《Texts | Justin》Birthday tears


It was so nice seeing my friends on my birthday. This has literally been the best day this year.

I was sitting with a bunch of friends and we have been talking for a while. I don't know where Holly is though, she just vanished when I was talking to her and then we got interrupted.

"Yo, Maejor, where's Holly?" I ask him when I started getting curious

He looks at me and raises his eyebrows, "you ask now?"

I make a confused look, "what do you mean?"

He laughs and replies, "she walked away when we finished talking."

"Walked to where?" I ask, for him to be more specific

"Dude call her, I don't know. But she walked by the bathrooms, like somewhere there. But that was like an hour ago." He explains.

"Okay." I reply one last time and excuse myself, I need to find her.

I look around the bar and she wasn't there. Where could she be though?

I take out my phone out to call her. It rings for about three time and it just read call ended.

Did she decline my call? What the fuck is going on.

I go to other the section of the club which was upstairs, where there are chilling couches and the side of there is the DJ section.

Once I make my way up there. Not that much people where here but I saw someone not to far sitting on couch alone, on their phone.

"Holly!" I shout as soon as I knew it was her.

I head jots up from her phone, when she heard me shout her name.

I sit down next to her and she looks away her wiping her cheeks.

"Hey. Where'd you go?" I say as nicely as possible because I can tell she's not in the best mood.


She shrugs locking her phone, "It was just loud down there, I just wanted to sit here." She says with a down voice.

"Are you sure. Are you okay?" I ask

He breaths in, "Nothing, I'm fine. Let's go." She says standing up

I pull her down making her sit back down, "We're not leaving until you tell me what's wrong Holly." I tell her

"Nothing. Is wrong." She hiccups

"You have hiccups, that means you've been crying, Holly, what's wrong?"

She sighs and wipes the tears that were on the verge to fall out.

"It's stupid.." She says, "it's that.. I miss you. Fuck I'm so dumb never mind Justin let's go."

"No, it doesn't sound stupid at all. It's pretty serious."

She was crying because she missed me? Wow

"Yes it's stupid Justin because, I was the person that ended the relationship and now I look so stupid for crying over I ended. It's just seeing you with a girl that's not me makes me feel useless and a waist of time. Like I'm thinking that should be me."

"We're both at fault, Holls. I fucking miss so much like I cry every night thinking where I went wrong. I still want to be with you, I'll literally never get over you Holly it's stupid. All the girls don't make me happy like you do and you should know that."

"Then why are you so distance these past months."

"Honestly I was just trying to make you miss me." I chuckle

"It's worked alright." She says looking into my eyes

I never realized we were close until our foreheads started touching

She was was breathing heaving and we stared at each other

"Holly?" I says for her to hear


"Can I kiss you?" I ask

She smiles and without an answer leans for our lips to touch.

We kissed so passionate like a couple hadn't seen each other for months

God I missed her so much.

We carried on for quiet a while, none of us wanted to stop

Not at all.

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