《Why She Jumped | ✔️》Chapter Twelve // Grayson's POV


She held her arms out, and then fell backwards.

And as her heart stopped, so did mine.

Sobbing and yelling, I ran over to the edge and peered over. There was a gigantic splash, and I knew she was gone.

I needed her, and she was gone.

The hallways weren't filled with gossiping teenagers. Everyone was silent. I received many looks of sympathy, and some people said sorry to me.

But it only made my blood boil.

The entire school all had the nerve to believe whatever they heard and drive her to suicide, and now they're apologizing to me.

I've set flowers outside of her locker every day, besides the first two days since her death, because I stayed home, unable to leave my bed. But the flowers? They're all gone by the end of the day thanks to the old, heartless janitor.

My Bambi... I couldn't save her. She was broken beyond repair... and I'll never forgive myself for that.

The principal brought us all into the gym for a speech about suicide, bullying, and depression. And it hurt hearing him talking about her like she was some charity case. Like she was just a lost object, and we don't want anymore lost. He didn't actually acknowledge that she was a living, breathing person, and now she's dead. She had a life and now it's gone.

He didn't act upset about her death. He simply said that this is an example of what happens when a student gets bullied.

I marched out right in the middle of the assembly and drove home.

My mom tried to comfort me, but it didn't help.

I opened Facebook, and saw that Hannah has posted 'RIP Amber Feeds' on Facebook, and that made me want to rip her head off. After all those years of tormenting her, she really had the nerve to post about her, and not even spell her name right? What has the world come to?


All I had left of Amber was her dress from the dance, which she forgot about at my house. My mom paid to have the fabric turned into a pillow case. That pillow is all I have left of her, so I plan on cherishing it for the rest of my life.

In the short time that I'd known her, I'd made a friend, and a potential lover.

But then she jumped. She jumped to fly away from the pain, but instead she fell into an eternal darkness.

Amber Fields left one major thought lurking in my brain.

And it was

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