《Battlestar Invictus》Ch III. Trial by Fire
It took the crew a few hours longer than expected to translate the salvaged star-charts, but now at least they'd have a tool to work with. Verification with visible constellations wasn't really difficult once the map was readable. It seems that his ship jumped in a well-traveled area, a place called the Fire Fall, whatever that may be. The system they were currently in was nothing but a relay identified by a series of numbers, Relay 571, nothing significant. What was significant was the huge amount of space this Imperium Hominis seemed to have. The Twelve Colonies were just a speck on this map by scale! At least now they knew the Imperium was vast and very powerful. Now it was up to him to figure out the next step. What now? The answer to that question would come sooner than he thought...
"CONN-DRADIS, I've got a bogey bearing 305 carum 04."
"Unknown contact sir, whatever it is, that sucker is HUGE! The power signature is off the charts." "Keep me informed, XO thoughts?"
"Observation reports a similar configuration as we've seen in this system. The charts verify it. Big engines in the rear, long and narrow body, rear wings, wedge prow. They're probably Imperials."
"Mark this contact as Cathedral one, and edge us closer to the edge of the debris field. Start making calculations for an emergency jump. If this guy decides to shoot we can't trade blows with him."
In the meantime aboard the Imperial vessel, Admiral Julius Lahain aboard his battleship was trying to get his crew back in order. While en route back to Port Maw his ship was attacked by Chaos forces, and now he had lost his escorts. They were destroyed one by one by the red menace, which left him alone and on the run. His navigator managed to pull the immense battleship into the warp in time. For about a week, or so it seemed, they had traveled through the illogical immaterium to reach Relay 571. The last stop before the next jump to friendly lines.
With a big jolt, and at the same time a soothing transition the SkyWatcher left the immaterium and entered Realspace on the edge of Relay system 571, a safe distance away from the debris field orbiting the white dwarf. His old mentor talked about the big battle waged here two centuries ago. Now all that was left of the glorious ships who defended the Imperium were chunks of debris, such a shame.
The time spent in the Warp enabled the Enginseer crew of the SkyWatcher to conduct some repairs, but they were still vulnerable.
"Shipmaster, what is the status of our repairs?"
"Admiral, our lance batteries are operational, our macro-broadsides still have problems with the resupply gear, a large portion of our point defence guns is still offline and we have around two-thirds of our carrier-craft left operational. The rest either destroyed or damaged beyond repair."
"That was to be expected. What is the status of our engines?"
"Plasma-engine three and six have sustained damage, but are for the most part operational. If they deteriorate we may have to shut them down to prevent a meltdown."
"That will cost us a third of our power! The cog-heads in Port Maw are gonna love this."
Suddenly the young lieutenant observing the Auspex Array called out:
"Admiral, new rifts are opening! They are Chaos ships, six of them on an intercept course!"
"Bring the ship to alert status!" He ordered while grabbing the ships vox. "All hands to Battlestations!"
Before long the entire bridge was sounding with orders: "Secure all hatches and bulkheads, all gun crews to their pieces, Engineering: charge the lance capacitors, standby damage control teams."
"Lieutenant, can you identify the classes?" Lahain asked while the young lieutenant franticly tried to keep a clear picture with the damaged systems he had.
"One Hellbringer light cruiser, two Idolators, and three infidels."
"Very well, focus your efforts on the closest ship. Lets try to thin their numbers before they get to close. Bring the ship about! We'll give them the best broadside we have left!"
"Admiral" Number two called "We can't keep those ships at bay forever"
"I know Damnit, but we sure as hell are gonna do it or die trying, now open fire!"
The massive ship began to launch its strike craft while the space-superiority fighters raced out the hangar bays to take up defensive position while the ship's massive lance batteries reached out and blasted at the incoming chaos ships. At about the same time the chaos fleet assumed a solid attack formation, the Idolators opening up with their prow lances, the infidels blasting away with their weapons batteries and launching torpedoes while the Hellbringer launched her attack-craft and fired her main guns.
