《A dangerous game.》14


As Lana walked in she felt her stomach turn. She didn't want to screw up or make a fool, god knows what would happen. Draco's hand clutched her hip tightly as they walked down a hallway lined with red lights. The lights glowed off their skin as blaise opened a black door.

It was a room with a bar, it had a large poker table in the middle with a bright light hanging down that illuminated the green fabric as people surrounded it.

Black, white, red, blue, and green chips sat in front of each person. A man who stood up at the end of the table dealing cards as the people sit up straight, Lana looked around observing the men around the table. She looked at their suit jacket sleeves, their movements on where they place their hands or how they place their hands. Usually if someone has a card stuck up their arm it's uncomfortable so they position their arm to make it as comfortable as they can make it.

As Draco walked her around the table he started to sit down but Lana took the opportunity "No no let me." She said helping him up and sitting down.


"Let me." She demanded now being face level with the men. They stared at her contently as the dealer dealt her cards.

"Make your bets." The man called that stood at the end of the table as another man just did 2 whites, 2 dollars. Another man did two oranges, 20 dollars. Two other men both did one 5 each, 10 dollars. Lana put in her 2 grey chips, 500 dollars each as Draco sucked in a breath.

"Is that the right color? I like Grey it's my favorite." She smiled putting it with the other chips.

"Yes love, its a great color." The man beside her said smirking as he took his cigar out of his mouth blowing out sending smoke through the air as Lana smiled to herself. It's working.


The dealer dealt two cards to each person. Lana kept her cards discreet and unseen as the men looked at theirs. One looked up noticing she wasn't looking at her cards but she already had just a few seconds earlier when no one was looking "You aren't going to look at your cards miss?" He smirked.

"No, numbers and letters together are too confusing." She smiled as he chuckled to himself. Blaise started to catch on, he knew what Lana was doing but Draco was too occupied that he actually thought she was serious.

What the other men and the boys didn't know is that Lana had two black clubs, king and ten. Royal flush.

"Another bet." The man called shuffling cards as one man knocked on the table, check. Two other men checked too. Lana quickly raised as she put a little bit more in, two oranges. Some of the men's eyebrows raised seeing that she doesn't know how to play.

As the dealer shuffled the cards in different ways the men waited anxiously as he pulled out three cards, or the flop, laying them upside down in front of everyone. Lana prayed that the three cards would have a queen, jack, or ace. Or all if she's lucky.

As he turned over cards they were, a diamond red jack, not helpful. A 8 of hearts black, not helpful. And a queen of clubs black, very helpful.

Another bet went in as Lana quickly checked as surprisingly all of the other men did too. They shot her looks of domination, that they were going to win.

The dealer layed out the next card turning it over, a jack of clubs black, lanas insides turned but she didn't show it, she kept an innocent smile on her face as her cards layed right in front of her.


They placed bets one last time and of course as Lana predicted in her head that they would all get cocky and confident, one man put in two white chips with red lines on the side, 500 dollars each.

They all started to get cocky as each man went higher then the last. When it came down to Lana she put in a yellow chip with blue and pink lines, 1,000 dollars, on the side as she smiled. "I like the color, they clash great." She said as the men's eyes widened.

"For fucks sake." Draco stepped back still not getting onto her scam.

The last card, the river was layed, the ace of clubs black. As the men layed out their cards making a four of a kind, flush, straight. It came down to the man before Lana"Now missy how are you going to play that." He layed down his cards making a full house.

"Oh gosh I don't know," she started smirking as the men chuckled to themselves "It's too hard, but I think this will work." She sprayed out her royal flush sitting up straight smirking as she collected the chips.

Draco's eyes widened as he walked over leaning against the table making sure this out real "Woah." He whispered as Lana stood up, her dress dropping to the floor as the men stared at her.

"My chips please." She said to the man as his face creased "I said my chips, pick them up and we are getting my money." She demanded stepping out of the chair as the man picked them up handing it to blaise.

"I will get that." He mumbled as the man sat back down. Draco grabbed her hip as he walked be out, Theodore and blaise walked down the hallway to get the money as Draco quickly went down a hallway lined with green lights.

He turned around pushing lana against the wall "You didn't tell me you could play." He breathed against her soft skin.

"I did but you didn't listen." She whispered back as he smirked having his hands hovering on the side of her waist.

"Correct, I like the little game you played with them." He said having his lips hovering over her collar bone as Lana smirked.

"Just the strategy love." She whispered lifting his head up meeting his lips with hers, one hand gripped her side and the other hovered beside her.

As they kissed the lights changed colors, flashing from red to blue to yellow illuminating their skin with every change. His hands fit perfectly on the outside of lanas dress right where her hip was as he kissed down her neck letting her breathe.

"Lana!" Blaise shouted as She perked up hearing Blaise's voice grow closer to her and Draco. She stepped away as blaise turned down the hall holding cash in his hands "This is for you, 4,600 dollars." He exclaimed holding the cash in his hands.

Lana walked over to him grabbing it from his hands examining the money She just won, almost drooling.

"Damn." Theodore exclaimed coming up behind blaise "Shopping trip anyone?" He smirked as Lana smiled.

"You think just like me Theodore." She chuckled shoving most of the money in her bra giving some to all of the boys.

"Shall we?" She called walking down the hallway as they caught up.

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