《Love me | Yandere x Reader》6. Chapter


I saw the two other girls sitting in the kitchen, drinking coffee. I had seen them before, even talked to them a few words, but now I saw my chance to actually get to know them. One of the girls had red hair and brown eyes, while the other one was blond with green eyes. I walked to the small kitchen, taking a cup of (coffee/tea) and leaning to the counter.

"Good morning" I smiled politely, hoping for a conversation.

"Oh, good morning" the red headed one -Lucy- said, smiling slightly back at me.

"Yeah, good morning, (Y/n), wasn't it?" I looked at the just spoken blonde, nodding to her question. Her name was Katherine. As I mentioned before, I have talked to them. Well, it was just few words but still, I got to know their names and a little bit of them.

As we talked, Audrey joined us and we started to get to know each other. I did have plans, but I was already friends with Jessica and Andrew. Besides, I was going to share the apartment style dorm with these girls, so it would be nice to know what they were like.

When our little morning-talk was over, I started to head over to my two, already awaiting friends. Jessica was sitting on a outdoor bench, leaning backwards and enjoying the sun. Andrew on the other hand was pacing back and forth, looking worried and angry. Well, not as angry as in the dining hall yesterday. I picked up my speed and hurried over to them.

"(Y/n) where were you?! Why did you took so long?!" Andrew almost shouted at me when I reached them, closing the distance until he was standing only two feet away from me.

"I'm really sorry, I started to talk with my new room mates and I kind of took my time" I knew I was late, but this wasn't the reaction I expected. Well, I did from Jessica, who was still sitting on the bench taking the sun.

"He was going to come get you, you know? I had to convince him to stay here and wait" Jessica spoke, not even lifting her head up, or opening her eyes.

"Oh? Were you worried over me?" I smirk at Andrew who had calmed down a little. He closed his eyes and shook his head.


"I just don't like being kept waiting" he turned his head to the side, and run his fingers through his hair. His cheeks had a really faint pink shade, that I almost missed it. Keyword: Almost.

"Are you blushing? How cute!" I exclaimed teasingly, which made the shade on his cheeks grow darker red, and was even more noticeable now.

"Oh my god, I need to take a picture!" as I was reaching my pocket to get my phone, I felt a hand grabbing my wrist. I looked up to the owner of the hand, seeing Andrew's face. He looked serious and the pink shade was almost gone, but slightly still noticeable.

"Come on (Y/n), it can't be that amusing" he says bored expression on his face.

"Ugh fine, but still I'm not forgetting this easily" now the blush was gone, and the look on his face made me think if it really even were there in the first place. He backed away a little, and we got to the bench where Jessica was sitting.

The whole Sunday was really calm and we didn't really do anything. Andrew was very affectionate the whole day. Well, he has always been but now even more so. He insisted on holding me while walking and sitting, and even if I tried to refuse he would do so. The least he agreed to was holding hands while walking.

And once again, he wanted to walk me back to my dorm. I knew he didn't comply with anything I said today, so I really didn't care to say no to him, but at the same time it made me want to walk alone even more.

"You are not going to take no for an answer, aren't you?" I ask him, glaring at his serious expression.

"Nope. Are we gonna go or what?" he was snaking his hand around my waist like he has done all day.

"I really can't stand your stubbornness" I heard my self muttering under my breath, but loud enough for him to hear.

"Then you better be a good girl and do as I say" he smirked, leading me around the halls.

"Yeah, sure, because that sounds just great" Andrew chuckled at my sarcasm. After that, the walk was quiet, but unlike yesterday, the silence wasn't awkward or uncomfortable. That is, until we arrived at the door which would separate us. Andrew let go of me, looking at the ground, his dark brown hair covering his eyes.


"Well, looks like we're here. Tomorrow is Monday so the classes are starting. But we see after them maybe?" I turned my attention on him, and he looked like he had something to say. I examined his face in curiosity, trying to understand what he had to say.

"I- uh.. Yeah.. Well! See you tomorrow" Andrew turned away to leave, but I grabbed his arm, stopping his withdrawal. He looked at me, with fake curiosity painted on his face. He clearly knew why I stopped him.

"I know you have something to say, so spit it out" the male turned his face slightly to the side, looking at the floor again.

"Well, I- ugh.. Its nothing important, so you can forget it" he smiled slightly, trying to get me to drop the subject. However, I didn't get anything my way the whole day, so there was no way in hell I would just drop it.

"It doesn't look like 'nothing important'. Come on, if you have something to say I want to hear it" I looked at him with pleading eyes. His expression softened at me, as he looked like he was thinking if he should just say it.

"I.. We have known for about three weeks now, right?" I did a victory dance in my head while nodding.

"Well, I.. I have developed feelings for you, (Y/n)" Andrew looked me straight in the eyes, causing my breath to get stuck in my throat. I could only look him back in the black orbs right before me. I processed every word again in my mind, just to make sure I didn't hear him wrong.

"O-oh.. I-" I opened my mouth to answer, but Andrew cut me off.

"I don't want to be just friends. Well, not anymore at least. I have tried to put these feelings aside but I can't anymore. I need you (Y/n)" he didn't look me in the eyes and I tried to find a way to answer. My hand pressed the doorknob hard as I wanted to just open the door and escape the situation. Why did I have to make him talk again?

"Andrew, I don't know how I feel about this. I care about you a lot. Too much for someone I met three weeks ago, and I don't want to lose you. I need to think about this. I do like having you around and giving me attention but I came here to study and promised myself I wouldn't start dating or anything. Well now that you think about it, its a silly promise, but I do like being alone and- I'm rambling aren't I?" I lift my hand to awkwardly scratch the back of my neck.

"Its okay, I understand" Andrew smiled at me sadly, hurt evidently in his eyes. I bit my lip, and Andrew looked at the ground starting to leave.

"I don't mean I don't like you..!" I said loudly at his back, which was now facing me. He stopped in his tracks, although he hadn't taken more than two steps before I got the words out of my mouth.

"W-what" he slowly and a bit reluctantly turned his head to face me. Andrew looked surprised at my words, and so was I. It wasn't lie, but I didn't want to get his hopes up too high, in case I choose to reject him. Well, its a bit late now genius.

"I said, I don't mean I don't like you.. I do, but I'm not sure if I want to.. You know, start dating or anything" it was my turn to stare at the floor, like it was the most interesting thing in the world. Oh, this tile has a crack on it, wonder how it got there...

"Well, if we did start dating, what would change? I mean, we are already close, we see each other everyday and probably look like a couple in others eyes. We would be the same, expect the term we use about our relationship" I shot my eyes from the floor to meet his black ones. I ponder about his words, realizing he is right.

"Yeah, what would change.. I guess we could give it a try" I smiled at him, still unsure about my answer. In a blink of an eye I found myself in Andrew's arms, in a tight hug.

"Oh god..! I'm so glad (Y/n), I was afraid you would leave me" Andrew whispered in my ear. I hugged him back, relieved to see I didn't lose my friend. I wondered, why was I so unsure just moments before.

He was right, what would change?

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