"Emperor help us now..." The admiral said to himself.
"Admiral, New contact coming out of the debris field!"
Lahian turned around sharply to face the Auspex console: "What, more Chaos usurpers?"
"I don't know sir" the young man called, "I've never seen this configuration before, the Cogitators don't recognize its silhouette either. We're receiving a signal from them!"
"Show me!"
++++Transmission incoming++++
++++Language unknown++++
-> translating
++++Compiling message++++
++++Message reads:++++
Battlestar Invictus to Imperial Vessel:
Do not, Repeat, Do not fire on us!
We intend to aid in fending off the red Dagger ships.
Please acknowledge on same frequency.
++++Message ends++++
++++Transmission ended++++
It took him a few seconds to realize what he was reading. An unknown vessel just popping up here and claiming to help them... This was almost too good to be true. But then again, with the state his vessel was in currently... He didn't really have a choice. It was either risk losing the ship by taking an unknown in his ranks, or risking it alone with even lower odds.
"Get a passive weapons lock on that ship, if it tries anything we'll blow it to dust!" He barked at his staff before turning to his comms-officer: "Connect the transla-cogitator with the vox and hail that vessel, lets see what their claims are worth."
It was barely thirty seconds after he had sent the message that the commander of the Invictus was alerted by his Comms-specialist. "Sir, the imperial ship is answering. The captain demands to speak with you."
"Put him on the horn. This is Invictus Actual, go ahead Imperial vessel." Price called out in his horn.
A stern mechanical voice sounded from the other side: "This is admiral Lahain of the Battleship SkyWatcher, I don't know how you got into our space and for the moment I don't care. You claim to help us correct?"
"Indeed Admiral. Let us close formation and take some of this fire away from you."
"Do as you must, but try anything funny and we'll blow you to dust like the others!"
"Understood SkyWatcher. You take the big boys, we'll take the smaller ones." With these words he hang up the phone.
"Friendly fellow" Howard remarked.
"We'd give a similar answer in his shoes. XO bring the ship about. Let's see what our bow batteries can do to the hull of those standoff ships. Load the Super-density shells!"
Gracefully the lumbering Battlestar turned his bow toward the closest Idolator Lance escort and began blasting both dorsal cannons and fixed bow cannons. The massive super-density shells erupted silently from their barrels and whistled toward their targets with enormous speed. At the same time the first eighty fighters shot out of their launch tubes and took defensive positions around the Battlestar, soon to be followed by their comrades being loaded into the now empty tubes.
It took a few seconds for the first shells to reach their target, before impacting the energy barrier surrounding the little ship. This was soon followed by a double lance blast originating from the SkyWatcher which put severe stress on the corrupted Void Shield generator. Regardless of the punishment the Idolator took, it kept firing on the huge Imperial vessel.
Together with the combined barrage of its sister ships, the chaos vessels started to put a serious strain on the SkyWatcher.
Inside the massive ship, gun crews were scrambling around their stations trying to reload their cannons and aiming their massive, ancient pieces. Enginseers and their work gangs worked with fanatic zeal to try and keep the capacitors for the all-powerful lance batteries full, while at the same time preventing key systems from overloading. Higher up the chain officers were directing crewmembers, issuing orders and inspiring the men that served below them. Meanwhile on the command deck the admiral and his staff had their hands full directing the battle. Watching from his pict-screen on his command-throne Admiral LaHain watched with near amazement at the ferocity and the sheer volume of fire that the little so-called battlestar spewed out at his closest Idolator. He did not expect this from an Non-Imperial ship that size and which such a low power signature.
"Gunnery officer, the Invictus is in perfect position to blow holes into Idolator two. Give him a hand with those shields, will you? Let's see what the little bugger can do."
"As you wish Admiral" the experienced officer called: "Redirect battery two and four to bearing 034, elevation 013. Shield dispersion fire, Execute!"
The moment the Gunnery-officer gave the word, two massive six-barreled turrets rotated to the given direction and unleashed a massive amount of energy at the Idolators shields, finally breaking them.
