《A dangerous game.》08


"So then I am like Harry we can't do that.." Lana heard as she walked to her door after what happened that night. Her mind was flustered and she just wanted to sleep. "Exactly! I am like my best friend is your girlfriend and he's like oh I don't care.." Rachel.

Lana took a sharp breath as she stepped back carefully against the wall trying to hear what Rachel was saying. Harry wouldn't do that, would he?

"No no he was saying all this shit like he's been in love with me the entire time." Rachel carried on the conversation as Lana had tears in her eyes. She didn't know what to do, she was stuck in this horrible position. "No but we kissed and um yeah you know what happened and I don't know I liked it." She giggled even more.

Her boyfriend basically cheated on her for their whole relationship but she also just kissed a man so she can't be that mad. But- no no she can't. She has to break up with him before he does.

Lana strolled in as Rachel immediately hung up the phone as Rachel's eyes went wide but she put on a smile.

"Okay so I was thinking of inviting Harry to that ball you know?" Lana smiled as she layed her bag down on her desk.

"Yes! So cute I love it." Rachel said as she sat on her bed pulling out her phone.

"It was so weird rach if I didn't recal you just saying you fucked with my boyfriend just a few minutes ago and you are now acting like nothing happened." Lana shrugged her shoulders turning to Rachel. Lana knew she just kissed a man but she didn't fuck him and she just wanted to see the white look go over Rachel's face.

"Lana really it didn't mean anything." She said standing up holding out her hand.

"No no you are right cause the guy I kissed earlier didn't mean anything either." Lana picked up her bag as she started walking out.


"Lana you are my best friend!" Rachel ran to her as Lana opened the door rolling her eyes.

"Think about that before you fucked my boy- my ex, now ex." She held her chin high before slamming the door on Rachel and walking down the hallway.

She made it to Harry's as she pushed the button way to many times to count "Who are you here to see?" The person asked as Lana stated to get irritated.

She pushed the button "Harry Lexington let me the fuck In." She demanded and a few seconds later the door opened up showing the woman that worked at the front desk standing in front of her.

"You should wait!" She shouted as Lana was already up the stairs. The wind blew through her face as she dashed through the halls and to his door.

"Harry open up please." She said as footsteps approached the door. The handle unlocked as she pushed herself in.

"Are you okay?" He asked as she turned around dropping her mouth open.

"Am I okay? Im great Harry what about you cause I just found out you and my best friend and my boyfriend fucked each other. And see I am not even as mad as I would be cause I did kiss another guy tonight so honestly-"

"What! You- for fucks sakes you fucked another person!" He shouted running his hands through his hair walking around the now messy apartment.

"No you did, I kissed him, you fucked her. We are both at fault. We're done, thanks." She stated picking up her bag as Harry stopped her.

Harry twirled around kissing Lana on the lips as she stood in shock before he pulled away "Tell me you don't feel anything here still." He whispered.

"No I really don't." And that was the full truth. After kissing Draco, Lana experienced a new feeling she hadn't had with anyone, especially with Harry. She didn't feel anything anymore and even if she did she won't be in a relationship just because he says there is something there.


"Fuck lana." Harry scoffed "I loved Rachel the whole time." He started as Lana turned back around.

"Yeah I know." She said softly now feeling defeated hearing it come out of his mouth.

"And I never really loved you, you know that right?" He muttered as Lana nodded slamming the door on his face and walking down the hallway.

Tears poured out of her eyes as she ran out of the building. What was she going to do? Where was she going to go? She had no where, her dorm has a girl she now doesn't like, her boyfriend and her just broke up.

But Lana remembered two people that weren't too far away. She quickly ran two blocks and down to the bar where blaise and Theodore sat. Blaise didn't drink that much like Draco but Theodore was hammered.

She walked in as they looked up "Lana? What the hell are you doing here?" Blaise asked walking to her as he pulled he off to the side seeing her condition.

"- and I have no where to go, I don't know what to do. I just lost the two most important people in my life." Tears ran down her cheeks as blaise looked around.

"Shit okay let me take you to our flat." He mumbled referring to Draco and Theodores place but Lana didn't hear as they walked back to their table. Blaise put his money on the table helping Theodore up as she walked out to her another expensive car. For fucks sakes how rich are they? Lana thought.

They drove a little before they saw buildings, tall fucking buildings. Expensive cars lined in the parking garage as Lana laughed to herself just wanting to sleep and she's wrapped up in this.

They walked to the elevator as blaise pushed a button 38 "Hey also sorry if I was being weird earlier." He mumbled to Lana which caught her off guard. Tears still ran down her face but she nodded.

"It's fine I honestly don't even care right now." She laughed as the doors opened showing a big Wooden door.

Blaise walked to it as he opened it shoving Lana and Theodore inside. Sunken steps leaded to the living room and off to her left was the kitchen which has all black cabinets lining the walls. Their couch was nice and fluffy along with modern chairs next to it. Behind them was big windows showing the clouds as Lana stepped down into the living room.

"Is Theo drunk?" Someone called from the room down the hallway.

"Yeah and also Lana is using the couch!" Blaise shouted but Lana was still in awe of the luxurious place. Blaise quickly went into theos room putting him to sleep.

"What! I dropped lana off at her- Lana you are here. In my flat." He took a breathing "Blaise why is Lana in my flat?" He cocked his hips as a robe hung from his body without a shirt as Lana stared in awe, again.

"Because Shes has a tough night, she didn't have anywhere." Blaise mumbled coming back into the main room as Draco looked concerned now seeing her teary face.

"I am sleeping on the couch." She mumbled really over this night, she hated this night. She just wanted to sleep.

Her body flopped on the couch as Draco finished brushing his teeth. Lana was now completely asleep as draco made his way over picking her up in his hands as he looked at her face. He felt horrible and he didn't even know what happened.

He walked the girl to his bedroom laying her down and pulling the covers over her as he shut the light off, going to sleep in the living room.

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