《Texts | Justin》You haven't met?


"And that's why Gary and I are not really together." Charlotte says and I pull over parking in front of my garage

"But like what do you feel. You still like him?" I ask drinking the rest of my coffee.

She sighs, "I think I love Gary but I don't know."

"Well let's talk about that later. Let's just drink our coffee and if your hungry we could find something to eat." I say taking the key out of ignition and open the door.

"Why couldn't we buy breakfast there?"

"I'm trying to save much money as possible. My parents only put 1 grand in my credit card."

"What the hell thats a lot"

"For overseas it's not." I point out.

Charlotte shrugs and nods then gets out too.

As I continue to walk I see a familiar car that parked on my property and I wonder who it is.

"Who's car is that?" Charlotte says standing next to me also looking at the car

"I don't," I slowly say but stop. I just walk to my front door and Charlotte stays not following me.

I see a figure standing in front of my door. Well of course it's Justin he was wearing a black jersey and with the hat on. And he was wearing normal black jeans. Oh and white vans. I just pay every single detail to him and I'm not ashamed.

"Justin?" I ask slowly heading to him.

The figure quickly turns around and no doubt. It was Justin

"Hey Holls." He smiles

"What are you doing here?" I chuckle

"Just dropping off something for you." He says walking to me.

After that Charlotte comes and she hasn't noticed Justin yet because she's on her phone.


She looks up and she widens her eyes and her jaw dropping.

"Uhhhhhhh." She says "hiiii?"

I don't even know what to do honestly. Introduce them. Have they met??? I don't think so.

"Hi I'm Justin." Justin says to Charlotte

"Charlotte." Char says still looking at him in the eyes.

"Oh hello, I've heard so much about you." Justin says and he takes out his hand for a hand shake

"Oh well me too." She smiles. And I blush. Awks

They shake hands and I go back the convo

"What'd you drop off?" I ask

"Oh, just some sushi." He chuckles then hands me the packet he was holding

I laugh, "I'm not suprised. Thanks though."

"No problem. I'll see you later. Good luck for prom. And you" he says pointing it to char at the end

"Okay bye Justin." I laugh

"Nice meeting you." Charlotte smiles waving goodbye.

He winks then walks off.

When he was gone Charlotte deeply sighs.

"Oh my fuck, he so hot." She blurts out

I laugh and shrug opening my front door, I can't disagree

We enter my house "He's a keeper." Charlotte says winking at me

I laugh "it's complicated."

We carry on talking and eat some sushi. Have done so much today. But this day hasn't even really started.


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