《Texts | Justin》Suprises


"Your house is too nice"

He shrugs and locks the door behind me. I look around his house in awe and I drop my bag by his door.

"This house makes me feel insecure about mine." I laugh

"Come on. Your house is great."

"Eh." I say sitting on his couch

"And guess what I brought." He says getting excited

"An iPhone 7?! Another car?! Omg it's a Cadillac!" I guess

He gives me a look and my smile turns to a fake smile guessing I guessed wrong

"Okay maybe you were right saying your bad at guessing." He laughs

I shrug, "Can't blame a girl for trying."

He laughs and shakes his head, "it's sushi!!"

"Don't you get tired of sushi?" I laugh following him to his kitchen.

"Psht, no." He says

We enter his kitchen and I widen my eyes at how beautiful it is. I keep my mouth shut because I think I've complimented his house way too much so now he's gonna think I'm a freak, I act natural and sit on the chair of his kitchen island and he sits next to me opening the sushi box.

"Here you go m'lady" Justin says in a British monologue voice handing me some chop sticks

"Well thanks butter boy." I laugh taking the chopsticks. He's adorable

We start to eat and we talk and talk about shit.

"Want to play a game?" Justin asks randomly

"What's it called."

"21 questions or confessions."

I laugh, "isn't it just 21 questions?"

"Yeah but where's the fun in that."

"Sure whatever," I say dipping my sushi into some soy sauce

"Okay you go first." He says drinking some of his beer he took out the fridge

"Okay I'll start with confessing," I laugh "before you told me you were really, Justin Bieber I stayed up all night trying to figure out if it was you because you told me you where in Hawaii then Japan then I was like what the fuck, Justin Bieber was in Hawaii and Japan."

He laughs,"I was a bit too obvious wasn't I." He says more of it being a question

"Uhh yeah, pretty much." I say then pat him on the back

"My turn okay," he pauses thinking then smirks,"when we were still texting I asked for you age you first told me were 12 but then you said you were actually 18, I didn't believe you, I thought you were actually 12 until I started snapchatting you."


I laugh and then I hear some one come in the kitchen. I turn to see that it was Todd

"Awwwwww." I say

"Hey Todd." Justin says waving at the Todd.

Todd just pants sticking out his tongue then walks out the room.

I quietly laugh he smiles at me

"Do your parents let you go out at night?"

"They weren't home. Had a late meeting and they booked a hotel." I sighed

He gives me a sad smile rubs my arm for comfort, "at least you can stay longer."

I laugh, "yeah! But I have school early morning," I remembered

"I'll take you don't worry."

"You sure?"

He nods smiling.

"Thanks," I say "so do you have netflix?" I ask changing the subject

"Haha yeah come." He says walking off and I follow.

We end up in a room which I guess is the tv room. There's a huge flat screen tv with couches filling the room. These couches look like theater couches which is so cool.

I see also an x-box and Apple TV under the tv.

"Can we play just play some x-box."

"Sure." Justin says picking up two controls passing me one. He turns on the x-box and sets it up.

"What game?" He asks

I see that he has a pack of games stacked in the cupboard. Most of them I just didn't know I don't want to pick a random game and embarrass myself so I just pick Fifa. Yeah I'm good at Fifa my cousin, Reece is an expert I'm sure t's genetic lol.

"Fifa?" I say taking out the game and hand it to him

He laughs,"you play Fifa?"

"Do you know who your talking to. I'm the queen of Fifa." I say dusting my shoulders

"Oh we'll see. Want to play a game. Loser gets to do what the winner wants for a day." He bets

"Okay, but I dibs the team Chelsea." I agree, sitting on his couch getting comfortable.

"Oh okay it's on Hamilton" He says putting the game on.

"Bring it Biebs!" I say biting my lip

He sits down next to me and we wait for it to start

"E A sports, to the game!" I copy the guy from the game saying it. I always love singing the ea sports song before the game starts


Just gives me a look then laughs. I shrug, I just love the song, it's so catchy lol.


I sigh sinking in my seat.

"Wooooooooohooooo." Justin cheers.

So as you can tell Justin won. Well I lost, I don't know how I did I was like winning then he just scored 4 goals at the last minute. I was winning 4-1 and he just had to score 4 times in a row. I'm sorry I know I've said it twice but I just can't get over it. Four times in a row. What even

"Okay Justin it was luck."

"No! That wasn't luck, that was skill baby!" He shouts standing on the couch

"Okay okay." I sigh. I'm so bummed. 5-4. And he just had to win. I was going well but I guess I got distracted on how cute he is.

"It's lit!" He shouts jumping off the couch then sits next to me. He stares at me and I just ignore him crossing my arms to my chest still looking at the tv.

"Awww Holly don't get mad, if it makes you feel better, you won't have to do whatever I say."

I smile still not looking at him but the tv.

"I'm only asking one thing." He says

I look at him and smile, "okay, what is that one thing"

"Can I kiss you?" He asks looking at my lips

Oh gawd what do I do. Wtf am I thinking, I nod pull in and I kiss him softly. He kisses back then his hands land on my waist and my hands are in his short hair. He pulls me up motioning me to climb onto of him. I sit on him and we carry on kis- well making out.

On and on and on until a few minutes later I pull away because I'm out of breath.

He smiles and I smile, "sorry if I'm crushing you." I laugh finally breaking the silence.

"Trust me your not, your actually light as fuck."

I laugh and just get off him.

"Well now I don't have to do anything you say anymore."

"Yup, but you can still kiss me," he smirks winking at me "anytime baby."

I got shivers down my spine from the baby, he now calls me baby? Is this still a friendship? I like him, but I don't know if he likes me anymore because Hailey is around and I think he wants to hang out with her more than me.... I don't know

"What are we?" I blurted out

"Humans?" He says more of it being a question

"No like you and I?"

He sighs, "I don't know?"

"Do you like the idea of us, like...yah know."


"Never mind scratch that."

"No tell me."

"It's not important, forget it."

"Alright, well what do you wanna do now."

"We can talk, you leaving so why we just talk."

"Alright, so you going prom on Friday." He sigh

"I don't want to go." I sigh leaning back on the couch

"Why not?" He pouts

"My date, he's an ass." I roll my eyes thinking about Mac

"Oh well, buts it's prom, you have to go."


He shrugs not knowing what to say or reply.

"Then I have holidays." I say breaking the silence

"Ahh when?" His face lightens up

"Friday's the last day. 2 months of holiday then graduation"

"Well we'll have like one last day together." He weakly smiles

"Yeah." I whisper and lie my head on his shoulder.

We stay quiet for a while we watch some tv until he breaks the silence

"Or I do have one thing."

"What's that?" I say still looking at the tv

"You can come with me."

I widen my eyes and sit properly looking at him

"What." I managed to say

"Only if you want to i mea-"

"No no no. I mean like come to tour with you?"

He smiles and nods

I smile widely thinking about great that would sound buuuuuut i think what my parents would say. I mean they haven't even met Justin. I mean they don't even know about us.

"Um, I'll ask my parents but I doubt it." I answer

"Why would you want me to come?" I curiously ask

"Well my other friends are coming, Maejor is but I want you to come so we could get closer."

"Closer?" I question

"You know what I mean." he says and wraps his arm around me for comfort.

"It would be so much fun." I quietly say and cuddling in his arms watching some tv

He smiles and we stay quiet watching some tv show I've never even heard of before.

What the fuck just happened........

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