《Ex-bestfriends ✓p.jm》16


The more I was looking at her, the more I was longing for her.

The more her honey voice filled my ears, the more I was drawn to her. I knew I broke her trust once and our relationship will never be the same again.

But seeing her walk away dreaded me. It saddened, feared and killed me.

Thinking about jennie's words that were going to come out of her mouth only infuriated me.

That's when I realised that before anything, had to do something in order to bring back the old y/n.

Something that should have done long ago.

Recover her dignity...

I couldn't rectify my post action but I could set everything right with my new actions.

I didn't wait a second more and called Jin & Namjoon, both my best friends and business partners and told them to come to the office first thing in the morning tomorrow.

Jin was already in town so it wasn't a problem and Namjoon was going to take the train tonight. I was determined that was going to solve everything.

Y/n, I'm so sorry that I was a part of the pain you went through. I committed a mistake once, I will never commit another. Just stay with me until I reveal everything.....

It wasn't everyday that the three CEOs were present in the company, let alone in a branch that was remotely small and for away from the big cities.

Everyone in the office was wondering what was the reason for the big three arrivals.

Were they going to announce something big?

Were they going to launch something?

Were they planning on creating something?

No one knew but the rumours were just spreading around like wildfire.

However, on the upper floor, much to everyone's excitement; three men were sitting in plain silence inside the cobin.


The complete contrast of the atmosphere in the floors below.Jin was sitting on the sofa, Namjoon was standing by the window glass whilst Taehyung was sitting on his desk.

"So, what's the plan now? How do you want to talk to y/n? I mean that is if she allows you to speak to her.." Jin queried while he mumbled the last sentence.

Jimin, in response got up from his desk and went to the drawer to take his pills before sitting back on his desk again which only made his two friends let out a sad sigh.

"Before talking to her, I want to find out the person or people who put the c*ndoms inside y/n's bag" jimin stated.

When you didn't come back to the classroom after that incident on that fateful day, jimin felt the first sign of his regret creep in.

When he found out all those social media pasts, it tore his heart apart and he cried the rest of the night thinking about a way to apologise to you the next day, in person.

But it's when he found out that you were expelled from school that his regret turned into guilt which turned into something much bigger.

"That's a great step" both Jin & Namjoon said in unison.

They both were already aware of that infamous incident.

After becoming friends at the university, that event was the very first thing that Jimin shared to them.

He didn't shy away to say the inconsiderate words he said to you to his friends. He didn't care if his new friends judged him, he wanted to feel the weight of his guilt in some ways and he was ready to feel that even if it was to be met by scrutiny.

His burden didn't allow him to live in peace. He told them everything which only made his two friends bond much closer to him.


There were instances where they helped him look for your as well. Looking for someone wasn't really on one man job, anyway. Many people were involved in your search thus a lot of money was spent.

But who knew that you were in front of him under a new name all this time?

It only proved that the people involved weren't doing a good job or you did a pretty good job at covering your trail.

"It's something you should have done ages ago, I always thought there was much more to that incident.. there are simply too many holes in that story" Namjoon started to voice out his opinion which made the other two look at him.

"Obviously, I didn't want to say anything at first because of your state of mind and.. situation. You were already broken and I didn't want to inflict more pain. It would have been like rubbing salt into your wounds" Namjoon expressed his thoughts. Jin couldn't disagree, it was the truth.

When they met him, jimin was indeed a broken mess. Every of his action felt robotic, it was only when they got to know him that they understood the reason why he was acting that way.

Jin always felt like that there was much more to the incident than what happened on the surface.

"What are you thinking about, hyung?" Taehyung asked after a brief moment.

Because of the guilt he succumbed into, he never really looked back or thought about that incident again except of the words.

he uttered to you, but now, he was ready to go down memory lane if it could help him get your old self back and recover your honour.

"Well, first off why did some of your classmates insinuote that y/n was doing something unethical behind everyone's backs? You told me that a number of them were insinuating something at first, isn't it?" Namjoon questioned his younger friend which Jimin only nodded and hummed as a response.

"Think about it for a second. If your teacher found packets of c*ndoms, wouldn't they first think that she was s*xually active with someone close to her in that case, with you. Wouldn't that be the most logical explanation?" Jimin fraze while listening to his friend's words.

"I mean from what you told us, the both of you were attached by the hip. If I had been there, I would have first questioned both your guys' relationship before anything else, considering y/n had a good reputation at school"

"I would have questioned whether you both were more than best friends. In addition, y/n didn't date anyone at school and she didn't really hang out with guys at school from the exception of you.... so why did those people start off by saying those stupid things? It doesn't really make sense..." Jin nodded his head slowly while listening to his words attentively.

It was something that the two of them didn't really think about before but Namjoon wasn't going to stop there.

"Secondly, why did you lash out on y/n?! I mean.... in the sense what made you lash out on her in the first place? I mean you told us the reason but what really triggered you?" Namjoon questioned. Jimin's eyes looked at his face blankly before realising the answer.


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