"Commander, the energy signature is gone. The barrier seems to have disappeared!" the young sensor operator cried out.
"Okay gentlemen, this is our chance. Weapons, switch to full AP loads! XO, instruct strike-vipers to launch their anti-ship missiles at the largest energy signatures they can find on that ship. Helm, bring us underneath, give them the full dorsal broadside!"
As soon as Commander Price gave the word the orders were carried out with skill and determination. Huge solid shells began filling the space between the two clashing ships, moments before impacting the weak armor of the red menace.
Strike-vipers of Invictus launched their armor piercing Anti-Ship missiles at any significant energy signature they could find. The missiles exploded within, wreaking havoc at weapons, breaching plasma-lines, damaging engines and disrupting communication lines throughout the ship.
A final salvo from Invictus in the rear section disabled the stricken frigate, rendering it stearless, burning. The first ship out of the fight.
The chaos ships, before now not seeing Invictus as a real threat, began seriously returning fire. Two Infidel raiders broke off their attack runs on the SkyWatcher and began turning towards the Invictus and his prey.
"XO, they've realized we mean business. We need to combine our batteries with the Imperials, and start aiding them with repelling small craft as well. There isn't much flak coming from that big hulk. Bring us underneath that ship and extend our FLAK barrier around her."
"Roger that sir. Sir, our strike-vipers have called Winchester. They need to land and re-arm"
"Very well, recall the strikers. Launch the reserve strikers while the others re-arm. And prepare viper group three and four, the others will be out of ammo soon."
The two incoming raiders set up in a staggered formation and commenced a head-on pass with Invictus. Invictus turned with them and helped close the distance, at the same time closing in with SkyWatcher.
"Radiological alarm!" suddenly sounded in the CIC, "the raiders have launched five, say again, Five nuclear missiles at us commander!"
"Fighters, Intercept and disperse, Flak barrier to full auto, pitch negative thirty and all ahead flank! Take her down! Now! Now! Now!"
Immediately the few closest fighters scrambled to take out the big missiles headed towards their mothership. At the same time the Flak barrier of Invictus densed up immediately. Both fighters and Flak managed to take out four missiles before they could hit. But the fifth did slip through...
A massive explosion blinded everyone looking in the general direction of Invictus. Everyone inside the ship was thrown to the ground. For the second time in this area, commander Price was thrown on top of his plotting table.
The damage seemed mild at first, radiation remained within norms. Most of the energy was directed outwards as the missile exploded on impact, while the thick Battlestar Armor kept most of the hard stuff out. But soon, more damage would become clear.
"Viper 61 – Invictus, come in. You've got violent decompressions all along the port flight pod. Invictus do you read?" Came through the radio.
On the forward section of the port Flight Pod a fire was raging while violently spreading along the pod. On the damage-control stations red lights began blinking, indicating the fires. XO Howard had to take charge of this damage control party from the CIC.
"Port section, Report" he called through his horn. He was answered by a frightened greenhorn of a crewman. "The officers are dead, sir! Fires are everywhere and the suppression system is out! Sir we need help!"
No suppression system, Frack! Without that system they couldn't get the fire out in time. If the fires reached the hangars it would ignite the fuel lines and they would lose the ship! Only one option left...
"Crewman, get in your emergency gear" he said before switching to shipwide intercom: "Attention all hands, seal off all sections front of bulkhead 25. Prepare for emergency vent action."
He put the horn down and inserted the vent-key in the hole and initiated the vent.
In all the sections with, and close to the fire, huge armored vents rotated opened and let all the air inside escape, extinguishing the fire. The few crew members not braced for vent action were sucked away into the void. Seconds after vent completion the red blinkers stopped and switched off. Another danger overcome...
