《A dangerous game.》27


I don't know how the fuck a court hearing of how it all works so I probably got this all wrong so just bear with me AND TW⚠️

Days became weeks and weeks became months of blaise and Theodore trying everything. There would be days where they are all so tired of making phone calls and driving down to the police station that they cannot even walk and collapse on the couch.

Lana helps but it hasn't been the same since the first few weeks. At first she was very hopeful, she was doing anything and everything to try and get Draco Malfoy out of jail but after the first month, she lost hope.

She didn't know when she could see Draco again or visit him. So she sat in his bed, day by day she would stare into the abyss of her lovers bedroom that he once kissed her in, that he once got ready with her in. All the memories flow back to her mind everyday and she wants them to stop, she wants her mind to be clear of all thoughts of Draco Malfoy. Because she would rather live with that then this pain.

It was one thing not talking for the two weeks before everything that happened, but it's been 7 months?

Lana goes back for her senior year in 5 days and she doesn't even want to do it. New things, new people, new teacher.. She doesn't want to do that, change it all again right after she got used to the routine of her junior year life.

She had her head in a pillow as Blaise's voice echoed through the walls of the flat saying "we've been doing this for 7 months! I just- no what?" Words or different phrases of that sentence every few minutes.


The thing Lana didn't recognize is how hard it is, she thought you just give them money. No.

"Come on L, his court thing or whatever is today." Theodore knocked on the door as he tied his tie looking up at the girl sulking in the bed. "What's up Lana." He said sitting on the side of the bed just like Draco did that night they said that they love each other.

"I don't know, I just hope he's not guilty." She said looking up at the ceiling as Theodore hand touched her jaw making his metal jewelry push against her skin turning her face to his.

"Me too," he rubbed her face as she took a deep breath "let's just see what they have to say and go from there." He kissed her head getting up leaving the room as she got up and got ready.

They all got in the car, it was silent as the drove down the streets of England. Lights that light up at night hung from building to building over them as Lana watched each of the strands as they passed by.

"We're here." Theo put the car in park as Lana quickly got out looking at the court house.

They walked in and got checked in and got told which one it is. Lana sat at a seat outside of the room knowing she would see Draco in there. She knows that he's going to see her.

"Lana you coming?" Blaise asked as Lana looked up uncertain.

"I don't know, I don't know if I can do it." She mumbled as he looked at her.

"It's okay." He nodded as he shut the door. Lana herd the gavel pounce on the hard wood as she jumped knowing draco is just a wall away.


The door opened again with a police officer looking at Lana "the judge heard you where here and wants you to speak." She said as Lana was startled.

"Oh I-" If she can make a way that Draco doesn't go back then she can do it "sure." She gulped as the officer helped her up opening the door wider as she stepped in.

People looked back including Draco as he saw the girl he loves that he hasn't seen in so long. His mouth dropped opened as she walked up to the section next to the judge. "Thank you for coming to speak." He said as Lana stared at Draco in shock.

"It's no problem your honor."

Lana looked over seeing Harry in a chair next to the plaintiff as she looked down at her hands shaking.

"My client Is charging mr Malfoy with having a relationship with a student which is very much illegal. Lana Owens skipped two grades so at the beginning of the year she was very much seventeen." Draco didn't know that. The woman said sitting next to Harry. "And that is very much illegal, again, after she turned eighteen they had the right but mr Malfoy was pressuring Lana Owens into these acts."

"That is a very hard accusation to make." Lana spoke up as everyone turned to her.

"Your honor-" the woman said referring to Lanas interference.

"Let her speak." He spoke as Lana looked down collecting her thoughts before looking back up meeting the woman's eyes.

"If you are trying to tell my story I advise you to say it right. Draco Malfoy never ever pressured me into anything I never wanted to do. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me in my years of living. He got me through the hardest times and see you don't have anything to say on that because what if I did that to you. You were in my place and I said that about you. Justifying such a horrible accusation to someone you don't even know. You are taking words from a boy I had once dated who saw me with another man and wanted him gone. I won't say me and Draco never had a relationship because we did but not like that." Lana announced as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"So will you say that you and Draco are in love?" The woman said.

"Yes, we actually are and still are." She said as the woman rolled her eyes as Lana stood up "roll your eyes all you want because I don't see a ring on your finger, do I?" Lana snapped as everyone gasped.

"How dare you, your honor?" The woman waited for him to respond.

His gavel smashed on the table "I only find you guilty mr Malfoy of having a relations with a minor, charged with 3 years in the county jail with parole ." The court room went silent as Lana started having tears roll down her cheek seeing Draco.

Lana got up as the judge spoke again "case closed." Draco stood up with the handcuffs on his hands as it started going in slow Motion.

Lanas dress flowed behind her "don't cry, I love you." Draco said softly but everyone could hear it.

"I love you too." Theo grabbed Lana before she started going after him. The cops took Draco out of the room as Theodore did the same with Lana.

"Three years." She said breathlessly.

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