《A dangerous game.》01


She was the quiet girl in the back of the class, she kept her head down and her pen to her paper. He was the professor, he kept his head up scanning the room, eyes on her as he taught the class.

She listened to everyone laugh and smile as they all joked around. She made mind notes on how people act-

-red head girl, front of the class, short skirt on, tight shirt. Popular. Her smile showed her perfect teeth as they flashed her a look-

-over to the left corner, brown headed boy, curly hair, looks like he's drawing- good drawing. His hands have ink all plastered over them as he plays with the curl in his hair, hot but not popular. She likes that because well that is her boyfriend for fucks sake-

-very middle of the class, brown headed girl, darker skin but her pencils, notebooks, were perfectly layed even, nice and clean. Her short curly hair that landed just above the shoulders flopped around as she talked to the people behind her.

"Hello, and welcome to your first semester of English 135, poetry .. can anyone tell me what their more preferred poetry is?" His chin tilted as the class stayed quiet. Not a peep even from the famous linebacker of the football team that secretly likes books and writing.

"Oh well for fucks sake you! In the back." He pointed at the shy girls boyfriend as his head perked up from his drawing meeting the professors eyes as terror filled his body.

"Um probably acrostic professor." He cleared his throat as professor Malfoy laughed at the fact it's the most known type of poetry, obviously he didn't know anything about good poetry.

"Good, good- um now tell me why is that your more preferred poetry?" He put his fingers together leaning back on the desk as the boy gulped.

The shy boy shifted in his seat trying to find words "Well you can really do anything with it, make anything. You don't have to-"


Malfoy cut him off "okay next." He breathed walking back and fourth as the class laughed including a little chuckle from the shy girl in the back which made Malfoy grin mischievously. "I want you all to work on a synopsis on 'the road not taken' by Robert frost." He snapped as all of the juniors groaned opening their poetry books and getting to work.

"Also at the end of class before you leave I want every single one of you up here and give me your name." He sat down before he made eye contact with the girl in the back. Their eyes connected with lust and desire as he quickly cleared his throat adjusting his long coat returning to his work as she did the same.

"Hey." A kid whispered in front of her as she whipped her head up to a familiar boy she knew but knew he didn't like her. Cole James.

A friend of her boyfriend. Their whole friend group doesn't like his girlfriend because just 8 months ago she came in a 'stole' ,is what they like to call it, their friend.

"Yes?" She asked cole uncertainty as he leaned back in his chair.

"Do you know what you are doing?" He asked as his brow arched. Cole had brown fluffy hair that hung down, obviously he never did it in the mornings and two dimples on his cheeks.

"Yes." She responded flatly looking back down.

"Okay anyway." He whistled turning back around as his seat landed on the floor. Lana looked up seeing the professors eyes, again. He grinned looking back down at his work dipping his quill into the ink every few minutes.

The class finished up as she was in the back of the line, her boyfriend in front of her as she clutched her books close to her chest. He stepped forward as professor Malfoy looked up meeting eyes with the boy "Ah acrostic boy, name?" He snapped as he held the quill to the paper.


"Harry Lexington." He mumbled as he wrote his name down before Harry turned away walking out as he waited for his girlfriend at the door.

She stepped forward the last person in line, well also the last person in the classroom "Lana Owens." She smiled as he stared her in the eyes.

He checked his papers on the side of his desk as he looked up at the girl "you have amazing grades, why didn't you speak up today lana." He started writing her name down as she caught a good look at the very handsome professor, and his deep voice so up close and not shouting caught the girl off guard.

"Um just not my favorite thing to do, speaking up." She rocked back and fourth as she waited.

"Do it next time." He demanded as he smirked "see you next class miss Owens." She turned as he eyed her walking down the isle. Her blonde hair flowed down her back as it swayed back and fourth. Her books clutched to her chest as she made it to the door.

Harry took her hand as he kissed it leading her off to her next class as the professor grinned.


"Come on lana quit being a pussy and come drink." Harry groaned as lana roamed her dorm as the city was dark but streetlights lit up the dorm. Lana wanted to study and read but her boyfriend always messes these things up and she's fed up with it.

"I'm not being a pussy, I want a good education." She snapped throwing her books on her desk that had cute pens thrown in jars and books almost falling off the shelf from how many Lana owns.

"It's one night." He scoffed as he threw himself on her bed laying back.

"Okay then go without me. I am sure James, London, and cole will surly not miss me." She smiled sarcastically sitting down at her desk, her back facing Harry.

"Oh please they don't hate you Lana." Harry laughed as Lana groaned in frustration just wanting her boyfriend out of her dorm.

"Yes they do, now I want to study." She said already diving into her books. Her hand rested on her forehead as she rubbed her temple.

She heard Harry get up as the springs bounced. Seconds later his muscular hands rested on her shoulders as she sighed. "Love, you are stressing yourself out." He whispered as he kissed her head looking down at his girlfriends Hefty load of work.

"Not." She smiled scribbling a note down with her dark blue mechanical pencil.

"You are, and maybe just for one night live a little and go out on the town. You don't have to drink. Just to have a little time with us." He mumbled as Lana did consider it. It probably was a good idea for her to go. Honestly Harry was right about over working herself. Ever since she got a 45 on her calculus test last year, she promised herself it wouldn't happen again.

"Okay.. fine." She stood up grabbing her long coat and her bag draping it over her shoulder as her velvet heals sat at the end of her bed. She quickly slipped them on and she still wasn't as tall as Harry but he leaned down and kissed her.

His lips met hers, a sweet sensation that he could only give her. She loves Harry and knows that. Their kisses, their touch on each other. Just works.

He pulled away resting his hand on her hip as he moved down to her hand gripping it in his as he smiled. "Come on." He nodded to the door opening it to the big city of London.


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