《A dangerous game.》23


hi my loves, how are you today?

Draco ran through the upstairs after going through the back ways trying to find Lana. He started getting worried. His voice echoed through the walls calling her name.

His foot steps ran up to the third floor, his fathers floor, is what his father likes to call it. He loosed his tie as he looked through the rooms breathing heavily. His stomach started turning hoping his father hadn't seen Lana. That would be his worst dream but what he doesn't know his his worst dream already came true.

As he made it to his fathers office as his hand opened the door. He spotted his father with his foot on lanas chest as tears ran down her eyes, he could barely hear her breathing.

"What the hell!" Draco shouted casting his father a spell pushing him to the ground. Lana eyes tried to stay open as she wanted to watch but her eyes rolled backwards to the sounds of Draco screaming her name.

"Draco, son, you know better." His father scoffed shooting a spell at his son sending him collapsing into the wall. His eyes darted to Lana who was unconscious on the office floor. Tears started to prick at his eyes knowing the promise he made to her earlier that day.

"I won't let them do anything to you, you know that right? It will be fine you just have to follow by me and you will be fine."

The words swarmed his head as he looked back up at his father "Why, why can't you just let me be happy. For fucks sakes let me be happy!" He shouted pointing his wand as his hand trembled, his father stepped back as a tear rolled down Draco's face.

"You're too week Draco, look what this muggle has done to you.." his father spat as Draco's head was pounding with thoughts and tears.


"I will do it.. I will kill you." He whispered with his wand still pointed at his fathers figure.

"Do it, I dare you." Lucius's head is held high as he stares at his son.

"Fuck you." He threw a spell sending him on the ground unconscious but not dead as Draco ran to Lana who was still layed on the floor. Her beautiful dress was covered in dust, her makeup was trailing down her face.

"Lana." He cupped her face as her body was limp, she was still breathing but barely. "Lana, darling, please." He whispered as a tear ran down his face, his rough fingers whipped off her old tears.

"Draco!" Someone shouted through the hallway as Theodore, blaise and narcissa came running through the door. They saw Lucius on the floor behind Draco and the girl, they saw Draco holding the girl in his hands as Theodores eyes went wide.

Draco's head slowly rises up meeting their eyes but they couldn't even see the beautiful blue grey eyes caused by the pool of tears. Theodore rushed over seeing Lana unconscious as his hands shook over her seeing her neck.

"What the hell happened?" Blaise asked as his voice trembled.

"I walked in.. and he had his foot on her throat. He was killing her." He whispered as narcissas arms wrapped around Draco suspending him from the girl as blaise picked her up taking her out of the room.

"Let's get her some air, we just have to let her heal." His mum said as Draco stood up walking out of the room whipping off his tears and putting a cold face on. His body ran through the hallways where he saw blaise take Lana.

He walked into the room seeing blaise giving her a cup of water as he held her up. He stood frozen staring at the girl. "Draco can you please help her with the water I am going to go talk to narcissa and see what we have to do." Blaise said as he carefully layed her back walking past Draco.


He stepped to the bed as his hand cupped the glass of water that was sitting next to her. He sat beside her as he helped her sit up "I'm sorry." He whispered seeing her struggle to swallow the water as he rubbed her hair.

She nodded clearing her throat as her eyes squinted in pain "it's.. okay." She whispered in a raspy voice as Draco looked away holding back his tears.

Lanas hand pushed against his cheek turning him to her as she looked into his eyes carefully. "I know.. you couldn't do.. anything about it." She struggled.

"But I promised you, I wouldn't let anyone hurt you." He said calmly now as she looked into his eyes shaking her head.

"It's okay." Lana mouthed as she pulled Draco slowly to her stomach as his head layed down before wrapping himself around her torso carefully making sure not to hurt her.

"I love you Lana." He said softly as lanas heart started to beat fast as she rubbed his messy blonde hair smiling.

"I love you too Draco." She whispered very faintly but Draco could still hear and knew she meant it.

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