《Texts | Justin》Plans for the months


So I've been here for quiet a long time and I'm getting really bored. My parents are talking to Charlottes parents for

like a long time which is legit all about work.

But Justin is still here with Hailey laughing and touching and shit which makes me mad and Im getting quite mad at myself because I'm feeling like this. They are just friends- I think.... I hope.

I'm not sure why they still here though. But they look like they getting a long I mean they haven't gotten food but they do have drinks which I guess why they still here. I'm glad he's getting along with Hailey again, like she's really nice and she's not Sofia lol- I'm not hating on Sofia.

"I'm going to the toilet." I say to everyone,they nod their heads and carry on doing what they are doing.

I take a long route so Justin won't see me but it doesn't really make a difference because I'm visible to him. As I was about to enter the bathroom I quickly look at him and he was already looking at me with surprised eyes but I quickly enter the bathroom so it won't get any awkward. I do my business and then wash my hands and take a breath trying to calm myself down.

It's just Justin- he's your best friend don't worry- well I wouldn't say best friend but I know what I mean. I fix my hair and get out the bathroom seeing Justin and Hailey already have their food. I shrug- I really don't know why I do but I casually walk back to my table taking the normal route back which is walking past his table and I just quickly glance at him and walk faster back to my table and he was just staring at me not knowing what to say.


I sit back down next Charlotte- which she was finishing her Italian Tacos. I take a deep breath and close my eyes asking myself why am I feeling like this.

"Charlotte- are you still together with that guy Gary?" Charlottes mom Rebecca asks Charlotte

"Yes mom." Charlotte says clearly annoyed

I laugh and she glares at me and I shrug my shoulders

"And you girls?"

"Luke and I are still going strong," Kendall says looking at her nails

Her mother just shakes her head and looks at me asking for an answer.

"And you holly- any boys?" She asks

Omg don't put me in the spot

"No." I politely say with a smile

"Oh my really- I could've sworn I saw you on tv the other day with th-"

"That wasn't me!"

She gives me a confused look

"I mean how could I be on tv when I've been- um going to school haha"

"Oh yeah," she says and goes back to talk with my parents

"Oh yes! Girls listen up." Rebecca says , Rebecca is Charlottes mom btw

We all stay quiet and look at my mom

Charlottes dad starts talking, "so our next business trip is going to be on Friday morning."

Friday?? didn't they just leave.

"And it's going to be at New York for...four months." My mom finishes

I widen my eyes, "four months?! But you just left." I say

"Honey this is very important, come on you and Charlotte and Kendall will have two houses all to yourselves."

"Or you could just come with." My dad says

"But I can't." I say

"Don't you have a holiday after prom?" Thomas, chars dad asked

"Yeah we do but,we have to stay in LA, we graduating and we gotta practice." Charlotte says


They nod in agreement when I think wait our parents are going to miss our graduation, I was about to mention it but Kendall started talking.

"Mooooom, why you both leaving." Kendall says

"It's our whole business. We're staring in New York."

I sigh and just keep quiet. Well at least it will be Charlotte Kendall and I. It'll be cool because we're neighbors plus we live in calabasas the best place ever so why not but my parents are never home and I was actually looking forward to having them back home.

"You know how much we love you girlies right." Rebecca says

"Those are just words, raise our allowances." Kendall says

Our parents just laugh thinking its a joke. I mean come on mom and dad I'm 18 and I get $500 a month? That's kind of a lot but for them it's like change.

My phone buzzes and it was just Justin of course


Shouldn't I be asking you that

My parents just got back and me and charlottes family are having some lunch at Beverly Hills

And you and Hailey?

You guys back together



Actually you can on Friday and sat

Mine and charlottes parents are leaving to nyc

For four fucking months

Sarcasm doesn't work on text messages

Friday is prom then I have a breakkkkkkkk

For like 2 months yay

I don't even wanna go

Can't I just chill with you for your last day


Can I come to your house tonight

Oh my you live there

I'm not suprised

No I bet your house is prettier than my face

I wish a lot of things


You basically in the same room as me

Don't get distracted by me

Finish your date with hailey

I bet


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