《Texts | Justin》Midnight memories


Why Justin look like he broke with a wife and two kids in this picture above 😂🤔

So there's smut ahead and yes it's the smut that you need holy water for so here😇 '💧💧💧' and use it wisely. You don't want to waist it in irrelevant places 😉


*the next day*

"I look for ways to say I love you, but I ain't into to making love songs, so baby I'm just rapping to this LSD." I sing quietly to myself editing a pic I was going to post (a/n: Listen to LSD by ASAP rocky it's so calm and sooo catchy)

"Do you know what LSD even is?" Justin asks

"No clue." I reply locking my phone

"It's a drug." He tells me, I look at him raising my eyebrow


"Yeah, it's illegal. It stands for lysergic acid diethylamide. It's a potent hallucinating drug, makes you see things that aren't there."

"Okay Einstein." I say impressed from his knowledge

"What can I say. I know my drugs." He smiles

"Now you sound like a drug addict that makes the drugs." I giggle

He lowly chuckles. Damn that laugh, "I just know my knowledge Holly."

"Okay, Bieber you know your knowledge " I surrender

He laughs again and I join him

After our laughing died he starts to speak

"Can I tell you a joke?" He says

I laugh, "sure. Tell away." I say putting my phone on the table and look straight at him

"Okay," he start, "Why did Adele cross the road?"

Oh my, I've heard this one before

"To say hello from the other side?" I say

"No, to steal my Grammy from me." He says seriously.

I stop for a second thinking about it then burst out of laughter because of the deep joke

"That is so funny because it's true." I shout still laughing. He rolls his eyes and starts laughing too

"Woo." I say and wipe my tears of laughing and simmer down ,"that's deep."

"That's what she said." He mumbles

"...imma act like you didn't say that." I say

He shrugs and stands up to head at his backyard. I follow behind him until we were by his pool.

"Your pool is so blue." I comment and feel how cold the water is

"Yeah, it gets cleaned like weekly." He replies

"Let's jump in." I suggest

"Okay." He says and then after that he picks me up and throws me in the pool. The pool was quite cold but it wasn't really that cold. Once I reach the top I look at him and glare, "you know I would kill you if I had my phone in my pocket. But I remember I left it at the table."


"I was also thinking that now but thank goodness you did." He says taking off his top, throwing it at the side and slides in. He shivers and walks to me.

"Why didn't you say it's cold." He whines

"You neve asked." I laughed, "now give me a wet hug."I say jumping onto him and clinging on him

"Holllyyyy, you're cold."

"Ay, that's what you get for pushing me in the pool." I say. My legs were clinging on his waist and he had his hands on my sides

"You suggested it." He says lowly while our face were close.

"Well I guess we should get out then, should we?"

"Nah, I have a few things we could do here." He says and it gave me shivers down my spine.

*smut shiiiii*

He leans in to kiss me and I reply, kissing him back. I felt his hand on my cheek deepening the kiss, pulling me closer to his body. I wrap my arms around his neck enjoying every second of this, his lips against mine us, our bodies touching and the heat of our bodies together. It's weird that we're still in his swimming pool but it was so pleasurable I couldn't stop. We hadn't felt each other's lips and skin in a while but his touch didn't feel new to me.

He trailed his hands down to my waist pulling me closer to him, he moves back until my back hits the wall making me groan and he starts leaving kisses down my spine.

And here we go again. The next level, I'm proud of myself tho, I haven't gotten a whiff of boo since last year.

Minutes later things a bit too heated like there were moans and grinding and shit so we were pretty addicted to the feeling at that moment

"take this off, yea?" Justin says and I put my hands up so he could take my top off and he does, leaving me with my bra and pajama shorts

We carry in making out until he goes down from my neck to my chest, sucking at my skin.

That is definitely going to leave a mark.

He starts to slowly pull my pajama shorts and panties down.

Is this actually going to happen?

Am I about to loose my virginity to Justin in his swimming pool?

