《Texts | Justin》UCLA



"So Holly-May, your graduation is less than a month." My dad says starting a conversation.

I sigh "yeah"

"Are you excited for UCLA?" My mom asks

"Haha what? I don't know if I even got in yet."

"Oh your dad forgot to tell you?" My mom says

"Wait," I nervously laugh "I got in?"

"Yeah, didn't I show you?" My dad says


"Oh well sor-"

"I doesn't matter I got in!" I excitedly say

My mom gives me a look to keep my voice level down as we are in a restaurant. But I don't really care, I got denied from this one university so I thought that if one denied me everyone that I signed up for would so my option was gap year but nope! UCLA

"Well you and Charlotte got in honey, I was talking to her parents and they were both happy." My mom said

I just smile and finish the rest of my pasta. My parents start having a conversation about work so I just take my phone out to text Justin


Guess what

I'm going to UCLA!!!!!

Well yeah

Old fag


Sorry later


I sigh and go on Instagram, and first go on my feed

I hear a few whispers which make me look up and look around

I see two girls that were basically the table next to me gossiping

I only hear one sentence which was enough to make sense about this situation

"What the hell is Justin Bieber doing here?"

I instantly look where she was pointing to see Justin with somebody, he was practically close to my table which made me jump,what the hell is he doing here? Is he really busy? Omg what do I do.


My heart beat fast to see that Justin was with a girl, it hell wasn't Sofia because she's in New York but mm who could that be.

I continue to look at them when a waiter comes to them so they could order, the girl faces the waiter and I could finally see her face. Hailey Baldwin?

I widen my eyes, why is he with her? Okay maybe I'm being too stalkish so I look back on my phone and go back on insta. I remember that last time Hailey followed me on insta but I didn't need to follow her back because I already follow her.

Then I randomly post a photo of charlotte and I in a ice skating rank and caption it "happy hump day" tagging: charlymair, that's charlottes insta, charly is just a nickname her fam gives her. (a/n: if you guys didn't know Wednesday is hump day and it's Wednesday- in the book)

I instantly get likes and I just lock my phone and mute it

"Hey girl." I look to see its Kendall, Charlottes sister

"Kendall, what are you doing here?" I chuckle

She shrugs, "parents." Sitting opposite me

I nod in agreement looking at my parents and her parents already in a deep conversation. Charlotte comes after then sits next to me

"How did you get 5 hundred likes in like 1 minute?" She asks sitting next to me

"I don't even know." I say lazy to tell her the story and because our parents are around

She gives me the 'spill it out look' and I sigh

"He's here." I say to Char drinking the rest of my water

She looks at me confused then her face lights up


"Yeah, JB." I say

"Does he know you're here?"


"No, before I knew, I texted him and he said he was busy, and look he's with Hailey."

She gasps then looks around to look for them, she finally finds out them and looks at them, I don't even to look because he's actually kind of close he's like two empty tables away and what if he sees me staring.

"They are so better looking on reality." She says looking back here.

I shrug and look at Kendall staring at us confused

"It's a long story," I say before she asks

She wanted to say something when Charlotte started talking

"Mind your own business, Kendall." Charlotte says clearly annoyed with her. She rolls her eyes and takes out her phone ignoring Charlotte. Agh if I only had a sibling I would cherish the days we had together. But nope.

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