《A dangerous game.》07



"Oh for fucks sake take the damn shot." Theodore laughed as Draco lifted his head back downing the shot. He smacked the table as Draco laughed.

"Fuck I have got this student of mine-"

Blaise cut him off "Don't say you are fucking her mate." He scoffed taking another shot.

"No no- not yet." Draco smirked picking up another shot as he leaned back.

"Damn who's that?" Theodore asked looking out of the glass window as Draco put a confused look on his face turning around. "Shit invite her in." Theodore mumbled waving to the girl as Draco started to panic so he winked. He needed to play cool, that's all he needed to do.

"Me?" She asked through the glass as Theodore laughed but Draco groaned turning around facing blaise.

"That's the student you dick head." Draco snapped lowering his head as Theodore laughed as She started walking in.

"Well let's drink with your student." Theodore smirked as she walked up to the table.

"Well hello." Blaise leaned back as Draco buried his face in his hands from embarrassment.

"Hello, what did you need me for?" She asked as the dress hung in her arms as Theodore smirked.

"Drink with us." He offered as Draco leaned back chuckling.

"You don't have to you know that Lana." Draco mumbled as she head turned to him. Their eyes connected as she smirked suddenly feeling confident.

"I would love to Professor." She sat down as she dress dropped to the floor in the cover. The boys passed over drinks to the girl as Malfoy watched her carefully, studying her, enjoying her.

She took a few shots showing that it didn't phase her but in the inside she was freaking out but the boys didn't need to know.


"Lana." She smiled as her body leaned against the table waiting for the boy's response.

"Lana, how's Draco here as a professor." Theodore smirked smacking his friend on the back as Draco laughed. He hated this, it was fucking embarrassing, but, the show must go on.


"He teaches if that counts." She smirked as Draco perked up, interested in the rest "Flirts with me everyday." Theodores mouth dropped open as Draco sat back again grinning.

"Damn, didn't know you caught up on that." He played with a wrapper on the table as she took another shot. He slumped against the chair turning his head to look at the girl. Her eyes were focused on something the boys said but everything drowned out for Draco Malfoy. The voices sounded shallow as he focused on Lana Owens. Her smile on her face, her hands that gripped the glass lightly, he wanted to kiss her but that wouldn't be good.

He just turned back around now hearing the voices again and her laugh as he played with the wrapper.

"Yeah he definitely wasn't the smart type in our class." Blaise smirked taking a sip as Draco scoffed leaning up a bit to protest.

"Says the little bitch who asked me for the answers." Draco laughed as blaise flipped him off.

Lana liked seeing her professor in an area that was not school.

"So what is the dress for Lana?" Theodore asked.

"My mum she's annoying and wants me to go to a ball." Lana laughed as Theodore shot eyes at Draco who gave a shocked look hitting him under the table.

"Wow so I guess you will need a date." Theodore smirked as she took a sharp breath.

"I will." She smiled.

"I volunteer." Theo held up his hand on the table as Draco hit him sending Theodores hand back down grinning a bit.

They all drank for a bit more and laughed as Lana started to warm up to the boys. She thinks they are nice and very funny.

"Well mates I am heading out." Draco stood up slamming money on the table as Lana looked up at him.

"What a shame. Lana let me take you back to the school." theodore offered as he stood up walking over to her but Draco stopped him as his hand hit his chest.

"No, I will, you can't drive Theo." He demanded as Lana stood up looking at the two boys.


"You can't either!" Theodore protested as he stepped closer to Draco, Lana backed up not wanting to get in the way.

"I very much can Theo, I didn't have that much and I know my alcohol intake. Since school you haven't known yours so please get rest and go the fuck home. I will take Lana back to the school." Draco smiled taking Lana by the arms and picking up her dress.

"You don't have to-" she started but Draco already hugged blaise and Theodore made an understanding.

"It's fine Lana let's go." Draco mumbled taking Lana by the arm as Theodore called for another shot but Lana and her professor were already out of the door and walking down the street away from the busy bar.

"So do you even like him?" Lana laughed as Draco still kept her dress clutched in his hands turning the corner.

"Pardon?" He asked furrowing his brows as they walked closer to an expensive car.

"Do you even like Theo." She said as he pulled out a key clicking a button as the scissor doors opened up as Lana dropped her mouth open in shock.

"I do but he can be a real fucking pain in the ass sometimes." Draco gave a sarcastic smile before throwing the dress in the trunk. Lana carefully let herself into the car which had jet black interior with accents of red. Stars lined the roof as the screens turned on before Draco stepped in.

"This is the such a cool car." She said flabbergasted looking at the nice car.

"Thanks, want to drive it?" He asked turning to Lana as her eyes went wide in confusion "I have a place where if you did crash no one would get hurt- well except us." He chuckled shifting the stick in reverse.

"You would really let me drive this?" She asked as he smiled rolling his hand across the wheel before putting it back in drive and pressing in the gas.

"For sure, honestly I have more at home." He laughed as Lana did too looking out the window before he opened up the sun roof and rolled down the windows.

They drove for a bit before they were out of the city and on backroads. Draco got out parking the car putting the gear in park before going to lanas side and opening the scissor door.

He leaned down offering his hand to get her out. She walked around the car before getting in. "Now this is a very fucking powerful car so please don't just press on the gas you have to ease it." He finished before Lana pressed on the gas after taking it out of reverse and driving down the road.

Draco looked at the speed which was 110 mph as he smirked holding the window as Lana smiled a bit. She felt very free driving down this road, it was like a breath off fresh air.

Once she got to the end she put it in park as she looked over to the professor looking in his eyes. Silence. It was just silent as their heavy breathing from smiling and laughing so much filled the air.

"Lana..." he spoke but she already knew what was about to happen. His hair was messy and a few of his buttons were down from the wind.

"Kiss me." She spoke not thinking of anything else in the world. Not thinking that she has a boyfriend, that this is her professor. Nothing was going through her mind other then how perfect he looks right now.

He didn't hesitate as he leaned over connecting his lips with lanas. Their mouths devoured each other, wanting more and never wanting less. He held her face as his hands grabbed her hips picking her up and setting her on his lap as he held her ass in response she grinned against his lips.

She loved this feeling, actually enjoying someone. Something she haven't done is so long. She likes the feeling the professor gave her, in fact, she loves it.

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