《Texts | Justin》Mall & fans


"You're packing such little stuff."

I sigh in frustration, "I'm still going shopping."

"Oh whatever but we better get going then."

I decided to pack now because I'm leaving tomorrow and I'm going to prom in a few hours. I check the time. 14:35 well fuuck. I zip up my suitcase and put them aside. My goodness this is so exciting.

"Well it's getting late so let's get to your shopping then the salon."

"Oh yeah right." I say. I quickly grab a jacket and we head out.... Again.

"what shop first?" Charlotte asks once we enter.

I shrug and we walk around until we see one shop we like.

We enter and look around and find a few things.

I pay for the close I chose and we leave

As we to leave some girls shouts 'excuse me' and I look around.

I spot three girls heading to me and char. One was taking a video and others were holding shopping bags.

"Hi." The one girl says to me. Charlotte and I smile at them

"Hi." I say

"One question what's your name?" She asks

I look at her confusingly. "Why?"

"I'm just asking." She says annoyed

"Holly-May." I slowly say and Charlotte nudges me.

"Oh my you're Justin Bieber's friend right? Holly-May Hamilton?!" She excitingly shouts. Say it don't spray it.

"Um yeah?" I chuckle

"Oh my god can you tell Justin I said hi?"

"I guessss so? Okay." I say confused

"Thank you Holly-May." They say and walk away. Well that was....weird?

I look at Charlotte and give her the 'what was that' look

"I don't even know what to say." She says with a confused look on her face. Do people really know about Justin and I. Wait, will things ever be the same again.


I ignore my conscious and carry on shopping until I officially wasted $350 on clothes. Well at least I still have money left. We finished shopping so we went to the salon that we booked appointments for our hair and makeup.

Charlotte was getting a full on fringe and was getting a trim, with an ombré. I see a lot of pictures online with girls with ombres and they look cool so I thought why not get an ombré lol.

"Yaaaasss!" Charlotte shouts to fixing her hair

"Do i really have to go this." I checking my hair.

"yessss, you can't cancel now Holly."

"Yeah I guess so."

"Okay now, we have an hour and fifteen minutes, I have to back to my house to get the stuff I need."

"Alright, I'll be here." I say sitting on my chair.

"Mmkay." Charlotte says and walks out my room

I sigh and look at the mirror one more time. I'm not used to this hair but it's pretty cool.

I take my phone out and take selfie on snapchat sending it to Justin.

I carry on going on my phone and look at the people's stories then after I get a message

It's from Charlieeeeee. Oh yay


prom night :((((((

I'll call you if I have a delay so we can go on those random drives you told me about


God it's gonna be a long month. I wonder why Justin never opened my snap. He always does. Oh well.

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