《Texts | Justin》Birthday club


Listening to Let Me Love You and I'm actually listening to it hard I'm about to cry because the lyrics are so cute. Okay okay enjoy and please vote xx


So it's about 8pm and Justin thought, what's best than celebrating the rest of your birthday in the club? Especially when it's the best club in the city. The club was called Tiger and basically everyone goes. Even celebrities. Before I met Justin I used to go but I couldn't get to VIP because it was for celebrities and it was super expensive so I was like fuck that but finally in my life I get to go in VIP. With Charlotte actually because Justin said I could invite her so I was like lol okay.

Tiger opens on weekends and on Wednesday because they say. Wednesday is hump day. Quite weird but Idgaf

We were already in the car, stuck in late traffic.

"This is gonna be lit, I might die." Charlotte says locking her phone.

I give her a look and she shrugs, "sorry! I haven't been to a club since last year!"

"Me too." I agree

"Losers." Maejor comments joking around

"Being a loser is better than being an alcoholic." I also joke

"What? I'm no alcoholic."

"You kind of are Maej."

"Name one thing I did that make me an alcoholic."

"You hosted a party and invited Justin and not me but it's aight. And I saw you drunk AF at the Beverly Hills Hotel."

"....That was one time."

"Whatever you say big guy." I say sarcastically

"Why is traffic so slow." Justin mumbles to himself next to me. I turn to him

"Impatient much?"

"Uh huh."

"Don't worry, we'll be here before you know it."



"Hey Justin." Some girl comes up to Justin. Justin looses his attention from me to the girl. His smile grows and so does hers.

"Hey!" He replies to her and they hug.

I couldn't help but acknowledge the girl. She was wearing a short black dress with nice expensive high heels.

Model much.

Justin didn't seem to bother me after she came so he carried on talking the girl. Okay then. After I feel like I'm not needed here anymore I sigh and walk away to the other table where there was Maejor and his other friends

I sit next to Maejor and take his drink gulping it down.

"Woahwoah." He says to me snatching his cup back when I was finished with it.

I make a face, "what is this?" I say after swallowing it

"Hennessy." He laughs

"Gross why is it so strong?!"

"I haven't mixed it yet. Yeezus may why are even drinking my cup." He laughs

"Nothing, I'm just thirsty and Justin was third wheeling me." I roll my eyes

"With who?" He says looking at Justin's direction

I point at them and look at them again, Justin looking down at her outfit. Woahkay then.

"Oh, that girl? Sarah Graham? You're jealous of Sarah?"

"I'm not jealous."

"She is hot to be honest with ya. I understand you're if jealous. I'm also of Justin talking to her " He jokes at the last part and I give him the hairy eye ball

"I'm not jealous." I repeat.

"Well drinking Hennessy with no mixute, sure seem li-"

"I'm not fucking jealous." I reply

He puts his hands in surrender and makes a terrified face.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'm not jealous.... I don't know. I just miss him. Like us. He doesn't give me recognition anymore you know?" I shrug at the end, explaining to Maejor.


"I know. But I know what's going on though. Justin, he gets used to people. Like he's used to seeing you everyday, it's not exciting anymore. Make him miss you. Make him miss what you guys used to have."

"That's, a great idea."

"Eh." He replies smiling and shrugging

I can't but think how right he is. But I don't know if it will work.

"What should I do then specifically. Hang with other boys?" I ask confused

"Bitch no, I don't know? Maybe? I don't want to tell you stuff then it goes wrong and you come to me and blame me."


"Good luck though."

"I'll need it." I reply walking away


Question: do like Justin's Twitter or Instagram?

I like both! 😝

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