《A dangerous game.》15


Sorry it's a shorter chapter forgive me😔🙏🏼‼️

As all walked around the mall going into different stores and trying on clothes, Lana couldn't help but feel so happy. She never thought that her best friends in this moment would be 3 men she hadn't know in the beginning of the year.

But it also made Lana think about Rachel and Harry. Both of them, together. They were her best friends, her everything. The people she could go to every single day about stuff.

Now she had lost them both but they had won.

As they walked around a bit more laughing so hard that Theodore could barely breathe. "I still cannot believe you did that Lana." Blaise chuckled as they walked into a store.

"Well I did say I knew how to play." She smiled looking at some of the clothes.

"Yeah but not that good." Blaise scoffed as Lana looked up meeting eyes with someone. London Walters.

"Shit Draco's in the bathroom right?" Lana asked turning to the two boys as they nodded suspiciously "Please keep him in there." She mumbled as London spotted her as the boys walked away.

"Hey Lana." London smiled as the boys hid behind some clothes.

"London, what are you doing out this late?" She asked as London looked around landing her eyes back on her.

"I could be asking you the same thing, why are you in a fancy dress?" She asked as Lana gulped.

"Um I went to a party." She nodded as London folded her arms.

"Yeah and Lana Owens is the party type." She scoffed as Lana laughed.

"Sorry that I surprised you London." Lana rolled her eyes.

"Harry is doing good, him and Rachel are getting serious." London said as Lana darted her eyes to the ground. Her stomach turned as she looked back up at London that is trying to get a rise out of her.


"So great for them." She took a sharp breath as London browsed the clothes nodding.

"Yeah, they are adorable, they always-"

"Okay I don't want to hear it I really don't, you are ruining my fucking night please leave." Lana mumbled as London smirked.

"We will find what you are up to Owens, sneaking around the school." She brushed past Lana as everything started to rush through lanas mind.

Harry and Rachel.

Her and Draco getting caught.

It's not right that she's seeing Draco.

She doesn't want to stop it, she doesn't want to.

It's just all a fucking mess.

"Lana." Theodore said walking over to her after hearing that whole conversation. Lana looked up at Theodore with glassy eyes, she is now realizing how bad this can be.

"I need to go." She said bolting out of the store as the boys looked at each other concerned. The mall was dead, no one was there because it was 12 at night. The shops were closing up as Draco walked out of the bathroom seeing Lana.

"Lana!" He shouted as she kept walking, she couldn't face him. She couldn't face him knowing what they are doing is so wrong. He's the right person, he's the best person but now their lives and future are on the line.

She opened the doors running down the street but Draco caught up to her just in time pulling her back into the silent dead mall. "What the hell is wrong?" He asked looking into her eyes.

"We can't do this Draco, i really really like you but that's the point it's going to be the end of us and our future if we keep staying together." She blurted as Draco's face scrunched up confused.

"What? What the hell Lana?" He whispered as stared deeply at the girl who he had been spending every day for the past 5 months with.


"We can't Draco we really can't." She replied as he stepped back.

"So what you are going to care about all of this?! Lana I could give a fuck what people think! If we get caught then let's go to another fucking country or state! Lana I really really like you too and I am not giving up on you that easily." He stated as she shook her head.

"You have to, we can't be together Draco. I will see you in class after break." She said as Theodore and blaise listened in.

"Lana are you fucking breaking up with me?" He whispered as she nodded.

"I don't want to but I have to. I am sorry Draco." She turned her body walking out of the doors as Draco stood there. Theodore came up to him touching his shoulder.

"Let's go." He cleared his throat walking out of the building as he looked down the street seeing Lana turn a Corner to her dorm. He let out a breath of seeing her leave him right in front of his eyes.

As Lana went back to her dorm she of course didn't want to do that. She hated the look on his face, the look where all of his blood drained from his face. It hurt her more then saying it.

She had to though, she had to do it because it would ruin them. They could go to jail.


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