All the while this was taking place, the Battlestar had slid underneath the two red raiders. Any gun capable of shooting did what it could to pepper the crimson hulls of its opponents. The infidel raiders did the same thing. As soon as they could, red laser blasts began raking the ship. From stem to stern, every part of the three kilometer long ship was hit by any degree. By the time both Infidels passed Invictus, they had already inflicted heavy damage to one of its engines, rendering it inoperable. The lead Infidel had to pay this price with a direct hit to his port batteries, causing a violent explosion within the red ship itself.
While the battle between the three ships waged, the remaining four chaos vessels continued to pound the SkyWatcher, which was now threatened with strike craft coming from the distant hellbringer. Seeing the intent of the battlestar commander, Admiral Lahain ordered his ship to take position slightly above his newfound ally, seeking to increase the effectiveness of both ships flak-barriers while at the same time taking on the enemy cruiser. Fighter Craft from both ships danced around the massive hulks while intercepting ordonnance and enemy strike craft, as well as taking on enemy fighters.
Through this cloud of activity came blasts of macro cannon and Lance fire from both factions, all trying to blast the other into oblivion.
Just after taking out the second Idolator, Skywatcher turned her batteries toward the carrier Hellbringer, and started blasting away. The void-shields of the red ship couldn't take the fire long, and soon its shields began to collapse. The now vulnerable cruiser started backing away, seeking quarter as to recharge her shields. SkyWatcher was too slow to follow. She gave the fleeing cruiser a few parting shots before seeking another target.
The battle waged on for about 45 minutes before the chaos ships retreated back into the warp. SkyWatcher had lost what was left of engine three and six, together with a third of her original speed. Her main batteries did sustain a few hits, but nothing critical. Her strike fleet however was reduced to about half her strength. That would pose a problem should they be attacked again....
In this fight, helping that imperial vessel, the Invictus had taken a lot of hits. Most of the hard stuff had been kept out by her armor, but still she had lost an engine. Two main turrets were damaged and had to be retracted manually. Multiple space-craft were lost or damaged. How extensive the damage was would become clear when they put into dry-dock somewhere. How many crew had sustained wounds was not yet clear. Price hoped that at the very least the complete casualty list would come in soon, and that it be short. The Imperial emperor in his flying cathedral better be grateful for this! At least the ship's FTL drive was still online.
A little while after the battle had ended, the commanding officers of both ships were again on the horn:
"This is Admiral Julius Nephos Lahain aboard the SkyWatcher, calling the commanding officer of the Invictus, come in Invictus." The line on the other side began to crack to life:
"Go head Admiral, I read you loud and clear."
"You and your ship have fought valiantly Commander, and I am grateful for your coming to our aid. I still don't know what you are doing in our sector, but that can come later. The Imperial Navy could sure use a ship like yours in our fleet against the Chaos Menace. What say you?"
"We've been attacked by them the moment we arrived here. We sure could use an ally."
"If you are interested in becoming our ally, you could escort my ship back to Port Maw. I am sure that after the service you've done for us the PortMaster will provide for your ships repair, should you've sustained any damage."
"We sure would appreciate that Admiral"
"Very well. I will have my crew send you the coordinates, please verify on the same channel."
"Understood, Looking forward to meeting you in person."
"Likewise Commander. LaHain out." And with those words the connection was broken.
When he looked up, Price caught the eye of his XO.
"Do you think we've got the right man, John?"
"I don't know Mark, I just hope we do. It will be one heck of a short war for us if we don't."
On the imperial battleship, Admiral Lahain sat back in his command-throne and let his crew do their work while he started to wonder.
After a few short moments, his trusted second-in-command, Bracco Gambell, walked up to him.
"Thinking of the new escort, sir?"
"There is potential in this encounter, Bracco. The commander seems to know how to use his ship, even against an unknown adversary. But why help a stranger? Why is he here? Is he genuine and requires an ally, if so, against whom... Or are there other motivations in play? Whatever the answers to these questions may be, the addition of this small but surprisingly powerful carrier may prove very useful in coming battles. If this is to be however, steps may have to be taken to increase its damage resistance."
"I guess we'll find out once we reach Port Maw."
"Indeed we will."
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