《A dangerous game.》22


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"Lana." She cleared her throat as pansy stared at the girl.

"Well we will be on our way, nice seeing you guys." Draco nodded pulling Lana away as Lana looked back making eye contact with the two girls before they walked away.

"Draco." Someone said in front of Draco and Lana as lana turned back around from the girls and meeting eyes with a boy with brown hair, kind of curly, glasses.

"Harry, are you and Ginny still together?" Draco asked as Lana stood awkwardly clutched to Draco.

"Yeah we have children." Harry smirked as Draco's eyes went wide almost unclasping from lanas arm in surprise.

"No fucking way." Draco laughed "so you are telling me there are a bunch of you running around, must be awful." Lana let out a laugh from the joke as Harry looked at her with not a pleasant look and back to Draco.

"Seems as you being an asshole hasn't changed." Harry held his glass as he took a sip.

"Seems like you haven't changed either, you know with looking my girlfriends and wanting to fuck them, jealous prick." Draco spat as Lanas eyes went wide turning to him. She honestly didn't really like that he brought up his girlfriends from the past, it made her uneasy.

Draco pulled Lana to a hallway quickly to cool down, this part of the building that was his hiding during his school days, he knew his whole way around it and decorated it was dark purple and pink lights. It reminded Lana of poker night.

"Why did you say that." She asked nicely, she just wanted to know and why he brought it up.

"What?" He asked as the lights flashed off of his skin giving her flashbacks from that night where their relationship went downhill.


"Why did you bring up your 'girlfriends', they aren't even your girlfriends anymore?" She asked as his brows creased in a 'are you serious' manor.

She stepped closer "Lana are you actually serious." He scoffed leaning against the wall "Me and him have hated each other for years- and you would have found out about my past and my ex's from the past anyway."

"Yeah when we actually talk about it, you brought it up like it wouldn't hurt me to think about you with someone else." She laughed as Draco rolled his eyes.

"I get it your jealous but can you please calm down,

It was just something to set him off." He Lowered his tone as she scoffed picking up her dress.

"Well if you would just say something other then I am overreacting then come back to me when you have something other to say." She said as she walked past him down the hallway, she turned and it was a bunch of hallways, hallways after hallways. Lana had no clue where to go.

She started walking through the hallways, not panicking.

As she picked up her dress a bit more so she won't trip, she turned and went down another hallway. Lights flashed against her skin as her breath started to become heavy, her chest felt tight.

She started picking up speed as she looked down hallways after hallways, there was nothing, it was just hallways. Tears started forming in her eyes and she started to wonder how she ever is going to find a way out of this place.

The mansion looked huge to Lana, but the passageways are even bigger.

She couldn't stop running "Please don't be stuck here." She kept repeating to herself "It's okay you will find a way."


Her dress fell causing her to trip and fall landing on the carpeted floors she has been running through for what felt like forever.

She stood up groaning holding her dress running through the hallways as her mind started to scramble. Her chest felt even more heavy then before as she stopped gripping onto the wall. Her body sunk through the wall as she dropped onto the other side of the wall.

She felt her head where she hit it as she groaned. Her hands clutched the floor helping herself up as she looked up seeing a office, library type of room. Candles were lit, the light of them bouncing off of the old books as she turned completely seeing a man sitting at the desk.

"Oh! I am so sorry!" She mumbled as she fully fixed her vision.

The man looked up meeting her eyes "Who are you?" He asked standing up as Lana gulped stepping back.

"Lana Owens um-"

"No I mean why are you in my home." He gritted as he walked closer in a intimidating way, a cane helped him walk that had a snake wrapped around the top.

"I was invited- well I came with my boyfriend and his friends." She said trying to sound more confident but the man was not buying it.

"Who." He demanded.

"Draco Malfoy, blaise zabini, and Theodore-"

"Nott," he finished for the girl as he walked closer with a deep scary look in his eyes "You're a muggle, correct? And you are dating blaise zabini?" He asked hoping that his son was not involved with a muggle.

"No draco Malfoy." She corrected him as his cane contacted with her leg sending her falling down onto the floor clutching her leg.

"What the hell!" She shouted as he looked down at the girl whimpering on the floor.

He put his cane on her chest pushing down, with her panic attack just a few minutes ago in the hallway and with this, she couldn't breathe. It was too much pressure.


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