《A dangerous game.》04



"Wait, you ran into the professor?" Rachel gasped as Lana helped her best friend unpack her stuff into their dorm. Rachel couldn't be here for the first few days because of family stuff is what she told Lana.

"Yes and it was probably the worst thing ever to happen to me." Lana set down the glass containers at Rachel's desk filling them with plastic pens and markers.

"I cannot believe he acted so normal!" Rachel laughed pulling out her clothes starting to fold them away.

"That's the weirdest part about it, anyways I will help you later I have to go to dinner. I love you r." Lana hugged her best friend as Rachel paused her task hugging Lana back.

"Have fun." She smiled as Lana strolled out of the dorm. She had on a flowy dress and a long coat. She normally wears this type of thing to dinner so it should be okay.

She arrived at the bottom of the stairs where her mum was waiting for her wearing a nice dress. Her mum nodded as they made their way out of the building and into the car.

Lana noticed the lights she usually sees up close when she walks. She doesn't own a car because she doesn't need one, all she does is walk and Lana calls it good exercise.

Once they arrived her mum knew everyone, saying 'we have a special seat for you and your daughter' or 'i have missed you miss Owens'.

They sat down before any more bombarding can go on. Every 5 minutes people are coming up to Lanas mum. "Well darling, how are your classes going?" Her mother shifted through the menu as Lana looked through her purse for her phone. Just her luck she forgot it at the dorm.

She groaned a bit annoyed but turned back to her mother taking a breath. "It's been good yeah." She smiled as her mum nodded smiling with her.

"Well I hope you are being safe with everything you know not going out." Her mum said laughing as Lana rolled her eyes at her mums sudden statement.

"I actually went out last night." Lana smiled scanning over the menu.


"And we have talked about that you are too young. When you are 21 you will be able to go out and drink." She giggled.

Before Lana could say anything else the waiter interrupted. "Can I get you ladies anything to drink?" The waiter said. He had dark brown hair that hung loosely around his forehead as his hand held a pen ready to write.

"Ah yes I will have a cocktail and my daughter with have water." Her mum scanned the menu as Lanas mouth dropped open. She didn't want water and she can surly order for herself.

"Mum-" she gave a look to her mum who had a smile across her face before returning to the waiter who had a confused face. "sorry excuse me I would like some tea, and I will go ahead and take the steak, medium Rare, with a side of broccoli and my mum will have some chicken tenders." She corrected her mum smiling before folding up the menu and handing it to the handsome guy.

"You got it." He walked away before her mum could spit out another word.

"Treat me like the adult I am mother." She smiled as her mum was shocked.

"I am." She said with a stern face before Lana scoffed.

"I would re think that." She nodded before the waiter came back with their drinks as Lana took a sip of her tea.

She was showing her confidence right now but on the inside she was freaking out. She wishes she could text Rachel or Harry to come and sit with them to break the air.

"I am using the bathroom." Lana mumbled standing up as she walked away from her mother. She couldn't take siting there in silence after what she said. She had to-

"Ow!" Lana gasped as she fell back, she groaned rubbing her head before looking up. "Professor." She breathed as he helped her stand up. Of course everywhere I go I have to see him. So perfect.

"Are you okay?" He asked as Lana looked up meeting his eyes. Waiters dashed past them holding trays of food on antique China and juggling glasses in their hands.


"Yeah great, sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." She laughed awkwardly now noticing what her professor was wearing. A black suit with nice dress shoes. Wow, she thought.

"Totally okay, I will see you in class tomorrow." He mumbled as he gave her a smile walking away.

"Yep see you." Lana scurried away turning the corner to the bathroom breathing heavily. She didn't know why this keeps happening to her. Why does she always have to literally run into her professor?

She splashed water against her face as the drops trickled down her cheeks allowing her to relax from the incident that just happened. She looked in the mirror scanning over her face. "Okay, you are fine. Your mum hasn't said anything. Just.. calm down." She mumbled to herself.

As Lana approached her table the food sat on the wood before Lana sat down. Her mum was eating and Lana looked around seeing her professor with a woman at one of the nearby tables. She rolled her eyes turning to her food.

"So darling. I need to tell you something." Her mum started. Oh for fucks sakes. "I am seeing someone-"

"Oh my god mum, is this the reason you came to see me?!" Lana stood up fed up with her mother jumping from 5 guys all in 3 years?!

"Lana Owens sit down." Her mum demanded as they now were getting stared at by quests around them.

"No! Because I am so fed up with you! Don't come to see me if you are just going to tell me you are fucking another man." Lana spat picking up her bag as her professors eyes went wide at one of his students sudden words.

Lana ran out of the restaurant and into the side walk as the laughing families walked past her sending her nice looks but Lana couldn't focus. She hated that the only times her mum wanted to see her was because she was marrying another man and then getting a divorce 8 months later.

She's tired of it.

Her heals walked up the street. The lights reflected off of her skin as she turned the corner to Harry's apartment. He didn't want to live in the dorms this year and Luckily for Lana he doesn't live too far away.

Her hand pushed the buzzer sending a buzz from outside to inside "who are you here to see?" The receptionists said over the speaker.

"Harry Lexington." She pushed the button anxious.

"Hello?" Harry's voice came through the speaker a few minutes later as lanas small finger pushed against the button.

"It's Lana let me in please." She said stepping back waiting for him to come down.

The door opened just 2 minutes later showing Harry with no shirt on and pajama pants rubbing his eyes tired. "It's 11? What? Oh you're mum?" He asked as Lana didn't know it was that late because she forgot her phone at her dorm.

"Sorry sorry she just sprung up another fucking marriage." He led her through the halls that she knows very well by now walking through them almost everyday.

They made it to his apartment as fiddled with the key unlocking it and letting Lana in. His apartment is not as messy as it usually is but a few dishes in the sink and some clothes sprawled out on the floor. Lana didn't care though.

She threw her coat on the chair next to the door along with her bag and began saying everything that happened that night. From how her mum was treating her, running into their professor, and lanas sudden outburst in front of everyone at her mothers words.

"Fuck, I am sorry." Harry threw his arm around his girlfriend hoping to comfort her which is exactly what he did. He felt her muscles relax against his bare skin.

"I mean I knew it was going to be something, I knew it was going to be a guy." Lana dragged he finger up and down his chest.

"Yeah, I know it hurts." He pulled her closer as she smiled. Harry knew how to comfort Lana, she loved it.


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