Once they were off he threw them aside leaving me with just nothing but my bra on. He pulls me closer to him and I could immediately feel his hardness on my upper thigh. I lean in to kiss him again roaming my hands on his muscular body until my hands land on his waist by his v-line where by his sweatpants. I lower them down and he stops me from taking them off so he could do it. He takes them off quickly leaving him completely naked.


Is this really going to happen? Oh my fuck.

"Holly," he says in between his kisses

"Uh huh." I managed to say

"Are you sure you want to do this here?" He whispers in my ear

"..Only if you want to." I reply pulling him closer to me. I cling my legs on his waist and then he could do the rest.

"I do but...it's going to hurt, Holls."

"I don't fucking care just...ugh just do it." I say and then he stares at me, "it's about time Justin."

After that he smirks and unclips my bra reveling my breasts and leaving us both naked.

"Woah Holly, huge boobs you have." He jokes and laughs

I laugh, "shut the fuck up."

He takes my hands and laces them to his putting them aside for them to get out the way.

"I don't have a condom Holly."

"I don't really care right now, I'll buy a pill after."

"Okay,make sure you do." He replies and I nod

As he was about to enter me he whispers to me, "don't worry it won't hurt for long." then he enters

I gasp at how huge he is , I couldn't even speak at all.

He starts moving slowly inside me making it more painful. What the hell, how do people cope with this pain?!

"Tell me if you want to stop." Justin pants putting his face on my neck

"No no," I managed to say as I feel the pain fading away

"Shit.. Oh fuck you're so tight." Justin groans moving deeper in me.

Yeah maybe because I'm a virgin. Well I was.

After sometime of Justin moving slowly and waiting for the pain to fade away it did, thank goodness, the pain turned into pleasure making me want more

"Justin," I start,"go faster." I say to him and he immediately goes faster and deeper



I unlace my fingers from his and cover my face from my facial expressions.

After some time he pulls out of me making me confused then he turns me around so he can enter me from behind

Why does this boy know what to do?

The more pleasure it got the more faster he went

"Holly, shit you better get off if you don't want me to co-"

"Oh my fucking shit." I cut him off as I was at my highest

He groans loudly and after he comes inside making me climax because of the feeling.

He exits me and I swim away from him to the steps. I try to stand up but I was already too sore so I just sit on the step and look at Justin who was already looking at me.

"Wow." He says

"Wow." I copy him,

"Did we just have our first sex in my pool?" Justin says to make sure

"Not just that, I just lost my virginity in your pool." I add

"That was so unplanned." He says and I smile and blush

"Come on let's go back inside."he says jumping the pool.

"Please carry me."I ask. He gives me a confused look at first then gets why I'm asking so he walks to me and carries me back inside. He places me on the couch giving me a blanket and leaves to get us dry clothes.

I can't believe what just happened

Do I regret it?

I don't know. I was thinking our first time would've been more romantic and not just unplanned.

God this is going to haunt me forever

To clear my head I reach my phone and just go on Instagram or something.

I see i have lots notifications and messages on my lock screen

But one catches my eye.

I have a missed call from,

Hailey Baldwin


What could she call me for?

"Here you go." Justin says cutting me through my thoughts. I locked my phone before he saw anything and put my phone down. He handed me a supreme hoodie and a pair of Calvin's. I see he was dress in a plain shirt and grey sweatpants

"Thanks." I thank him putting on the hoodie and underwear

"You okay?"He asks


"You know I love you right?" He says making me smile wider than before

"I love you too. Thanks."

"For what?" He asks

"For everything. And this....um...midnight memory? Should we call it that?"I ask

He laughs, "yeah we should."

Finally got the boy I love back in my life.

But will he always be around?


Wooooaaahhhkayyy guys. Don't you think it was time for Holly get the D tho like I felt it was time.

But she finally got it YAS. That was so long to write dzammmmm

Stay tuned because there's more oooohhhh and ahhhhh and whatttt and ohhh noooo's to come 😉

Question; Mark my words or I'll show you? I choose I'll show you 😊

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