《Texts | Justin》Tattoo's & Lunch


"Do you really have to go? I'm so lazy leaving this mansion."

"You can come over after."

"After you meet your old friend ?" I ask. Obviously I knew it was Alexis

"Uh- yeah."

"Who's your old friend anyways?" I asked

"It's, a dude. From long time ago- babe don't worry." He stuttered

"Mustn't I worry, Justin?" I ask rhetorically

"No. I mean, yes... Fuck I can't lie anymore. I'm going meet with someone, you don't like her though."

"I wonder who it could be." I say sarcastically, putting my finger to my chin pretending to look like I'm thinking, "Hmmm Alexis Redding?"

He stared at me, "How'd you know?"

"You speak loudly when you're on a phone call you know. And I'm a light sleeper." I shrug

"Oh....I'm sorry, I just need to, fuck I'm sorry ho-"

"It's okay Justin. I trust you. You wouldn't do anything right?"

"God no." He says making a face

"What am I even saying. Doesn't even matter, we're not even dating." I laugh standing up.

"But still." He pouts. I smile and walk away getting ready to leave. He was walking behind me as he was also leaving.

"I'll see you soon yeah?" He asks as soon as we were about to go our separate ways. I had brought my car when I arrived here yesterday.

"Totally." I wink, them we pull into a hug.

"Last night was fun." He whispered in my ear making me blush

"Lol, what midnight memories." I reply

"I love you." He said and I smile

"I love you too." I reply and peck him on the lips

"Text me." I shout as I enter my car

"I always do." He replied and I chuckle getting in the car and drive home.

Well then.


So it's about 11am and I'm at Charlottes house having a little chit chat about our daily lives. I told her about the Alexisnake thing. And yes I'm gonna give her nickname to myself because her name should describe her personality.


"Oh my god remember I hated One Direction!" Charlotte laughs out loud.

"That was long time ago, you started to be obsessed after the song 'Kiss you'." I said taking my phone out to check at some messages

"I know you use to say you liked one direction but you low key liked Harry only."

"I still like Harry." I say not even disagreeing

"Ew. Why?."

"What? He's life. Who doesn't like Harry?" I tell her. (A/N : YA'LL HAVE TO AGREE WITH HER. HARRY IS LITERALLY SEX. OKAY BYE.)

"I thought you stopped when you started getting head over heals with Beaver."

"Nought." I disagree and chuckle along with her, "He's probably head over heels with Alexis now."

"Oh that Alexis Redding chick? Did you know she used to date that Jay Alvarez dude."

"Dunno who that is." I sigh sinking in my seat.

"Are you literally going to give up like that Holly? You lost your virginity to him last night and now you're going to give up?"

"I was probably so bad Charlotte."

"Come on stop thinking so negatively."

I sigh and after that my phone buzzes meaning I received a message


Bipolar Bieber:


And you got them without telling me before you got them? Again?



Are they cool?

Oh my

Tell me what they are

After he sent that message my phone rings seeing it's Justin. I answer and don't even greet and just get to the point.

"Tell me what you got?" I say and put my phone on speaker

"Is that beaver?" Charlotte asks

"Shhh, yes-"

"Holly, they so big. I got an eagle. It's under the Son Of God tattoo and above the purpose one. Then I got a bear next to the cross tattoo."

"Lol why animals." Charlotte comments

"What?" Justin asks not hearing her properly

"Sorry. That was Charlotte. But anyways what made get a tattoo today."

"I wanted to get a new one these days and so today I felt the courage to do it."


"Do the look nice? Like do they suit the other tattoos you have."

"I'd say yeah. Others will would say no, but I couldn't care less in my body."

"True." I agree

"Anyways," he sighs, "I'm going out to lunch with some friends, you guys wanna join?" He asks


"At Nino's."

"Ooh, I haven't been there in ages."

"Well you guys wanna come."

"I don't want to intr-"

"Martin just came back. He's gonna be there."

"Seriously? No ways! Then I pm coming."

"Shame, and Charlotte she's free to come too."

"Oh yeah lol." I laugh looking at her and she rolls her eyes throwing a zap sign at me

"You're such a bad friend, Holly." He jokes, chucking

"I forgot." I laugh

"Okay well, be at Nino's any time after 12:30."

"Got it."

"Okay great see you guys soon."

"Later Justin."

I hang up and Charlotte looks at me

"Who's Martin?"

"You don't know Martin?"

"No, is he famous or something?"

"Yeah, it's Martin Garrix."

"Seriously? That DJ? He's so hot."

"He's cute." I laugh

"I'm gonna have to contain myself for this lunch. I don't want to act like a crazed fan."

"Yeah, that's the first rule."

"Got it."

"I'm going to shower." I say standing up and she replies with an okay and I go upstairs to her room and take a shower there.


"Hey guys." Justin says standing up the table greeting us.

"Hey." I smile taking my eyes off Justin, seeing neither than Alexis staring at me. What is she doing here? Agh.

"Hey." Some people from the table say

"Hi." I smile

"Hello, I'm Charlotte." Char says throwing a little

They reply with a nice to meet you and we sit down. Since Justin was sitting by the corner of the table and Alexis was sitting next to him I sit next to Martin while Charlotte had to sit next to Maejor and also cope and sit next to Alexis.

"Holly I haven't seen you since like last year." Martin starts

"I know! It's great to see you."

"Yeah, finally back in LA, sadly I'll be leaving again. But you'll be coming with, right?" He asked

I gave him a confused expression,"why would I come with?"

"Oh you aren't coming back on tour. Justin is going to Australia. I swear he told me that you're coming."

"He didn't tell me anything at all." I chuckle nervously

"Well then I think he's going to ask you soon. You're going to say yes right, I hate being lonely while Justin is busy."

"Well I'll have to think about it. He hasn't even asked. It's all so sudden."

"Okay, I'm not forcing you." he smiles

"Thanks, Martin-"

"Oh my god! That's so funny, okay okay I've got one," Charlottes says to Justin, "What did the wall say to the other wall?"


"Meet you at the corner!" She shouts and bursts out in laughter

Justin lowly chuckles while the other laugh as well

"Okay I've one too," Maejor says, "what happened to the guy who lost his left arm and leg."


"Don't worry he's all right now!" Maejor laughs and everyone laughs

"Okay my turn," Alexis says and turns to look at me, "Holly! Knock knock."

"Umm who's there?" I say, confused as to why she chose me


"Idiot who?"

"You! You're an idiot." She laughs

Not funny dude

"It's funny because it's true!" She adds making other people chuckle and I pretend to laugh so it won't look like that joke affended

"Alexis wanna here a joke?" I say

"Yeah, what?" She asks

"Your life." I smile, making Martin chuckle next to me

She put fake smile on her face, "you wanna here another joke?" She asked

"Sure, what is it?" I reply

"Your love life." She chuckles

"Oh?" I laugh, "if my love life's a joke what is yours because mines so much better than yours."

"Okay, guys." Maejor says trying to calming himself down from hi laughing to much ,"enough jokes."

"Let's order." Justin says piping down also from his laughing

I nod and look at Alexis one more time while she was giving me the hairy eyeball. Well,shit bitch.

It was a.....joke.

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