《The Devil's Mate》Chapter Eight


Let me introduce to you, the seven deadly sins

The demon whispered with a sickly grin

Pride will remind you that you are the best

Sloth will tell you to stop working, just rest

Envy will fill you with endless desire

Anger will fill you with a raging mad fire

Greed will make you long for wealth

Gluttony will slowly destroy your health

But wait, hold on, there is still one more

Lust will make you fu*k until you're sore


Jules had learned many lessons from her mother. Aside from practical, educational, and religious lessons, there was one that stood out ever since her dad left. It was short and simple: Do not trust handsome men.

The guy leading a small group of Dalmellington Academy students towards her table was charmingly handsome. He was tall, had a strong build, and golden brown hair that flared up elegantly on his head. The skin on his face had no blemishes. Even the size and height of his nose held a fair level of elegance. His strides were powerful and confident as if he knew people were staring at him.

The girl she saw in the hallway was walking beside him. Although Jules feared that she may have angered the academy girl, she couldn't help but also become entranced with the girl's beauty. The girl's highlighted brown hair was voluminous and made her sharp cheekbones and jawline stand out. She was tall with a slim and curvy figure, had luscious lips, a thin nose, and long eyelashes. She was gorgeous to an intimidating degree.

Jules concluded that there must have been a correlation between money and beauty. The two seemed to go together. Every Dalmellington Academy student she had seen so far had no blemishes on their fair faces and an entrancing air around them that was uncomfortably strange. But the group of seven that were approaching her table stood out the most. To simply put it, they were utterly flawless and seemed as if they each belonged on the front cover of a magazine.


When the group reached her table, the cafeteria became eerily quiet. Jules looked at Abby and Jonathan for comfort but the both had adverted their eyes away. It was almost as if they were showing submission. Jules didn't know what to do so she awkwardly placed her fork down. She tried to do it without shaking.

The guy who lead the group was the first to speak.

"There's been a rumor going around that a beautiful new student has joined Dalmellington High. I'm glad to see that the rumor is true," he smiled, revealing straight white teeth that would make every dentist swoon, "My name is Randall. And yours?"

"Jules." She focused hard on not stuttering.

"Jules. What a lovely name. Well, my friends and I are part of the Dalmellington Academy student council and wanted to personally welcome you. Although you are technically not enrolled in our school in particular, we try our best to treat every Dalmellington student like family here. Uniform or not, in the end, we're all just students trying to advance in our academics. Let me introduce my friends. This is Skye, Ana, Ellen, Jake, Simon, and Alec." As he said each person's name, they waved politely at Jules. But she was so entranced with their flawless faces that she barely remembered their names. She did, however, notice that the girl she saw in the hallway earlier was named Skye.

As if reading her mind, Skye approached her.

"You're the girl I saw earlier today in the hallway right?"

Jules gulped and gave an embarrassing nod.

"Sorry about that. My boyfriend and I are in our honeymoon phase and we just can't help ourselves sometimes."

Jules thought the honeymoon phase was something that only occurred after marriage but decided it would be best if she didn't question it.


"But for future reference, Dalmellington High students are prohibited from going to our part of the--"

"Skye," Randall interrupted her, "it's not a big deal. It's her first day. She probably just got lost. We are here to welcome her."

Randall turned back to Jules, "Excuse her manners. Skye tends to take rules very strictly. She does not mean to sound rude. Before we leave you to finish your lunch, I'd like to invite you to a welcome party this Friday night at my place. My classmates and I would be honored to personally get to know you. It's a tradition we have."

Jules didn't know what to say. She tried to look at Abby for help but Abby was busy playing with her fingers to notice. She then made eye contact with Jonathan but then he instantly looked away. The silence was becoming very awkward.

Jules tried to think of the best option. She had never been to a party before but she knew that her mother wasn't fond of them. She could tell Randall no and use her mother as an excuse.

She was about to reject the invite but then suddenly remembered what Abby had told her about the Dalmellington Academy Students.

Try to avoid those students at all cost. And most importantly, stay on their good side. If you do all these things, you won't have any problems.

Jules was overwhelmed at the tense silence and all the attention that was on her.

"Okay. But my curfew is 9 pm and I have to get approval from my mother." she blurted without thinking. Her nerves made her mouth react on its own.

Randall flashed another one of his gorgeous smile. "Great. We all will be looking forward to it."

Once the group of seven walked out the lunch room, the noise level began to go back to normal.

Jules didn't realize she was holding her breath. Jonathan placed his hand on hers in a comforting manner.

"Don't worry too much Jules. I'll be there. All Dalmellington Academy students are invited."

Jules was confused. Abby had made them sound arrogant and mean. Randall was very polite and well-mannered. She didn't understand why all the regular students were so intimidated by the academy students when they seemed so nice. Or maybe is was all a disguise.

"So, do the Dalmellington Academy students throw a welcome party for everyone?"

"Not exactly," Abby replied, "only in your case. Every semester, they choose one Dalmellington High student to attend the party."

"Why is it so selective?"

"It's just a tradition that's been alive for years. I personally think they do it for show. To make classmates envious of each other."

"How is the person chosen? Why am I chosen?"

"The current president of the Dalmellington Academy student council chooses whoever he think is most worthy. People have been fighting all year to get chosen but I guess Randall is most interested in you--the new girl."

Jules bit her lip nervously. "You told me to stay on their good side. Did I make the right decision by accepting his invitation."

Abby placed a hand on her shoulder and offered a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Yes, you'll be fine. They seem to be fond of you."

Jules' worries began to dissolve away with the reassurance from Abby and Jonathan.

Jonathan began cleaning the table while Jules finished up the rest of her lunch. Abby could not stop toying with her earring.

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