《No Happy Endings? (COMPLETED)》XXV: The Feelings


Justin's POV:

"Justin, she hasn't let anyone in her room for days. Maybe you should just leave her alone and go back to your own house" Alfredo said but I didn't listen him but opened the door of Claire's room and stepped in.

She didn't move. "Hey, it's Justin. Are you okay, Claire?" I asked and sat down edge of her bed. I pulled off her blanket off her shoulder so I could see her better but she whimpered and pulled back. "Don't, don't touch me! Don't hurt me!"

I was able to hear a fear on her words. "I won't, baby. I just want to come and see that you're okay here since I found out that you was here at Alfredo's place" I said and moved her hair off her face but she pushed them quickly back like they were.

"Alfredo told that you have been a bit sad and absent these last days. Is everything alright? Is everything fine with Robert?" That last question of mine made her wince and jump off the bed.

"Did he send you to pick me up here?" she asked scared and stepped further to me every time when I tried to reach her. "No" I shook my head but she didn't still let me to touch her. Everything wasn't fine. "Claire, baby, I won't hurt you, I promise. Just come here to talk" I tapped place next to me on her bed.

She looked me long time before she walked over the bed and sat other side of the bed than me. "Now tell me what has happened here since I have been gone? I see that something is wrong" I asked but she didn't answer. "I want just help, nothing else" I said and moved a bit closer to her and noticed little tears on her eyes.


Suddenly she fell against my shoulder and started cry. "Hey hey, it's okay" I calmed her down and caressed her hair. "I'm so done with this. He wants me to go back to his house so he could say how sorry he is but I know that all he going to do is hurt" she cried and made my heart jump a bit.

"Wh-what he has done then?" I asked and made her pull away from me quickly. "No-nothing" she sniffled and pulled her blanket tighter around her body. I looked her disbelieved shaking my head. I moved my hands over her shoulders and pulled that blanket off over her and then I saw it.

Bruises and cuts all over her arms. She looked me ashamed and wrapped blanket back on. Next my hand moved on her face to move that hair off over her face and there were also few bruises on her left cheek. "I'm so sorry.." I mumbled and kissed one of her bruises.

"If I would have known, I would have come and save you from this" I whispered and a quiet crying started again next to me. "If I have known, I would have ever let you to leave. You don't deserve that kind of life and boyfriend. You deserve only the best" I told her but then she showed me her hand and a big diamond ring shine on her ring finger.

"We got engaged about two months ago" she mumbled and made my heart skip few beats. I was speechless. I stared her like a fool. "I'm sorry, Justin but I thought that I should move on finally and it felt right on that moment" she told and made a tear roll down my cheek.

Thought of it that I heard about it just now hurt me. "That bastard can ever give you that happiness which I gave to you" I mumbled under my breath and left the room without saying even goodbyes.


"Justin, I didn't mean- I'm sorry. I still love you though" I heard upstairs how Claire yelled after me. "Claire, I gave you my everything but it wasn't enough to you" I said not paying any attention on her. "You can't change your mind in every other second. You have to choose your side" She looked me tears on her eyes. "It's up to you now, Claire" I told and left her house.

Third POV:

Her feelings were like a storm, like they had always been. She didn't know what she really wanted but Justin didn't let that storm took him with it again. This time she must tame it herself.


Thoughts? What do you think will happen next?

Just because some of you might wonder why this chapter feels so familiar, I have posted this before on my account in Instagram. Claire was just Y/N on that one

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