stop this," one of them told me. "You need to push."

"But it's too soon," I kept crying over and over again, tears coursing down my cheek. I longed for Draco. I needed him like nothing before.

But he didn't come. I cried his name as I pushed our baby out, too soon from my womb.

There was no sound.

They placed her in my arms wrapped in a blanket. She looked so peaceful, as if she was just sleeping. She had a shock of white blonde hair on top of her tiny head. Her skin was pearly white. She was perfect to me.

Fat tears splashed onto her little body as they fell from my eyes. I cried for her, I cried for myself, I cried for Draco. I cried for the family we would never get to be.



I didn't move. I just stared blankly at the yellow wall in Ginny's room.


"Rosie, you've got to eat something."

I didn't stir.

Molly sighed, removing my untouched sandwich from the bedside. I felt her kiss my head before she left the room.

It had been two weeks since I arrived back to the Burrow from St Mungo's. I went straight upstairs without a word, climbed into bed in Ginny's room where I was staying and had not come down since.

I barely slept. I barely thought. I focused hard on trying to keep my mind as blank as possible. To think would be to feel. And I couldn't face feeling anymore. The pain was too unbearable.

I had had many visitors trying to cheer me up, but I couldn't find the strength to respond to any of them. I didn't want to see anyone.

"It's not your fault," Molly would say, and I would hear a roaring in my ears as blood started rushing through my head. I didn't want to talk about it. I didn't want to hear about it.

I couldn't even bring myself to visit the Manor again. I had given up hope now. I had nothing left. He was gone and was never coming back. She was gone and was never coming back.


Harry climbed the stairs of the Burrow and took a deep breath before tentatively knocking on Ginny's bedroom door.

There was no answer, so he very gently opened it and peered inside.

The sight of Rosie shocked him. She was like an empty shell lying on the bed. Her eyes were blank as if life had long ago left them.

"Rosie?" He whispered. He was scared for a moment that she was dead, but then he realised he could see her breathing.

She didn't answer, just looked at him with those empty eyes.

It was his fault. It was all his fault.

"I'm so sorry, Rosie," Harry said, and to his horror, tears started falling from his eyes.

He turned on the spot and bolted out of the room. He couldn't bear seeing her like that. The guilt he felt was killing him.

"Are you alright, Harry?" Fred was at the bottom of the stairs looking up at him. Harry furiously wiped the tears from his face.

"I didn't know she was pregnant." Harry whispered.

"Mate, none of us did."

Harry slowly descended the stairs and shakily sat on a chair as Fred looked at him quizzically.

"I wouldn't have done it if I'd known."

"Done what, Harry?" Fred asked.

But Harry didn't answer, just sobbed into his hands.

"Harry, what have you done?"


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