《Ex-bestfriends ✓p.jm》26


This past week has been life changing to say the least.

Your school apologised, your mother came back and apologised to you, and if it wasn't enough-an apology was issued on the social media platforms where your name had trended and gone viral with chains.

You didn't know who issued the apology since it was made by multiple users who were trending it but it was more of an announcement to let other people know that it was a mistake made sam in the past and resulted into an unfortunate event in someone's life.

You didn't know how people found out your truth but you knew that your bass played a role in it.

Your mom told you that he contacted her and told her what really happened which was the indication that he probably had something to do with all of this.

You didn't ask any more than that. Not because you didn't want to know what really happened but because you didn't want to hear it from your mom.

Yes, you didn't resent her but that didn't mean that you weren't hurt by her action and lack of trust.

Did she ever try to find out what happened?

Did she ever try to contact you after leaving you?


But you didn't want to talk about that post with her either.

But strangely, your boss didn't talk to you about any of it either.

Your mother went back to her home in the city where she was residing, she didn't feel right to stay with you and you didn't force her either.

You were both starting over your relationship after a decade.

You both couldn't act like everything was back to normal. Just because your mom gave birth to you, you couldn't erase what she had done but at the same time, you couldn't discord everything she had done for you because she decided to use her head instead of her heart once.


At the end, you decided that you were both ready to put your past behind you.

However, Jimin wasn't ready to put it behind him.

He only wanted a chance to speak with you and to open up everything to you but he didn't feel like he deserved it anymore.

He never tried to solve the mystery of your case to speak to you, he did it to see your old self back.

It didn't feel right for him to try to talk to you after he did all of this, if he did- all he had done up until now would seem insincere.

But what he didn't know was his friends weren't going to let him dwell or miss this chance.

While you were typing on your keyboard, your landline started to ring and you swiftly picked it on one hand while the other hand was still typing.

"Miss Yang speaking, how can I help?"

"It's Jin speaking, are you busy y/n?"

"I'm just working on the Mount project, Mr. Kim"

"I've already told you to call me Jin when it's only the two of us, y/n. But anyway, I need you to do something for me..."

"Please go on, sir"

"I want you to listen to Jimin speaking" he said straightforwardly which made you speechless.

"Your relationship with him doesn't have anything to do with me but please, give him a chance to speak to you.. not as a boss but as someone who knew you before.. I won't force you but please, think about it. Just once, please" Jin tried to persuade you before hanging up.

If he had asked you this a couple of weeks ago, you would have run away but now, surprisingly you were considering his proposition.

You didn't know why he was trying to make you listen to your boss speak because there was nothing to clear up but you had a lot of unanswered questions that could only be answered by him and you didn't feel like he would hurt you more than he already had.


During the past months, he never crossed his boundaries or tried to get into your life.

Mr. Kim Seokjin didn't ask you to speak to him, he simply asked you to listen to him.

So with that in mind, you didn't wait another minute and called Eun to check if your boss was busy and if you could go see him in his cabin before you chickened out.

Eun instantly told you to go without consulting him since he told her to let you inside his cabin at anytime.

With heavy steps, you went upstairs and knocked on his door.

Jimin thought either Jin or Namjoon were knocking since his secretary didn't call him but to his surprise, the door opened revealing you.

"O-oh please come in" Jimin became nervous because of the fact you came to see him on your own will as well as not knowing the reason of your visit.

You were standing in front of his desk not knowing what to say, it was at this moment you thought you should have prepared what to say before coming but your eyes caught something or more like a familiar item on his desk.

Antidepressants, It was the same brand of anti-depressants you were taking so you immediately recognised what it was.

Jimin who was observing you intently found where your eyes were directed at.

"These are pills I take for my health" he said nonchalantly like it wasn't a big deal while putting the pills inside his drawer.

He didn't even know why he was saying that to you but like everyone else in the office, he answered the question you might have thought to ask in your mind.

"I take the same pills, I know.." you replied softly while your eyes were locking down, not because you were embarrassed of it but because you weren't ready to meet his gaze.


"Yes, I've only started taking them recently"

"I've been taking them for a while now, it's a good brand" he continued on with this conversation.

He was glad to speak to you about something else other than work and he didn't care if this conversation seemed silly.

He just wanted to speak to you freely as long as he could while at the same time get to know your state of mind.

You, on the other hand felt a bit taken a back knowing that he was taking antidepressants.

Was he depressed?

Did he have depression?

Or was he going through something else?

You didn't want to pry into his personal life so you didn't ask any more questions.

"My mom told me that you contacted her and told her what happened.. that you were the one who made her come into the office" you started speaking.

Your other boss asked you to listen to him speak which you didn't know what it was about yet but you first wanted to solve this big mystery of yours.

With the school's apology and social media announcement, it only made your curiosity grow stronger.

Jimin who didn't want to miss this chance to look at you close by come out of his trance when he heard your words.

"Yes, I did.." he found your mom before he even found you so it wasn't difficult to contact her and tell her about everything.

He knew you had a lot of questions regarding that matter and you deserved to know the truth.

He sighed. "Please take a seat, Miss Yang because.. it's a long story"


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