《No Happy Endings? (COMPLETED)》XXI: Last Drop


Third POV:

They sat on the dinner table without saying anything. Robert poured a wine to his own and Claire's glasses. "So how was the work?" he mumbled and took a sip of his wine before he moved his gaze over his girlfriend asking. "Good" Claire mumbled back and played with piece of tortilla. "A little busy but yeah.."

He nodded and took a bite of his tortilla roll. A deep silence landed between them, just sounds of cutleries was only thing which they could hear. "I was meeting my brother and I didn't remember call you" Claire said finally even she had just thought that she would keep that fact inside her.

It felt pointless on that moment but sometimes even pointless things should be said out. Robert gave a short stare over her but didn't say anything. He didn't believe her. It was just another lie from her and he had got tired of them.

Robert's POV:

I let my glass fill all over again of wine, so on some point I didn't felt anything anymore. It was the edge which I needed to be ready talk with Claire because I couldn't talk with her sober things like that.

I hated the feeling how my heart got deep cuts while she talked to me. My heart was full of holes where blood dripped little by little out, just one hit and it would explode. It wasn't just when we faced problems but also in normal life. I just couldn't do it without that I had taken a few shots.

Now I had poured more than just few shots down to my throat and I felt like I would have been alive after a long time. I didn't feel sad at all anymore. I let out a soft laugh and looked her. "Claire honey, do you know what? I don't give a shit about it where you was or with who" She looked me surprised but didn't answered anything.


"Because you know, it's all the same to me nowadays do you tell the truth or not to me "I ran my finger against the glass. "I just want you to now that, I understand it that you can't ever love me like you loved that douchebag" I grinned in the end. She didn't say anything still, just stared me.

"I think that you love him still, right? You think that your lies can cover that fact, you met him still behind my back. I keep running back to him because he's richer and more famous..-" "That's not true" she finally said out and stood up the table. "I haven't met him in months. I haven't called him or even thought about him after that he called me that once" she continued telling me but her words were like little balloons which popped when I stuck them with a needle.

"Look at me and say it!" I mumbled her and grabbed the wine bottle in my hand so I could drink the rest of our wine there. She sat in front of me. "I'm over him, Robert. I love you and no one else. You're that one who with I want spend the rest of my life and start a family" she told me the softest voice possible.

I looked her deep in the eyes, it made her nervous. "You should really learn lie better, cunt" I grinned before I grabbed her by neck.

Claire's POV:

"Help!" I yelled and help another kick against my rib while I was laying on the floor weak and helpless like a little kid. Why that felt so familiar, maybe because it wasn't the first time. "Shut the fuck up, whore! Nobody hear your weak words" he mumbled and grabbed a bottle on the table.


"What do you think should we play a little spin the bottle?" he laughed and hit the bottle against edge of our dining table. Pieces of glasses dropped all over the floor and I stared him even more scared. "Robert, I'm so so sorry" I begged him but that evil grin didn't leave from him face.

He let his all weight move over me and tried hit the broken bottle as hard as possible against me but failed. Tears ran down my eyes and it got even worse every second. "Robert no!! You're not like that.. STOP!" I yelled and tried push him away but to be honest it was just a waste of energy.

Again he tried hit me and this time a corner of the bottle really hit me and a huge scream left my mouth. "HELP! SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP.." I yelled as loud as I could before I felt Robert's hands against my mouth. "Why can't you believe in one warning?!" he yelled and hit me against my arm which started bleed.

He continued and continued but then after about two minutes I heard how front door flew open and my neighbor Rachel and her daughter Donna ran inside. "What is- GET OFF HER!" Rachel started yell and got Robert off over me.

I couldn't get breath for few moments after that so much pressure had been over me. Donna took me by hand and helped me up. I looked how Rachel was hitting and cursing over Robert who was intensively staring at me.

"You fucking cunt and your big mouth!!" he yelled and tried grab me but Rachel jumped in front of me and Donna who I was now fully leaning.

"Stay away from her or I'll call cops and I mean it!" she yelled and told her daughter Donna help me out of the house.

"Men like you should bring in the jail and keep there" I heard Rachel yelling at Robert still. I would have wanted to go back still but Donna said that it was better stay here.

My head started hurt and world around me started spin. I sat on the ground and last thing I remember was Rachel who ran outside the house. Her nose was bleeding and she was cursing over Robert while she was probably dialing police's number.

After that everything went in black.


Thoughts? This was the maybe hardest chapter to write for me because I have a lot of friends who have faced this situation and I couldn't nothing about it that I started thought about them. This is the reality for someones, violence in relationship.

It's not right but usually you can't see it before it's too late. Life is hard but we can go through it with help. There's always someone who can help, don't be scared to ask for it.

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