《Texts | Justin》Friday morning


So it's six am in the morning and I'm surprisingly awake. Well I have to be because my parents are leaving to New York this morning. I'm bummed they won't make it to my prom, oh yeah that's why I'm feeling some type of way. Prom is tonight and I really can't change anything now because today is the day, I'm super sad. And tomorrow I'm going to Europe with Justin. Oh gosh so much is happening. Good and sad. I'm going to miss my parents so much and I was looking forward to stay with Charlotte this break but unfortunately i have plans.

After I've looked through my closet to see if I have everything ready for tonight and tomorrow. Well tonight can't be bad right?

I make my way downstairs to check on my parents to see if they were okay.

"You guys need help?" I ask politely

"Oh yeah can you go get my iPad and laptop upstairs in my room please?" My mom asks quickly fixing and checking visas and passports

"Alright." I agree and run upstairs to get my moms iPad and laptop. I walk past room but here my phone has been ringing for quite a while I rush and check to see what it is.

It was just Charlotte

I answer and head to my parents' room

"Hey char." I say entering my parents' room

"Hey Holls, ready for prom?" She asks excitedly

I sigh and roll my eyes, "I guess so." I groan

"Come on, this is your last day in LA for like 2 months so just be happy for once."

I sigh once again, looking around for my moms stuff and see it on the bed.

"I guess I will, when am I seeing you?" I ask taking my moms bag with her laptop and iPad inside and walk back downstairs


"Just now, my parents are just getting ready to leave." She groans

"Mine too." I laugh

"Well okay I'll see you just now. Don't forget we have a hair salon appointment at 4:30."

"Alright but I need to go shop for clothes today. Like I really need to." I say handing my mom her bag and she thanks me.

"Okay okay, just-" Charlotte groans , "no mom! Okay! I'm coming! Kendall fok off."

"Hey I need to go, see you son."

"See you sun." I say hanging up.

"Holly May come help me here." My dad calls

I groan and head to him,

"Put my small bag outside, yeah? I just to do something real quick." He says walking

I sigh and take his apparently small bag outside. I struggle to pick it up so I just drag it. What does he put in his bags? bricks? I put it on the front veranda and look to see charlottes house. I see Kendall hugging her parents. Then after Charlotte comes out, wipes her tears and then does the same thing. I smile to myself. Sometimes I feel lucky that I still have my parents around me. After about my sister I feel like there was no point of living but now I see there is. Gosh I can still picture her. She's just like me.

My parents come out after and all their stuff are packed and ready to get to their car.

"Rachel's here to pick us up honey." My mom says. Rachel is a lady that works with mine and charlottes parents she lives in Beverly Hills and is actually extremely rich but got divorced 3 times but right now she's not married but does have a boyfriend and he is like 9 years older than her. She so cute and kind though.


I nod, some how I feel sad. My parents just came back from Puerto Rico and now they leaving for New York for four months? This is kid torture.

"I'll miss you guys." I say then my eyes well up.


I wake up again from falling back asleep after my parents left and I check the time 8:30

Then I see I got a message from Mac, Justin and Charlotte



Alright I'll be ready

Bipolar Bieber


Justin you don't have to 😂

But alright I'll see you at 10 I just wanna see you that's all I want




Seconds later Charlotte comes in my room.

"You read my message that fast?" I ask chuckling

"Nah, I just came before you answered." She says falling down my bed

"Gosh I have so much to do." I groan

"Let's go to the mall." She suggests

"Now?" I ask

"Yeah." She says sitting up

"Not now."

"Okay let's go out for ihop."

"Okay I guess we can."

She just shrugs not asking what I mean and we go out for ihop.

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