《Ex-bestfriends ✓p.jm》14


My mom contacted her close friend who sent me completely for away from this mess.

She was the one who recommended and helped me change my last name since I was devoid of any emotion.

My old surname was tornished and was attached to vulgar terms so she knew that I wouldn't be able to attend any school or university, get a good job or live a peaceful life with that name anymore.

After that day.....I never saw my mom again either.

She pretty much abandoned me just like my father but the only difference was that t couldn't blame her.

I could still remember her last look at me. It was a store that made me feel like an act of fury.

She was furious but disappointed more than anything.

The first few days, I didn't feel anything. I felt like a robot. I couldn't comprehend that this was my life.


afterwards, I felt the weight of the humiliation sink in. I didn't have anyone that truly loved and trusted me.


If only, my one and only best friend had trusted me and supported me- none of my classmates would have dared to speak a word about me.

They always gave importance to his words and word literally idolised him.

Even if he hadn't said a word and kept quiet, my classmates wouldn't have turned against me and they would have been silent but the second he turned his back to me and let out those degrading words questioning my character, everyone launched on me and started a witch-hunt.

Jimin was always next to me like a shield protecting me from any harm but that one time when he should have defended me and trusted my character.... he failed doing it.

He failed.

How could he question my character?


How could he accuse me just like that?

What was the point of all these years of friendship if he didn't know who I was?

Everybody else used derogatory words to disrespect me but he stained me by only using a few sentences.

He opened the door to the pathway of my destruction.

My other best friend didn't hesitate a second to spit sickening words at me.

My mother didn't even look back at me.

Their words and actions weren't genuine nor were their love.

Everything was fake.

Nothing was genuine.

That's the reason everyone threw me away without looking back when I became inconvenient to them.

That day when I was on the floor crying out by myself in the dorm of my new school, I promised to myself that I would never let another person enter my life ever again so that nobody can ever betray and hurt me again.

I decided that I would be alone for the rest of my life and it was the last time.

I was shedding tears for anyone and for my miserable state.

That Yang Y/n was just a living corpse awaiting for her last day.


After talking to Jin, Jimin realised that waiting for the right time to talk with y/n was useless.

Jin knew everything that had happened and he scolded his friend for not apologising as soon as he saw her.

The truth was, jimin felt guilty.

How can he apologise after breaking his loved one's trust?

How could he look into her eyes?

How could he mend her broken heart?

Will he get her back after an apology?

He didn't know this y/n.

He didn't know anything about her life right now but he knew deep down that she was this way because of him.

He had played a huge part in it.


So he devised a plan. His father wanted him to attend a meeting for him in town.

It was very rare for Jimin to handle his father's business because one, he didn't want to meddle into his affairs and two, he didn't want to take advantage of his role as a son.

But he obliged this time for multiple reasons. As always, he took Miss Cho with him since she was his secretary but he also took y/n with them.

He used the pretext of Mr. Lee to his advantage, once again. He wanted to take this opportunity to open up to you after the meeting.


Since you were with Eun, you felt a lot more comfortable attending this meeting with your boss.

As the three of you entered inside the restaurant to go to the reserved table, the voice of a girl caught everyone's attention.


all of a sudden, a young woman came running across the tables to Jimin's direction and jumped into his arms.

Eun was smiling and then turned to look at you but your face was blank, she then whispered in your ear to clear your confusion.

"That's his girlfriend"

but what Eun didn't know was you weren't confused.

You were petrified to hear and see another familiar face from your past again.

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