《Love me | Yandere x Reader》9. Chapter


I woke up feeling more exhausted than when I got in bed. My body hurt all over, which was probably the result of a restless night. When I got up from my bed the memories of yesterday flooded in my mind. I didn't tell anyone what happened, saying everyone I had a headache. Andrew insisted on taking care of it, but I told him I wanted to rest it away.

I had blank expression on my face as I went trough everything that happened yesterday. My tears were shed so I had no feeling to show on my face. I did my morning routine as silently as I could, because the time was 5.30 am. Unfortunately, my first class was at 7 and I was ready before 6. This time I was going to use my free time at my dorm, so I took a book I had brought with me, and sat on the small sofa we had. It was for two people and across from it was another. Both sofas were white, and between them was small, black coffee table.

As I was reading the book my phone started ringing loudly. I jumped from my seat, reaching the device to silence it before the whole campus wakes up. As you can surely guess, it didn't work on my favor. The phone slipped from my hands to the black rug on the floor. I picked it up and answered before even looking at the caller ID.

"Do you have any idea what time is it?!" I hissed on the phone, trying to keep my voice down. I seated back to the sofa, relieved of finally getting the noise down.

"Sorry, (Y/n) my love, I just had to call you" it was deep male voice, which I recognized instantly. It was Andrew, and he sounded tired, like he didn't sleep at all whole night.

"Well, whats so important that you had to call me at six in the morning?" he better have something really urgent to tell me because this was no time making phone calls.


"I just needed to hear your voice" Andrew sounded sweet with a hint of the tiredness from before in his voice. He cant be serious, that's not even an excuse at this early!

"Are you kidding me?" I sounded calm, but the kind of calm which was threatening at the same time.

"Haha, yes and no. I did want to hear your voice, but I called to ask if you wanted to eat breakfast with me before your first class" he answered with happy tone. While Andrew was talking, Lucy and Katherine exited their room. I nodded as a greeting since I was on the phone.

"Well, too bad. I already ate" I accepted his excuse, mostly because it wasn't Andrew who forgot to put the device on silent.

"What? Then why were you so upset I called you this early? I thought I woke you up or something"

"Because you woke the whole campus up, not me" seriously, did this guy think about other people at all? I feel bad for his room mate.

"Oh, so it was your phone I heard. You really shouldn't keep the voice on at night" his amusement was audible, and I could see the smirk on his face.

"Haha very funny. Well, did you have anything else to say?" Lucy and Katherine were in the kitchen and Audrey stepped out of the room. She joined the other girls and I felt I needed to apologize to them.

"Yeah, well if you have already eaten, do you want to see before the class?" he sounded hopeful, probably because we didn't really see each other yesterday at all.

I agreed to meet him, and we ended the call. I made my way to the kitchen to apologize the girls before taking my leave to meet my boyfriend.

I walked in the auditorium in a wave of students. It was my last period, so I was feeling relief of being freed soon. I found a seat at the back, and placed my things on the table before me. As I took my seat I saw in the corner of my eyes someone taking the seat next to me. I looked up to see who it was, and my heart dropped to the floor when I saw the male's face.


"Hey (Y/n)... Are you okay?" it was William. His brown eyes adverted my (e/c) ones, even when it was him who approached me in the first place.

"Y-yes.. What do you want?" my tone was rude, but he was friends with the ***hole from yesterday so what do you expect? Cup of coffee and a hug?

"I wanted to apologize for-" the brown haired male tried to explain his actions but I cut him off.

"Don't. You are not the one who should be sorry. I'm not saying it was okay what you three did, but if you didn't step in when you did god knows what could have happened. Besides, this isn't the time and place for any of that" I looked at the desk before me while saying this. It felt like a year has passed from the incident even when it was just a day.

"This is the right place to say what I need to say. There is people here, so you probably feel more comfortable here than somewhere alone, but its not like you would cause a scene in here if I just talk to you" he lowered his voice as the professor stepped in front. He had a point tho. If I had to listen to him, I would prefer to do it here. I also wouldn't run away or start shouting at him here for nothing.

"As I was saying, I am sorry for not stopping Kevin before I did.. I didn't want to be part of it but I hated being there doing nothing. It was the last drop when you started crying" William continued when I stayed quiet. I looked at him, trying to see if he was lying.

"I'm grateful you did what you did, when you did. Thank you, William" the boy seemed sincere so I accepted the apology. Besides, he didn't do anything to me so I really had no reason to be angry at him. Even more so since he helped me out.

"You can call me Will" he smiled at me, which I returned. Who knows, he might be a really nice guy when you get to know him.

We talked the whole two hours of the last class and turns out he really didn't even know Kevin. They met at the campus, so they really wasn't even friends. We changed numbers so we could see each other again. When I told him about Andrew, Will said he had a girlfriend too so I had nothing to worry about.

After the class we parted ways, when I found Andrew waiting for me. He looked at Will with fury in his eyes, before turning his attention on me. He wasn't smiling as usual, but the exact opposite. He was angry.

"Who was that" Andrew spitted the last word like it was a disease or something.

"Its a classmate of mine, nothing to worry about" I didn't lie, but it wasn't the whole truth. I felt I shouldn't tell him for some reason.

"Does he know about you dating me" he was still angry, but I found his reason cute so I smiled before answering.

"Oh, is someone jealous? Don't worry, it was the first thing I said" his expression softened, but he still didn't like the idea of the brown haired male.

"I'm not jealous, now lets go my love" he said hooking his arm with mine and leading me away. We were going out without Jessica today, so both of us were exited.

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