《A dangerous game.》12



As winter rolled around, Draco and Lana were sneaking around too much for lanas liking. It was every night they would stay at school or they would go back to Draco's flat. She has gotten a lot more closer with Theodore and blaise so she thinks that's good. She's never at her dorm, she always stays the night at Draco's or- well yeah that's it. She barley ever sleeps in her dorm.

It's not like Lana hated sneaking around, she actually loves it. It gives her that rush of adrenaline that she has never had. She was always the girl who stuck to the books, obeys the teachers rules. She now sneaks around campus with her professor as he gives her nothing she has ever felt before.

It's all so new, the feeling, the feeling he gives her. It's all new, she has never felt this. Maybe she saw it in a film, wanted that to happen to her but now it is and Lana can't find a way to stop it and like Draco Malfoy she doesn't want to.

As Lana sat on the couch at Draco's flat watching a film with Theodore they laughed waiting for Draco to get home. The door unlocked as Draco came in throwing down his coat "Seems like you only ever want to be with him." He smirked as he sat down next to Lana kissing her.

"Oh she does don't worry." Theodore grinned as Draco scoffed.

"Come on Owens, I have something I need to do." He got up again as Lana furrowed her brows looking up at him.

"But you just got here- where do you need to go?" She asked standing up.

"Just have to stop by the school and a few stores, I hate shopping alone." He stated as she laughed rolling her eyes.


"Fine, pause it! I want to finish it nott." She pointed at Theodore as he winked pausing the film and standing up. Draco led Lana out of the building and into his car opening the door for her.

As they drove down the road Draco pulled over at the school where he parked the car and stepping out "I have to grab a few papers." He said opening the door as she nodded walking with him looking over her shoulder making sure. It is the last day before winter break and classes are all out.

As they made it to his room Draco unlocked the door but as Lana stepped in he protested "Wait stay out here just in case, I don't want to have people walk in and they see." He said as Lana nodded standing in front of the door playing with her nail.

Draco rummaged through his desk grabbing his wand putting it in his coat and a few papers. As he walked back he heard voices "Oh I just wanted to ask him a question about the homework." Lana breathed as Draco mouthed 'shit' to himself.

"Well why are you just standing out here?" Harry asked as Draco rolled his eyes.

Harry stepped toward the door trying to unlock it but Lana stepped in front of him stopping his hand from guiding over the smooth metal. "No actually it's fine I can do it, I am just waiting." She said awkwardly.

"Just walk in and wait-"

"No- um it's fine Harry really I don't want to be speaking to you." She laughed a bit as Harry rolled his eyes.

"For fucks sakes are you still mad at me?" He asked as Lana grinned to herself. Draco listened closely on the other side.


"Yes I am Harry now I could care fucks less about you and Rachel just please if your dating her then get out of my fucking face cause we wouldn't want to situation that happened last time happening again." She said as Harry stepped closer to her.

"Yes I am dating her Lana, and I saw you and wanting to make up not be best friends again." He gritted.

"Well I don't want to make up, I could care less about you." She crossed her arms.

"God you're such a fucking bitch." He breathed as Draco almost pushed the door down but remembered that would not help their case.

"Oh yeah I am the bitch, you weren't calling me that when I sucked your dick. Princess, darling, love." She mimicked his voice as he started to walk away.

"Fuck you lana." He stated.

"Already did." He turned away as she kicked on the door telling Draco that everything was clear. He stepped out as Lana immediately started walking away.

She didn't actually think Rachel would start dating Harry. She didn't think that would happen, how could Rachel do that to her? She was her best friend, how?

"Lana." He grabbed her arm as she jerked away still walking as Draco rolled his eyes.

She opened the door herself getting in the car as Draco did the same. He started driving, he still couldn't see her face, he didn't know what to do.

"Lana look at me." He demanded as she kept her head turned. As he pulled over slamming on the breaks which pulled Lana out a the gaze she was in turning to Draco. "Don't fucking waste your shit on him, you have me okay? I won't ever make you feel like that Lana." He held her chin as she nodded looking into his eyes.

"Okay." She whispered as he nodded quickly turning his head and reversing rolling his palm on the wheel driving away.

She didn't know what to do. It was like a slap on the face, like what she never expected came to her but what Lana didn't know is that something much bigger will be coming, and soon.

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