《No Happy Endings? (COMPLETED)》XIX: Phone Call


Claire's POV:

I stared out of the window and waiting for Robert to come back to home from the market when I heard my phone ring. "Hey" I answered happily when I first thought that it would be Robert. Thankfully I didn't answer more intimate because soon I realized that I was talking with my brother, Harry.

"Hi, Claire" he greeted. "Oh hey, Harry. Sorry, I mean that I thought that it would have been someone else" I mumbled. "Waiting for call from someone, huh?" he asked and made me laugh. "Not really, I just didn't expect that it would be you who call me" I sat down on the arm chair. "We haven't talked for ages, how's going there?"

"We're doing great with Sarah" he told. Sarah was his wife. "We're.. we're getting a baby in July" he told and that little, okay big announcement made my mouth open. "Really?! Oh my God, that's so great" I almost screamed. "Congratulations, do you know still, is it a girl or a boy?"

"It's a girl" he told and I could feel that he was probably smiling there. "I'll be an aunt" I thought myself. "Yes you will" he commented and then I realized that I had said my thought out loud. I just giggled. "That's so amazing"

"So how's everything going with your perfect boyfriend?" Harry asked. I was able to hear that he was mocking but I decided just ignore it. "Good, I mean great. He brought me to his parent's place few days ago and I think that they liked me and oh my gosh he..." I told excited to my brother who seemly couldn't care less.

I continued telling him what all we had done these last days before I noticed Robert coming back home a boutique on his hands. I giggled softly. "What's so funny, sis?" he chuckled back.


"Nothing, Robert just came back home and I think that I should stop now. It was nice to talk with you, Harry" I told to him before I heard front door open. "You too, sis. You know, we really should go drink a cup of coffee sometime" he suggested.

"That would be nice. I'll text you when I have time to it, ok?" I told and after that we said byes and hung up.

"Was it again that douchebag?" Robert asked when I attended to the kitchen. His voice was calm when he asked that but I knew that he would have been disappointed if I answer yes. "No, just my brother" I told him and kissed his cheek. "Don't worry"

He smiled weakly and started put his shopping in the fridge. "For who are those flowers?" I asked smirking the big boutique on the table. "Oh, for my grandma. It's her birthday" he told and took it on his hands. "Aren't they pretty? Red is her favorite color" he continued.

I just nodded back and smiled a little. I really hoped that those flowers would have been for me but of course I was happy that he still remembers his grandma like that. "Can I come with you when you bring them to her?" I asked. "I don't know, like I'd like to bring them just myself to her" he mumbled and grabbed his car keys from the table.

"Oh" I mumbled and made my way to the bathroom. "I won't stay long, baby" he came to give a little kiss on my cheek. "No, it's okay. Wish her happy birthday for me too" I smiled weakly even I felt a bit sad. "I will, see you soon"

So he left. Literally, he left me again. He stayed few minutes at home and left, without me. He didn't want show me to his grandmother. I don't know but maybe I seemed a bit jealous now over her and kind of angry. Was there something wrong with me? Was it because I had came from broken marriage? Did he felt ashamed over me and my former acts?


No, he wanted just spend some time with his grandma, without me. He deserves it, not everything was my business. I walked out of the bathroom and walked to my wardrobe. Maybe I should check if there was something which I didn't need anymore.

I went through all my shirts, jeans and shoes. I put a side a few of my old high heels even it felt wrong to give them away after so many shared moments. All those parties where we had went with my friends and.. Justin. I shook my head quickly and put those high heels in the big black bag.

I had to get rid of him or those things which made me think about him, I thought. It wasn't right that I thought about him. Robert was right, I should live on that moment, not in the past. Justin was my past. I took out dresses and all those jewelries which he had bought me and put them in that same bag before I pulled it out of my wardrobe.

Someone will get some good clothes from these, I thought. Someone would take all these without knowing that they were full of memories. I was giving a lot of memories to handle to someone else. I felt free when I set down that big bag next to our dustbin.

I was free, finally.


Thoughts? Comment, comment! What do you think about the new cover by the way? Do you like it? because I'm pretty proud of it at least😋

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