《The Collections (Short Stories)》The Unlucky VI


"Slow.. down," Melanie begged, but Nora did not slow her pace.

"Where... are.. we.. going?" Melanie asked, running out of breath. She kept her hand in Nora's the whole time, not letting her slip out of her grasp anymore.


Nora arrived back to her home, having roughly ten minutes to live if Melanie was correct. Her father emerged from their doorway, rushing to Nora and embracing her into a tight hug. His eyes were extremely puffy and bloodshot. Another droplet of salt trailed down his cheek when he hugged Nora. Melanie let go of Nora's hand, allowing Nora to return the hug. She hugged him as hard as her little body could.

"I love you," she said into his chest, "I always will."

Her father let go, saying, "I love you too, Princess."

He turned to face Melanie, "Thank you," he whispered to her. He locked eyes with the girl who seemed to have transformed Nora for the better. Melanie held her tears back at those words.

Nora grabbed Melanie and pulled her into a hug, crying into her shoulder once again. She was vulnerable around her, and Melanie was glad Nora showed responsiveness to the world. She held Nora tight in her arms, not letting go. Letting Nora decide when to break the contact.

When Nora let go, she looked at her father. He had an almost pleased look splattered across his face. Melanie glanced at her watch.

"One minute. I won't let go, I promise," she said, her heart tearing apart. She cared for Nora, she had for a very long time. She pulled Nora back into her.

"Fifteen, fourteen, thirteen," Nora whispered to no one in particular. She completely blocked out the presence of her father, and felt guilty for not hugging him for her last seconds alive. She hastily let go of Melanie and looked around frantically for her father, but he was nowhere to be found.


Melanie grabbed Nora's hand, intertwining her fingers with Nora's, "Five, four, three," she whispered.

At the final countdown, Nora rushed back into Melanie one last time. She kept quiet. Hushed. Steadying her attention on Melanie's beating heart through her chest. Wishing everything could have gone differently.

"One," Melanie whispered, accepting her fate, but nothing happened.

Nora let go of Melanie, realizing she was still alive. She smiled for the first time since the loss of her sister and screamed in excitement at the brunette.

"I'm not dead! I can't believe it! Why aren't I dead?"

"It's a miracle," Melanie choked out. She looked immensely happy at the fact.

Nora's father returned to the two girls, holding a white piece of paper in his bulky hands. The two turned their attention to his sudden reappearance.

"Is that.." Nora stumbled over her words.

"It can't be," Melanie stated.

Another tear fell from her father's eyes as he ripped the piece of paper in half. Ripping in between the letters "O" and "R."

"It was you!" Nora shouted at her father, anger lacing her voice.

"I'm so sorry," was all he managed say.

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